
Ten Hour Club

  To become a member you have to complete at least ten hours of active training per week.....
List of approved activities.
Running,cycling,swimming,racing,stretching or yoga,jazzercise,aerobic machines,(rower,hand bike,stationary bike.etc...)active toddler minding,dog walking,hiking.
Reward plan...
Any surplus hours can be taken out at six beers per hour over the ten or 1 bottle of wine or 1 taper hour credits pre race..
Quite an incentive!
I haven't figured out the penalty minutes yet



What do you mean any extra can be taken out at six beers etc?
So if I average 13-18 per week what does that mean??

Are you buying me beer?

Beer, did I say that?

Sure Dommer, but the Idea is to keep at least 10 hours going 52 weeks of the year.Some weeks you may be up, some weeks you might be down, the idea is to reward yourself for the work done, under perform and NO BEER for you!
I guess the penalty minutes could be paid off in beer to the succesful members by the weak and afected!

Great challenge

Hey Carlos,
What a really great challenge, especially the rewards.  I'm printing this off and taking on the challenge.  This is it, my only New Year's resolution.  The penalty minutes will be very important though...please come up with something as good as the reward points! 

mudrunner's picture

Great idea...

...but what everybody really wants to know is "Does hibbity-jibbity count?".


You betcha! Training has to be fun, or we wouldn't do it, right?
Ean Jackson's picture

How many weeks in a row?

Hey Carlos,

I think I can qualify during the first week of the year, but may never make it for the rest of the year.  Have a happy, healthy New Year! 

One year...

52 weeks Mr.(rain no train) Jackson, on the light weeks, and your on the wagon!
Ean Jackson's picture

Week #1

Monday 1 Jan - 5 hours and some minutes (Vancouver FA 50)
2 Jan - .25 hours jog on 2 blisters the size of your palm
3 Jan - 1.5 hours digging a hole in my back yard
4 Jan - .75 hrs on the stationary bike at the gym + 30 mins pumping iron and trying to touch my toes
5 Jan - .75 hrs digging the hole some more
6 Jan - .5 hrs raking broken branches from my yard after a wind storm
7 Jan - .75 hrs run

Total:   9.5 hrs  Dho!  Scooped on week one

I just hung in there...just!

I had three hours to go yesterday and I got them in running the 1/2 Monty.

Most of Timberman trail was a raging torrent, coming back I would have been better off in a kayak!

At one point I was knee deep running down stream with small logs passing me.

I had to get those hours in.

Total 10:02:48 I still drank my six beers this week so I guess I exceeded my earn allowance.

I'll blame Al for the beer drinking, and besides he drank 3 of my six.... thats right! 

Great Challenge!

Great Challenge Carlos!  Count me in for that one - I am going to commit before I know what the penalty minutes are so I don't chicken out... 

"Everybody's gotta run sometime" - A3

Great atitude!

Running should be the major part of this W/O, unless you are a tri-geek.
Skiing (cross country), snow shoeing, wood splitting, skipping.....
Any other activities need approval?

backcountry skiing

backcountry skiing also-touring up 2-3 hour climbs with a pack is cardio for sure and hitting deep pow is a burn.
But, I'll do at least 10 hours of running alone so I guess after Western I'll collect some beer!! Maybe at our JDF Run in 07!!!
mudrunner's picture


What with last night's 5 hours of teleskiing, & Monday's Fat Ass 50k, I can sleep for the rest of the week!!!

Mud man,

What about the "hibbity-jibbity"?

You are in the zone.....

I've still got 4:35:00 to go, I don't think I am THAT lucky, so I guess I'll be looking for a dryish pair of shoes for the next two days.


You Dah Man!

Heck buddie, you will be top dog of the Ten Hour Club. Training for Western will keep you honest!

I still haven't chosen a 100M for 2007, I plan to do one a year till I croak.... 

We will have to check the tide tables for August some time for the epic JDF. 

I don't think I will ever give up this racket, I love it too much. 

Getting back to beer, have you tried Innis & Gunn?


Sibylle's picture

Missed this thread

Hey guys, Bunch of keeners you all are!

I missed this thread completely and just now got to read all your fun comments about rewards, penalties and this mystery discipline mudrunner is planning for ;-)  Wonder if Mrs Mud knows about the time crunch!

I guess I am out.  I reach 5h in a good week...Now I know why you are all leaving me in the dust.

You've got to love Victoria

This was my reward last W/E!

Sibylle's picture

Way Cool.

Way Cool.

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