
Free Online Training Logs for Runners, Cyclists, Swimmers, Triathletes

This whole thing about New Years resolutions is starting to cause me stress. Now that I've made a public comittment, I now have to make sure I achieve my goals. 'Got to fill out some applications. 'Got to come up with some cash. 'Got to get on the program and start training!

As in past years, my family recently wrote a little email newsletter to stay in touch with old friends around the globe. It made me think of what I did over the past year and part of that process was to look at the events I participated in. I got nostalgic and actually went back 10 years. I even dug up some old training logs and, for the first time in 10 years, read about what I ate, slept and trained. Yikes! That was back before kids, a house and several other sink holes of time...

While I haven't read those logs in a decade, I did notice that I achieved my fastest times when I kept a log. Now, I can't say for sure if the fast times were due to the log, or because I was training more, I was younger, I had more time to train and fewer responsibilities, but I am curious. Any thoughts?

Just for fun, I did a search for online training logs. I thought I'd share the links I found here for the benefit of anyone who reads this.

Merry Christmas!

Free Online Training Logs

There's a huge variety of features and functionality available from online training logs. I've not tried any of these, but just may if I figure I need a log to keep me honest with training this year. If you have any thoughts or comments about these or other online training logs, please share them with a comment.









Another Training Log

Another training log that is in the works is Coastal Triathlete - http://www.coastaltriathlete.com

This one seems to be very promising as its going to be full featured and so far seems to have a very clean and nice user interface.




While I'm currently trying NOT to use a training log, the one I've used over the last few years is called RunCoach. It's available as shareware at http://www.sportscoach.34sp.com/. After the one month evaluation it will cost you about $40 CAD. You can document many variables for each run, like weather conditions, heart rate, etc. The feature I really like is the ability to track the mileage on your shoes and get a "time to buy new shoes" reminder when you reach a mileage (or time) predetermined by you. It even has the ability to create a training plan for you based on your PBs and current mileage, though I found this was geared more towards higher mileage runners than me.
Ean Jackson's picture


Hey Michele,

Thank you for the suggestion. RunCoach sounds like a good log. The "time to buy a new pair of running shoes" feature sounds good. Can you adjust it or is it pre-programmed to a certain distance?

The Nike Skylons I bought from my buddy Wayne Richardson in 1996 are starting to get a bit thin about the soles. (You can see them in the photo in my little story on duct tape.) Santa got me a new pair of road shoes for Christmas this year. It would be kind of cool to pit the 2 shoes against each other to see if I can get more than 15,000K out of the new Asics.


Thanks for the free training logs! They're very helpful!

- James, Resveratrol Consultant

Ean Jackson's picture

Other Suggestions

Glad to hear they helped.  Be sure to share any other you find here.

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