
E/B ultras looming...

Dear All,

Just a reminder to all you procrastinators out there, the Elk/Beaver Ultras will be held in the usual location on May 5th.(Cinco de Mayo!) 

This year I am proud to annouce that the 50K race(five laps) will be the Canadian National Championship, and that I have managed to round up the crew of volunteers to cut fruit, call out numbers, cheer and tidy the four aide points.

These races , for those of you that haven't run them , are well, almost unique for there almost total lack of elevation change,

Pacing is vital for the best results. Steady Eddy gets it done.

This could be your fastest 50K 50 mile of 100K...

It all boils down to dicipline.

Are you up for it?

Online registration @


I am this years race director an would be more that happy to help you enjoy your race and your stay in our fair city.

There is a Howard Johnson less than a mile from the start, and they have rooms for that weekend.

See you in Victoria!


Carlos.(Jackal@pih.bc.ca )


Ean Jackson's picture


Yo Jackal,

I spread the word at Diez Vista on Saturday. Order me up some gnats at the half-lap, will you?  Tongue out

Anyone in the Vancouver area looking to car pool, please leave a message here.

The midges

Did you know that:- 

"The fully developed midge larvae go through a short pupal stage of one or two days. In the case of second batch larvae that have spent the winter underground, this process is triggered by the warmer weather and usually takes place in May."

Some years they can stick to your face, but who knows, there are worse things that can go wrong...

By the way, well done at DV, and thanks for spreading the word! 

Ean Jackson's picture

A midge in the ear

What would happen if some of those suckers went up my nose and into my ears while running?  Maybe that's why I have a headache?

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