
Get a Blog or Get a Life

I have a buddy who calls himself a blogger.  While I may have a blog, I don't consider myself a blogger when compared to this buddy.  You see, my buddy is always blogging. 

I don't blog as much as I could, should and ought to.  However, I do work a 60-80 hour week, I make time for friends and family and I play outside a bit.  It's a question of priorities.

This is what I'd call a guilt post.  I feel guilty for not writing more.  I've been out running, skiing and snowshoeing a fair bit of late and I've not been good about sharing those adventures. 

Shame on me!  

I think it comes down to making it part of one's weekly routine.  I'll try to designate weekends and Wednesdays as blogdays.

Oh, by the way, Carlos, I've not had a 10-hour training week yet this year.  Double shame on me.  Will you still let me run with you on the Juan de Fuca trail this year?  Can put a bungee cord around you if I start to drag my ass?  


Today's blogger...

was yesterday's web-surfer, was yesteryear's T.V.watcher.

I have two ado-sloths in my house, who kind of monopolize the "Tube", so I'm kinda stuck for entertainment...

So I make my own.

What with chat-forums,blogs, uploads and downloads,I'm kept busy.

As for the JDFT run, man, your can lead me out of the thousand creeks.



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