

How to not pace yourself for a 50k (2013 VNYDFA50)

After printing out the Route for the New Year's Day it became clear that I needed to try and hang on to someone who knew the course if I didn't want to be stuck reading half the time and missing out on most of the experience and the scenery. By the way, I didn't see a single  person using instructions all day. Maybe everybody but me is navigationally gifted.

I knew that Dave Cressman knows the course well and was going for the full 50k.

Bill's Resolutions 2013

57 peaks in Bagger Challenge in 14 days, 7 of these to be non-motorized from home but may include ferries.

2 days of dedicated trail clearing / flagging

4 CFA running events

Amphibious non-motorized circumnavigation from home to Deep Cove to head of Indian Arm (packraft) to Squamish (MTB) return to North Van via Hwy 99, Hwy 1, and low road. Overnight trip with camping gear and no support.

4 Ski mountaineering trips

Garibaldi Neve ski traverse in a day from Diamond Head to Garibaldi Lake

Muddy's 2013 Fitness Goals

Somehow...somwhere, I plan to get back to running ultras this year.


Work & illness got in the way of 2012's best laid plans, so I'm hoping to get something epic, something memorable, &/or something of note done by the time the year's up. Besides the vaguery of saying that I'll "train more"...here's what's up....


-Participate in NY Fat Ass

-Judo at least twice a week

-Fastpack something more than 2 days long

Reagan's 2013 Fitness Resolutions


Kristie's 2013 Plans


  1. no more illnesses
  2. no more injuries
  3. more trail running
  4. snow shoeing
  5. Seak the Peak - solo
  6. The Grind. a lot
  7. Elk Beaver Ultra
  8. toss up for June 1 on Great Walk or Whistler Half
  9. Vibram 5 fingers
  10. one bare foot run

New Year's Resolutions 2013 - Marc Schmitz

1. My first goal is to improve my 10k, 1/2 Marathon, Marathon and 50k time by an average of 15%

This project I already started by running a faster 10k in October at one of the MEC Fall Classic races.

I ran a total of 1 Marathon, 2 1/2 Marathons and 1 50k in total so far (I guess I race a little less than most). The First two are a while back and the 50k included a big elevation change, so I need a big improvement for that distance to reach my overall goal.

Andy's 2013 Resolutions.

Here I sit on the eve of the eve of another New Year, and I’ve decided to put down my Fat Ass goals for the year for the whole wide world to see. As a firmly entrenched Type B underachiever, my goals are neither lofty nor unattainable, yet I believe aiming for them over the course of the coming calendar year should serve me well.

Sibylle's 2013 Fitness Goals

Despite feeling more like a cyclist than a runner these days, my athletic goals for 2013 centre around running.  Together with pals Wendy and Pat, I signed up for the Berlin Marathon, September 29.  Ever since the Berlin wall came down, I wanted to run the Berlin marathon and run through the Brandenburg Gate.

Reagan's Year - How'd I do - I'd say 40%


Ean Jackson's 2013 Fitness Resolutions

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