
Dom's '06 goals

These are my goals for 2006.

1) No injuries-This means implementing a stretching regime and yoga into my weekly workouts

2) Running with Team Snowrunning.com Snowshoe Racing Team

b) Yeti Snowshoe Race Series-Mt. Washington, Mt. Seymour, Cypress Mountain and Whistler.

c) Grouse Mountain Snowshoe Race

3) Diez Vista 50km Trail Race-April-Sub 4:50:00-Port Moody

4) Miwok 100km Trail Race-May-Sub 9:15:00-Marin County, California

5)Knee Knacker

6) Secret Run-involves 100km/day for 4 days-July-location known but I'd have to kill you

8) Various Fat Ass Events. Andy's 6 Hour, Go Deep or Go Home, Jackson's Night Runs, Mountain Hiway Madness, Secret Fat Ass Run, Go Home

9) I want to have someone run my Fat Ass Go Deep 50 mile run

10) Piece together potential course for Whistler to Squamish 100 Mile Race

Training goals

Run 6 days per week, Stretch and Yoga 2 days per week, bike 3 days per week, gym 3 days per week. Average 2 workouts a day. Focus on heart rate training and recovery workouts.

Keep working on daily nutrition knowledge and implementation. Try and reach race weight for every race (less beer)

Motivate three people to run their first ultra

Make 3 out of 4 Wednesday night groups runs per month

Secure financial sponsorship for Team Snowrunning.com

Get into the mountains 4 times per week


Ean Jackson's picture


Well, I hereby resolve to not have injuries, too, but not sure if  it's a resolution I can keep if I hope to keep up to you!  Why not up the mileage a bit, but keep the chocolate and beer?  Then again, I guess if you're going to be doing a lot of yoga, you need to look svelt or the spandex will give away those handles...

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