
2007 - Year 5 - Ann's Get Your Fat Ass Off the Couch - Results

Thanks to all who participated in this years inaugural Ann’s Get Your Fat Ass Off The Couch.

The day was met with grey skies and rainy conditions but 30 diehards showed up for a great run. I’m sure many considered staying in their nice cozy beds….but how guilty would we have felt?!

The course was very slippery, muddy and wet. There was one extremely large deep puddle that added the adventure element….I was wondering whether we had rounded Lizard Lake early!

The 10km runaway winner was Greg Barreca in a smoking 59 minutes. The 20 km distance was made a little longer to make it a true 20 km. Ron Katzman and Chris Benn came in at 1 hour 55 minutes with Des Mott following close behind.

Gottfried greeted us at the top of homestead with some delicious baking and homemade wine…what a pleasant surprise. The rear of the field was brought in by Pat Barry, Sibylle Tinsel, Cheryl Johnson and Rhonda Schuler, who missed Gottfried's superb aidstation.

The wind up brunch was held at Mosquito Creek and draw prizes were won by Heather, Sophia, Berg, Karl and Lorraine. Gottfried came through again with the donation of his homemade wine and Trail Runner magazine donated 2 subscriptions for a year.

Thanks again to all who participated in making this a fun and successful run…it is hard to follow in Wendy’s shoes. I look forward to seeing everyone on the trails


If you would like to write your own report, please do so using your blog (admin can link it to this page), or if you prefer, use the "comment" function below.

Any photos of the days can be posted to Flickr, added to the Club Fat Ass Flickr group and tagged with GetYourFatAssOffTheCouch2007 and ClubFatAssEvents.

First Name Last Name Event Points Time
Big Chesterfield 20km
Chris Benn Big Chesterfield - 20km 1 1:55
Ran Katzman Big Chesterfield - 20km 2 1:55
Jennifer D'Aoust Big Chesterfield - 20km 1 2:00
desmond mott Big Chesterfield - 20km 2 2:02
Penny Jakobsen Big Chesterfield - 20km 2 2:05
Ann Taylor Big Chesterfield - 20km 3** 2:05
susan seager Big Chesterfield - 20km 1 2:06
Arlee MacAulay Big Chesterfield - 20km 2 2:20
Jim Mendelli Big Chesterfield - 20km 1 2:20
Melissa Pace Big Chesterfield - 20km 1 2:20
Cynnimon Rain Big Chesterfield - 20km 2 2:20
Patricia Barry Big Chesterfield - 20km 3* 2:52
Sibylle Tinsel Big Chesterfield - 20km 3* 2:52
Cushy Couch 10 Km
Greg Barreca Cushy Couch - 10km 1 0:58
John Machray Cushy Couch - 10km 1 1:02
Heather King Cushy Couch - 10km 2 1:03
Sophia Sagur Cushy Couch - 10km 2 1:03
Berglind Hafsteinsdottir Big Chesterfield - 20km *2 1:10
Custom Courses
rhonda schuller 15km custom 1 2:30
Cheryl Johnson 15km custom 2 2:20
Elke Bauer 18.5 km custom 1 2:20
Alli Conroy custom 2 2:18
Doug MacKay 15km custom 2 2:00
Rob Ruff 18.5 km custom 1 1:53
laddie hannam 15km custom 2 1:39
Lorraine Suomi custom 1 1:30
Karl Jensen 12km custom 2 1:28
Wendy Montgomery 11.5km custom 2 1:02
Afraid of the puddles?
Gilles Barbeau   -1 DNS
Patricia Jensen   -1 Slept In
Kristie Congram   -1 DNS
Pano Skrivanos   -1 DNS
* garbage collected
** EH


Sibylle's picture

Missed the Aidstation

Thanks for a great run, Ann. Pat and I missed Gottfried's aidstation ;-) Wine would have hit the spot...

There seems to be some confusion as to the route around Lizzie Lake. If you headed up left to the ridge before seeing a swampy lake you didn't go far enough. To get to Lizzie Lake keep going straight at the yellow 8 sign and at the next left turn. You will then come to a fork in the trail and if you take the left trail (it's a very small trail and you can easily think that you are wrong) you'll contour Lizzie Lake clockwise before heading up to the ridge.
pjakobsen's picture

Chaise comment

Thanks Ann for hauling my fat ass up that bleeping hill and ensuring that it didn't get lost in the rainforest. Sorry that I missed the brunch, but said fat ass was spent freezing itself off at a soccer pitch. Will look for you at the next event.....and stay a safe distance behind you! P

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