
Thank You!

Hey all,

First off a HUGE THANK YOU to Carlos for coming out and supporting me like only my own Father could duplicate. I would not have stood a chance without him this past weekend.

My body and mind will need a few days rest before I can even hope to put into words what an incredible experience this was for me.

Thank you to everyone for the kind words of support prior to the run and wonderful congratulatory messages since the run. I only hope I can justify the beauty of these trails in my eventual blog entry.



David Crerar's picture


No one doubted that you would hammer this one home. And not an unscenic journey, either?

Well done

   Way to go Gary. I knew it would be tough and I must say I had some doubts,but you proved to everyone that you are a true elite athlete. Fantastic job  . I  look forward to the report.Good on you Carlos for helping out.

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