
Vancouver 100 update

We're still at 8 people for the Club Fat Ass 2006 Vancouver 100 but I know there are lots of others out there thinking they might be up to the challenge. I say, stop thinking. You either are or you aren't up to it. You know you gotta want this run badly or you might as well forget about it.
If you're still considering, I would rather not take any further applications within 2 weeks of the event. Of course, we'd love to have lots of applications for doing partial distances and I will gladly accept people that want to join us for a shorter run. I'd love to see a bunch of people coming out to do bits and pieces with us, if for no other reason than to help scare off the bears. I plan to run the last quarter myself with whomever is bringing up the rear.
If you're not up for a run then be sure to at least join us for the picnic during the Saturday (June 3) afternoon at Cleveland Dam.


Bill Dagg's picture

All right, all right, already!

Ok.  I'm in.  There!  Are you happy now?

After such a stellar performance at the Diez Vistas this weekend -- not! -- it only makes sense that I take on 100 km in early June.   What the heck ... you only die once.  Feel free to contact my next of kin when it's all over.

Bill Dagg's picture

Well. Doesn't my timing really suck.

Gulp.  Before I start getting hammered with comments about being insensitive, I wasn't aware of the bad news out of theYeti Ascent when I wrote my previous comment.  With better timing, some might have considered it humourous (that was the intent, anyway).  My apologies.
Sibylle's picture

Thanks, Bill

I am sure nobody that knows you would be thinking that you are insensitive...But thank you for your apology and thoughtfulness. 
Things like this never make sense and are very hard to deal with for all involved.

I agree

Yes Bill, we all know you're not insensitive and you're always funny .... I mean, humorous.....But your apology comments were very thoughtful.  I was at the finish line of the Yeti and made some dumb comment about it was a good way to go. I didn't even know I was being insensitive until there was stunned silence. Wish I could go back and apologize.  

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