
Welcome to the 2010 Bagger Challenge



Last year was so much fun that we should do it again.

A few notes on this year's contest:

  • to avoid approaching cold and short daylight, and to avoid missed Thanksgiving dinners and irate spouses, we've pulled the end date back, to October 10th.
  • to compensate for Bagger withdrawal, we've:
    • pulled back the main start date by a week;
    • pulled back the start date, for the snowless Howe Sound peaks only, to April 1st.
  • we've rounded up the number to 50 peaks.
  • several of the peaks are especially chosen to be family-friendly.
  • other new peaks are less trails than bushwhacks, and untested, and may be removed/replaced if they fall short of Bagger safety or fun standards: Collins, Coburg, and Perrault.
  • introduced, thanks to Craig Moore, the idea of waterbagging: a pure climb from sea to peak. Used as a tiebreaker if necessary.
  • put in lots of fun hyperlinks to peak pictures and trip reports.
  • added a dandy section of "top peak" lists: www.clubfatass.com/baggers-list-best
  • we hope to organise a few Flash CFA events up some of these peaks (probably at least Capilano and Paton/Coliseum/Burwell in the summer): stay tuned. Any bagaholic keeners are encouraged to organise their own flash events/adventures.
  • always bring a headlamp!
  • as your charitable focus this year, do consider the wonderful work done by the wonderful people at North Shore Rescue: www.northshorerescue.com/donateonline.html



Jason Eads's picture

This will be EPIC...

Similar to last year, I will really enjoy watching you all bag away this year (from afar in Missouri). Give it your best ladies & gents, and good luck my friends. THIS will be one for the ages!!!

Craig Moore's picture

ya got that right Jason

I foresee some early mornings, late evenings (but not too late) and full days on several friendly Bags (the best bag is one you share with another). But the bigger question: will there be more Bagging-inspired prose? We can only hope.

Jason Eads's picture

I'll wish for that, too...

It appears your reply may have answered the bigger question, Craig - bag on my good man!!! 

Ean Jackson's picture

Scots Lemmings

Your choice of photos makes me wonder...

David Crerar's picture

you'd prefer a photo of those

you'd prefer a photo of those pasty white Scots running naked in the snow? 

neil ambrose's picture

 Believe me............you do

 Believe me............you do not want that!  

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