
M & M Fun Run is still on! - Sat Dec 2 - 8am start

Hello our trail running friends!

The run is still on for tomorrow!  There is snow on the ground and there will be snow and blow-down through the trail, although we don't know how much.  Treat this as an ADVENTURE run!  Come prepared to be slow and have fun, if you don't want to go the whole distance that's totally cool.

The important thing is that we will have an aid station at the highest point of the climb on or near the road heading up Mount Seymour around the 5km mark.  At this aid station we will have hot chocolate, donuts and other assorted goodies. 
The other important item is that we will have a great pot-luck after.  See agenda on the fat-ass site: http://www.clubfatass.com/events/mm/agenda and register for the run there as well.
We have prizes donated to us from North Shore Athletics, KINesys and TrailRunner to randomly give away at the pot-luck, as well as a number of passes to see Body Worlds at Science World!

So please come out and see you trail running buddies before we get swept away with the holiday craziness and enjoy some good camaraderie and laughs.  Please don't forget to register on-line for this FA run.
