Event Photo: 20 July 2013 - 6 Starters, 6 Finishers
Report:The 9th! annual "Monty"
This fact really shocked me wow...
This year we had a very tallented and friendly group of trail running aficionados, within minutes of the start the six person group had split up into a lead group of three.With me as the leader/tour goide. and the caboos group with Stefan (lead foot) as trail interpretor.
He had to reign back, the stomping fillies, a tad as they were charging all of the early climbs and we destined to crash and burn later in the sweltering 28oC conditions.Dan Vargo, a proven winner (Fat Dog) and Quentin Proud (a trail rookie from Nanaimo) managed their enthusiasm for the trails, and wisely stuck with the ED's pace for the first 1/4 of the course, and after the first turnaround at the Caleb Pike refuiling depot, took the initiative to break away from the playleader! I was left to return solo to the start location, passing the chatty caboose party shortly after starting leg two. With 10 minutes to spare for the potential second wave start. Unfortunately, this did not materialize, so at 11:00am I headed back into the "jungle", this time with Sandy T. my chief volunteer and potential "wave two" starter.She needed a couple of hours of trails that day so I invited her to run with me for a while.Although we were within yelling distance of each other she gradually pulled away before making her turn for home.I slower still further, alowing the two girls to reel me in so that I would have company for the fourth and final leg.We had a wonderful chat all the way back and got a great opportunity to discuss future race plans, they will both be running the 50 miler is Squamish soon, and with the "Monty" under their belts, fell confident that will kick so serious butt.
My one regret was that I overlooked docking my iPod over night,(blame it on the beers) and was greeted with a low battery message, right from the get-go!(no mavie this year!)
Thank you S. and the CFA, for allowing me the chance to host this almost "Classic" event.
Till next year...
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Post Event Survey. Please give us your feedback via this brief survey: http://www.clubfatass.com/events/FullMonty/posteventsurvey
Full Monty |
Dan Vargo |
6:23 |
2 |
Quentin Proud |
6:23 |
2 |
Tracy McKeown |
8:24 |
2 |
Marilyn Funk |
8:24 |
2 |
The Jackal |
8:24 |
2+2* |
The Monty |
Stefan Lehmann |
4:02 |
2 |
Chief Volunteer |
Sandy Thompson |
n/a |
1 |