
North Shore Enduro - 23 May 2005



  • A fun run in Vancouver's rugged North Shore mountains that lasts up to 6 hours
  • A safe and challenging first trail run
  • A great social event for the team runner
  • A tune-up for Western States and other summer 100-milers for the competitive solo runner
  • An outdoor BBQ party for family and friends afterwards

Where and When?

  • Saturday 13 May 2006 - 09:00 start (2nd Saturday in May)
  • Start/finish at Camp Brick in the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve (LSCR) in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • See agenda for details on how to get there and course description

How Much?

  • Free for Club Fat Ass members ($35 for annual membership, $15 one-day membership)
  • To keep hassles on the morning of the run to a minimum and allow the host to participate as well, please sign up for both club membership and the event online and in advance.