Following my last outing (New Years Day CFA-50) I figured I might be shelved forever or worse, tossed into a bag for a local charity to pick up. Luckily, I was simply laundered and shelved. I felt like a benched athlete. Hey… it wasn’t my fault the Fat Ass 50 hadn’t gone as planned, don’t take it out on me buddy. Then, things started to look up. 10 short days later I was pulled off the shelf and tossed into a big bag. This wasn’t a small gym bag it was a big rolling tote bag. We were going on a road trip! Yahoo, where we going, where we going??
The next I new I was being unloaded in a hotel room somewhere. My running buddy Garmin told me that he had checked with the satellites and we were now in southern California. Cool. I had only been down here once before and that was a couple of years ago. Oh man, was it ever good to see some sunshine after 25 or so days of rain back at home. Also, being a short sleeved shirt in Vancouver is a huge disadvantage. Cooler temps and lots of rain mean less play time. I seem to get shelved a lot. Wouldn’t it be nice to live down here all the time…