
Input requested!! Rescheduling Sunshine in September

Hi, I'm am trying to gauge interest in rescheduling Sunshine in September to the Thanksgiving weekend. Sibylle set me straight and there are currently no events planned for thanksgiving weekend, so I'm thinking it would be on SUNDAY, October 9. Anyone interested? As a reminder, there are two commonly run courses from Langdale Ferry Terminal. One is around 21k, the other around 24-26k. Shouldn't be any snow. :)

Please let me know if you think you may participate and if there is interest, i will finalize plans.

Thank you! Jackie


Sunday October 9th

Was about to post a flash run for October 9th, when I noticed your article about Sunshine in September.Wondering how it is going as I don't want to double up on that weekend.



Go for it

Hi Gottfried,

Go for the flash event. Haven't heard from anyone about next sunday so I'm not going to so the event that day. Doing the full on Thanksgiving dinner instead.

Enjoy your Flash Event. Jackie

Sibylle's picture

Hi Jackie, I wish I could

Hi Jackie,

I wish I could commit, but I am not running these days...managed 20min on Sunday...

Mountain Highway Madness was a couple of weekends ago.  Thanksgiving is not on the weekend of the 1st.  Can you check your calendar again and clarify please.

You were correct...

Thanks Sibylle! I must have forgotten to switch the calendar from September to October! My apologies. I'll give it until the weekend and then decide. Hope you are feeling better soon!

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