
Grin and Bare It

Heather Somerville, Angela Spooner and Debbie Mick just ran the Boston Marathon last Monday and had a chance to pose with their Fat Ass shirts on Boston Common following the race.

From left to right: Heather, Debbie and Angela. As you can see, Angela really wanted to be the poster girl!


Ean Jackson's picture

Fat Asses at Boston Marathon

Congrats to you, Heather, Debbie and Angela!

After doing Boston Marathon, Run to the Clouds and the Vancouver Sun Run in a week, what do you plan for an encore?

By the way, a funny thing occurred to me.  When non-running friends hear of an amazing running or triathlon accomplishment such as yours, the first thing they say is, "Wow!  That's an awesome accomplishment." Whenever someone tells me, an active and somewhat competitive runner, the same question, I think, "Wow...what was your time?"  Is this a sign of sickness?

Another side note, I was speaking to BJ McHugh at the gym this morning.  She was the top woman finisher at Boston in the 70+ age group in 4:46 and one of my personal heroes.  Her reward for success?  Fill the trophy with Guinness stout and chug it!

Wow, that is some mighty white Canadian skin. :)

Great to see the Club Fat Ass shirts worn so proudly in another part of the world and at another huge event. Way to go girls!!!  Also, amazingly enough, 2 of these 3 turned around 5 short days later to run the 22 km trail run with 2000' feet of elevation gain. !!!!  And on top of that, I even heard Angela went out the very next day to run in the Vancouver Sun Run, North America's biggest 10 km running event with over 50,000 runners. You guys are all my hero's.

Pete SS