Report: Thanks to all who participated in this years Ann's Get Your Fat Ass Off the Couch. It was a spectacular day...the sun was shining and the trails were at their best. A small group ran this year...lots of familiar faces and a couple of new ones that I really enjoyed meeting and running with. Great to see Wendy [the original event host] out there smoking up the course....too fast for me...we'll have to catch up another time! The beautiful fall colors were just beginning to show in some areas...spectacular... and there was one trail connection that had been blocked off that will have to be changed next year. Other than that the run was uneventful and to those that didn't make missed a good one!! See you all next year
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Photos - Any photos of the days can be posted to Flickr, added to the Club Fat Ass Flickr group and tagged with GetYourFatAssOffTheCouch2011 GetYourFatAssOffTheCouch ClubFatAssEvents ClubFatAssEvents2011. They will automatically appear in the slideshow below:
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