
Rock and Ice ultra notes from the field

Hey again,  The race is on! But Dave is walking away with my Diamond I'll have to see what I can Do. Feeling good but not fast.  Have you seen the temps up here Burr! they keep telling us that it's going to warm up.  Ha!



We've been following the race progress with great interest.  From the picutres that have been posted it looks like you are moving pretty fast so the sled must be working well.  Quite a marvel of engineering you put together.
Now about that diamond: what do you want something like that for?  Are you planning to propose to someone?
Good luck,
Lorraine and Karl

Sibylle's picture

Atta Boys form Home

I was at the Chuckanut 50K this week and ran into Chuck and the boys.  You were the talk of the town.  We're all living the race vicariously through you.  Go get that diamond!!!!! EJ
Sibylle's picture

Hang in there!

Yes, I did note the temps, you should have taken Ean up on the Peter Heater afterall ;-) Got get Dave and that Diamond!

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