
Extreme Shark Makeover

... from whale to Great White.

With dogged determination and dedicated discipline, the whale shark is splashing his way towards transmogrification into the most feared animal in the oceans .. the Great White Shark.

Another 2.5 K training day today

The week after Labour Day, come to Kits Pool and watch me bite chunk after chuck of stringy flesh out of Ean "Little Mako" Jackson's scrawny, under-trained butt.

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Ean Jackson's picture

Poor Whale Shark!

I was getting my hair cut the other day.  Glancing at the pile of hunting, fishing and girlie magazines, I noticed a scuba one with your photo on the front cover.  It was not the famous large-mouthed whale shark photo that graces the pages of the swift Mako Shark's blog, but a true to nature, one of a lumbering whale shark surrounded by small fish that were making fun of it.  It caused me to pause and momentarily feel sorry for the poor whale shark and the punishing he will soon be delivered by the cunning Mako.

True, the Mako has not been at the pool of late.  True, also, the Mako is not planning to swim much in the weeks leading to the Duel in the Pool.  But the Mako is blissfully confident he will prevail and therefore prove what everyone who is a student of sharks already knows:  the Mako shark rules!  

Ean Jackson's picture

Only Harry Potter Can Transmogrify

Nice try.  Once a whale shark, always a whale shark.
Jon Husband's picture

How Much ...

more lame can you get .. scaredy cat ?
Ean Jackson's picture

Feeling a bit knackered today, are you?

The mightly whale shark was swimming half-upside down yesterday.  Was a dainty lunchtime spinich salad not enough fuel?  Overtrained?  Undertrained?  Intimidated by the mako shark and yet another punishing workout?  Ready to give up and be ground up into dog meat? 


Jon Husband's picture

Knackered ..

yeah .. just having a nap while I swam.  Should tell you something, Little Mako ... if I can stay within chomping distance of you whilst asleep, what will happen to your overblown ego when I wake up ?

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