
Diez Vista Race Video Now Available!

For anyone who may have been out to race the Diez Vista 50k in April you would have noticed a camera guy all over the course...yes it was just one guy! His name is Brett Daly and he recently contacted me to say that his race video was completed. I ordered a copy and must say that I think he did an amazing job with it! The entire video is just under 35 minutes in length and includes every single runner crossing the finish line with their name and time scrolled across the screen in front of them. I don't know about you but I rarely get to see myself run, and even though I looked like crap as I crossed the line, it was pretty cool to relive the moment.

Brett will mail this video to you for just $15.00, so you really can't go wrong here. If you would like your very own copy contact Brett at trailrunner4life@hotmail.com

I know it'd be great to see him out again next year, and maybe even at additional events, so hopefully we can all make it worth his time.