I know it's well into Jan but it's taken me this long to search and sift through all the amazing things there are in this city! This has been a great organizational tool for me. The only real "ultra" I'm signed up for is child rearing at the moment but here is the rest of what I intend to do this year!!
Complete all Yeti Snowshoe Series Races
Participate in at least 5 Fat Ass Events
Try an X-Terra Race
Dirty Duo Run-25km
Complete a trail run over 50km
Run- 3x/wk-Wed night intensity run group-weekend long run
Mt.bike/trainer- 2x/wk
Eliminate licorice
Play in the mountains at least once a week
What's wrong with licorice?
good licorice
Well that sounds like a healthy habit and a win,win really....you enjoy some yummy sweets, that are actually full of iron and you drink more fluid which will benefit your body. My licorice habit is not so healthy and only results in an unsatified feeling and sticky teeth. If only that black, salty licorice were available at gas stations and candy stores. And yes anything is better than gels!
Happy snacking
Great resolutions. Sound doable. What is it that all resolutions posted by females are modest, reasonable and realistic, whereas the males are proposing incredible lists of races they want to do and planning 3h training/day...
Let's see who pulls through at the end of the year?