
Mike's New Year's resolutions

Ok ambitious I know but here is the plan...

Event goals

1) New Years Victoria 50k - Jan 1, 2011 - Complete!

2) Squamish Scrambler - Sat February 12, 2011 - missed this one ;-(

3) Dirty Duo 50k - Sat March 12, 2011 - Complete! 4:59:25!!

4) Diez Vista 50k - Saturday, Apr 9, 2011

5) Elk Beaver 50m - Sat May 7, 2011

6) Vancouver 100 - Saturday June 4, 2011

7) Peak bagger challenge - July 2011

8) Cascade Crest 100 mile - August 27-28, 2011 - Need new goal it's full!

9) Athletics for kids fitness challenge - November 2011 complete the 1000 reps in under 30 minutes with excellent form.

10) Yukon Arctic Ultra - Feb 2012 - I'd really like to go back and complete the 300 mile version.

Being specific with these Event goals is tough.  I really just want to complete them.  As for the Peak Bagger challenge I'd like to do the'Cirque de Grouse' again.  That consisted of doing the GG or BCMC heading to Grouse, Dam, Litlte goat, Crown, Goat and Fromme.  Then head back to the starting point.  All of this is in the name of 'training' for completing the CC100.


Training goals:

T1) Bodyweight training 3x per week - Jan 3, 2011 to June 2011 - 6 month Turbulence training program

T2) Yoga 2x per week - Jan to Jan

T3) Walking 3x per week - Jan to Jan

T4) Snowshoe or play with the kids 1x per week outside - Jan to Jan

T5) Long run every weekend if no 'event - Jan to Jan from 2-8 hrs long.

Training goals is like life goals, how to keep it all together!

The plan above seems to be reasonable we will have to see.



Sibylle's picture

Hey Mike, could you please

Hey Mike, could you please rate your completion of goals out of 100.  Time to wrap this year's contest up ;-)


Sibylle's picture

Hi Mike, Exciting

Hi Mike,

Exciting goals.

Can I ask you to be a bit more specific around the Bagger Challenge.  How would you rate your participation? Placing in top 5?  Bagging 40 peaks?  Bagging 1 peak?  Also, any specific goals around the races you listed?  I.e beating your PB, placing in top 3?  Certain times?  Putting specifics on these will it make easier when we look back in December and rate our accomplishments.

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