
Juan de Fuca Marine trail run.

So we now know what the Victoria end of the JDF trail is like, as far as just past Bear beach.
We had a good run for the most past and a good hike for some of the longer pitches, plus a great walk along the magnificent giant pebble strewn beach at the Bear.
We saw no bears, but we did see a fair number of Hikers and one dead walrus!
4:45 minutes of top quality time on our feet.
mellow, Jarhead, Danimal, Ludo and the Jackster drove back for a wee re-fueling session at the 6 Mile House.
It's all good!
these are the pics...


Ean Jackson's picture

Attempt at Running Juan de Fuca Trail and West Coast Trail

Thanks to Carlos, here is a report from 2 Victoria guys who ran the JDF this past weekend.

The good news is that the section they said was the most difficult was the section I ran!  In comparison to the Vancouver North Shore mountains, I'd say this section was comparable to some of the nasty bits on the Seymour grind section of the Baden Powell trail.  Rooty.  Muddy.  Tight single track.

More good news.  If we ran during the day and with the assistance of tide charts, we shouldn't experience the delays due to fog or tides that these boys had.

My guesstimate for us completing the trail was 8-10 hours.  Their time suggests that this wouldn't be far off for us. 

Ean Jackson's picture

Great Minds Think Alike

Carlos, you're a genius!  Funny I didn't see you and your buddies?  WRT my note to Des below, I was camping at Sombrio and managed a 16K out-and-back on Saturday.  I was hoping to be the first to bag this trail, but word on the trail was that someone from Victoria has already run it.  (Ask at Valhalla Pure for the person's name.  There may have been more than 1.)  I'll certainly help you if you want to put this on as a CFA event... even if it's just as a challenge event like running the Sunshine Coast Trail.

all aboard, the bus is getting full

Chris and I were looking at doing it on the weekend of the 16th  with the following weekend as the backup if the weather isn't good.We thought it would take 8 to 10 hrs .just a guess.I know there are other fat asses out there who are intrested as well. Maybe even some skinny asses. We will talk on sat.


JDFMarine trail...

I too will see you all at the Bunny, we shall talk some more.....

more coincidence

Hi Carlos

  chris benn and I are thinking about running the full trail in mid sept.any advice?

Ean Jackson's picture

Running the JFC

Yo Des,

Yeh...call me.  I'll split gas with you!

I ran from Sombrio to Parkinsons (~8K) in about 90 minutes last Saturday, so I figure 5-6 km/hr pace.  It's too gorgeous a trail to run fast on.  Lots of way technical single track where I was:  roots, mud, blowdown... and plenty of fresh bear skat.  I figure it's best done from North to South.  Lots of places to meet a sag wagon/aid along the way. 

You doing the Fluffy Bunny this weekend?  If so, let's chat...and bring Chris along.    

I'm in for the JDF

I want in on this!  We scoped over half the course last year.  I think if you run past the last beach and right into Jordan River, you would have a 50K.

I was thinking of renting a van and getting dropped off at the North end, Port Alice is a terrible place to leave a vehicle (unless your vehicle is completely empty, or you want it to be completely empty).  Anyone wanting a 25K could drop the van at one of the mid way access points, a good place to leave water as well.

Ean - I'll see you at the Fluffy, lets talk.  I'll bring the guide book for the trail, in case you haven't seen it.  Seems to me you can get up to 10km from a vehicle accessible extraction point, so you might have to make people sign a couple waivers if this was a CFA event!
Sibylle's picture

Talk to Ean

Ean has been talking in his sleep about running the Juan de Fuca Trail ever since he set eyes on it last Wednesday...Better talk to him, too. Mind is willing, knees still knackered.
Sibylle's picture


Hi Carlos,

What a coincidence...We were just camping at one of the wilderness hike in campsites on the Juan the Fuca Trail.  One day Ean ran about 8km out and back and was all psyched about running the whole trail with his buds.  I am sure we'll hear about his runs and thoughts.  We have loads of photos, but not yet downloaded.


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