OK, so its getting close to the end of the year, which means that I have to actually report on my list of goals and the progress I made....here goes...
- Take the inagural "leap" and train & complete a 50km run (Conquer the Canuck? Run for the Toad?)
Uh-oh, not off to a good start! Didn't get a 50km race in - I could try and pathetically justify it by saying that the Conquer the Canuck race was cancelled this year (true) and that the Run for the Toad didn't offer the 50km option this year (again, completely true) but I have a feeling there were a few other 50km events out there that I could have researched and trained for and run....maybe next year?? This distance still scares me, there, I said it... (0%)
2 Run Mississauga marathon and do it sub 3:15 (oooh, the pressure)
I'm very happy to report, that not only did I run the MM (in absolutely insane winds), but also achieved my goal (3:12:47) yahoo! (100%)
3 Do more yoga (at least 1x/week)
This one is harder to measure, but I have to give myself full points. There may have been a week or 2 here and there that I didn't get some in, but I was pretty good about it and certainly much more dedicated than I ever have been. (95%)
4 Around the Bay 5km (and don't wimp out due to crappy snow & freezing cold conditions)
Yup, got this one in too (helped that it was a beautiful sunny but cool day). Didn't achieve my goal of running sub 20:00 (missed it by 30 seconds) but got it done... (100%)
5 Participate in at least 1 fatass event (3 Dolla Bill Run?)
Crap, just when I was doing so well - didn't get a single one in!!! I so wanted to make a run when I was out visiting in BC, but I just couldn't work the logistics, so, a big ZERO on this one...I have mentally committed to do the 3 Dolla Bill Run (come snow or sub-zero temperatures - and the organizer has kindly offered to bribe me with alcohol at the aid stations) so stay tuned... (0%)
6 Volunteer at 1 or more trail, road or indoor races
Yup, volunteered at 3 indoor races (college/university type races - my GOD they're fast!!) and at the ScotiaBank Waterfront Marathon in Toronto. (100%)
7 Compete in all 5 Peaks races (vs. last year's 4) and finish better (faster) than my 2004 season placing
Didn't get all 5 races in (had to skip the first one as it was the day before the Mississauga Marathon) but did the other 4 and ended up placing first overall!! What a laugh. You guys would get a good laugh out of what we call "peaks" out here I"m sure, but improved over my 3rd place O/A finish last year, so I kind of got that one... (95% - I absolutely would have done all 5, but it would have been at the expense of a very specific & long-trained for goal, plus my coach FORBID me to do it, so I will discount my 100% to 95%)
8 Host a jog-a-lager FATASS event (if allowed?) after obtaining trademark rights from the coyote of course
Crap, got the rights to host the event from the Coyote and still lamed out...next year for sure... (0%)
9 Run an out-of-town province event or race
Hmmm, I live in Toronto and did a run in Mississauga - does that count? I'm going to say NO!! I didn't get it in - I suck. Next year for sure (like I haven't heard that one before) (technically, I could give myself partial points here, but that would be against the nature of what I intended with this goal, so I will be impartial and say 0%)
10 Get out snowshoeing at least 1x this year (but hopefully more than that)
Nope, to be honest, I hid from the snow we got (other than faithfully shoveling the driveway & sidewalk of course) (0% - came so close to getting it in on the 31st, but again logistics were difficult so ended up not happening - guess it wasn't meant to be)
11 Enter & complete in a duathlon this year for fun & for some x-training
Nope (uh-oh another trend starting here) - no duathlons for me, but I started taking a spinning class - how about points for effort?? (got in some x-training, so I'm going to say 45%)
12 Keep a DAILY running/activity log for the entire year.
Fortunately, I can end on a good note - I have faithfully kept a running/activity log for the entire year (phew!) and will definitely be keeping it going forward - its a great record... (100%)
Looking forward to see how dismally I did compared to everyone else...2007 here I come!
Well Done
Good to hear from you. I've been wondering how you have been doing. I think you did pretty well all things considered...and hey there is always next year to make good on the stuff you didn't tackle (you really ought to give snow shoeing a try, it's such a hoot)
The scoring/judging will be done by the steering committee (and I am plotting to involve all participants as well). Since everybody has until 31 December to follow-up on his/her goals we'll leave the judging for January.
Happy Trails,
Hey Sibylle, thanks for your
Back when I lived out West, I made it out snowshoeing many times (and loved it!!) I just can't seem to bring myself to tackle the cold temps out here on the nice "crisp" days that would be perfect for it (that and get myself out of the city to the locations). Will see about this year though!
Looking forward to "judgement day" :)
Do you know of any events around Vancouver between the 28th and 31st of December? Unfortunately I fly back to Toronto on the 1st (early!!!) but would love to find something to run while I"m out.
"Everybody's gotta run sometime" - A3
You'll miss the New Years Fat Ass
Take care,