
Blogging for Event Hosts

With our new website come some great interactive features. Thanks to those of you who experimented with the new site, posted comments, stories, images, forum topics and updated their own event website. It is exciting to see the site grow in content and popularity with your input.

A few of you have asked if the Club Fat Ass site has blogging capabilities.
The answer is "Yes". Some of you might have noticed that Ean, Geoff and I just started to blog on the Club Fat Ass website: www.clubfatass.com/blog/3 (Ean's blog) www.clubfatass.com/blog/19 (Geoff's blog)

Blog is short for weblog. A weblog is a journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs generally represent the personality of the author or the Web site.

As a Club Fat Ass Event Host, you are a leader in the community. I feel strongly that, whether your event attracts 5 or 105 guests, you are someone who the outdoor sports community looks up to. What you do and think counts to a lot of people. Our site allows you the opportunity to share your knowledge and opinions in a blog.

Since I'm just a beginning blogger myself, I can't offer you much coaching.
I can state from personal experience that it's fairly easy to get started and to maintain your blog on the CFA site. Here's how you start a blog:

0. Create a user account:
If you have not yet done so, you need to create a user account on the site. I recommend you keep your user name simple (like your first and last name) and that you use a password that's easy to remember for you. Go to http://www.clubfatass.com/help/general if you need help.

1. Log into the site: You'll find the login box when you scroll down in the left nav column. Go to http://www.clubfatass.com/help/general if you need help. Remember, if you are not logged, you will not have EH posting privileges.

2. Create a blog entry: Look in the right hand column and scroll down a bit. You will notice your personal navigation block. Click on "Create Content", then click on "blog entry".

3. Classify your blog post: Your blog will contain a chronological list of your blog posts with the most recent post on top. If you think your message is relevant (e.g. Ean's post about night running) you may have it also appear in the What's New Section and/or the Forums sections of the Club Fat Ass website. To do this choose an appropriate category from the drop down menu. If you don't choose a category, your blog will only appear under "Recent Bog Posts" in the right hand column.

4. Save your blog post: Once you've written your blog entry don't forget to click "submit." This can be frustrating, because if you don't click on submit, your work will disappear!

There are very few guidelines for blogging at the Club Fat Ass website.
Most importantly, keep it running/health/healthy lifestyle related.

Remember that the interactive features on our site work best if you use the free Firefox Browser (download at www.firefox.com) (This is a more secure and sophisticated browser than Internet Explorer.)

Please let me know, if you need help to get started.

Happy Trails,
