
2009 - Year 6 - Bills Great Peak

Starter photo: 16 Participants

Bill’s Great Peak Ascent – 2009 Edition

Sitting here with Des, Ray and Jess at the Mosquito Creek Grill, I thought I’d be a little more pro-active than last year and actually get a jump on the report.  We’ll see how successful I am at finishing this and getting it posted (I set the bar pretty low last year).

(next day … )

Sixteen participants (including me) showed up for the 6th running of Bill’s Great Peak Ascent on a sunny and fairly warm (some might say hot) day.  For the second time in this event’s history, the peak of Grouse itself was fenced off.  Some runners turned around at that point while others found alternate routes to the top.

In true CFA fashion, many participants, including myself, ran custom routes, some opting to not do the full climb to the top while others opted to avoid parts of Mountain Highway on the way down by taking Seventh Secret.

It seems that Des’s secret formula to Point Series victory is no longer being lost on his competitors as several others have taken up the garbage collection habit.  Craig was even seen to be hauling a full garbage bag up the hill to Grouse (some claim he brought from home but, without proof, we’ll have to assume this was not the case ).  Nice job influencing the others Des!

As always, the post-run event was held at the Mosquito Creek Grill where everyone enjoyed their complimentary beer and excellent service.  Many thanks to the Grill for supporting our club!  As with last year, there was enough swag for everyone to go home with something, including Trail Runner Magazine subscriptions, high-tech shirts and an assortment of other goodies, compliments of Kintec Footlabs

Thanks to everyone for coming out and hope to see you again next year.

Post Event Survey. Please give us your feedback via this brief survey:

  A slideshow of images is posted here.  If you have photos of the run that you would like to share, please upload them to Flickr, add to the CFA Flickr group and tag with BillsGreatPeak2009,  BillsGreatPeak and ClubFatAssEvents.  They will automatically appear in the slideshow.  If you need help please refer to http://www.clubfatass.com/help/general#include_photos and the Flickr help pages.


First Name Last Name Age Event Time at top Time Points
Curb Ivanic 40-49 32km   2:10  3:47 2
Ean Jackson 50-59 32km   2:10  3:47 2 (+1 garbage)
Ray Levasseur 50-59 32km 2:02 3:50 2
John Machray 50-59 32km   4:25 1
Kirsten Ramage 40-49 32km   4:25 2
Gord Thompson 30-39 32km   4:47 2
Paul Cubbon 40-49 ~42km  2:10  4:20 2
Desmond Mott 50-59 29km* 1:47 3:17 2 (+1 garbage)
Tim Wiens 40-49 29km*   3:17 2
Monty Watts 30-39 28km+   3:42 2
Craig Moore 40-49 28km+   4:40 2 (+1 garbage)
laddie hannam 40-49 15km$   2:19 2
Jess Bassil 20-29 15km$   2:43 2
Maureen Wiens 40-49 15km$   2:43 2
Sibylle Tinsel 40-49 15km$   2:43 2
Bill Dagg 40-49 14km#   1:54 2 (+2 host)
Dave Berg 40-49 DNS     -1
Gilles  Barbeau 50-59 DNS     -1

* = to fence at base of Peak

+ = down Seventh Secret

$ = to top of St. George's, then down Mountain Highway

# = to bottom of Per Gynt and back


Craig Moore's picture

good run

that's a good run Bill, thanks for hosting once again and thanks for the swag. It's great to have all the options open for the trip up and down. I had a blast coming down Seventh Secret and one other bike route once I realized that doing the entire road this time was mentally going to be a big challenge for me. I needed the trail to keep my mind focused and my ankles strong. I popped out on the BP eventually and found I had lots of energy still to get back to my car at the top of Lynn Valley Rd. As for the garbage, thanks to Des for keeping the bar high. Ean, that bag was twice as big by the time I reached the top. Collecting garbage really suited my speed (on the way up). It's all good!

Sibylle's picture

...and I thought we had a

...and I thought we had a deal that you'll leave soem garbage for me

Ean Jackson's picture

Thanks, Bill!

Many thanks for organizing a great run, Bill.  It was especially special to me because it's the first time in a couple of years when I felt I was able to give 'er a bit.  I sure feel it today (Sunday morning) after hanging on to some of the big dogs.

Paul, Curb and I saw a deer.  I was also witness to Craig coming up to the peak with a garbage bag full of trash he'd collected on the way up.  (Atta go, Craig!) 

Good luck to you and Jess at the Death Race!



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