
Tenderfoot Boogie training run #2

10 Apr 2011 08:00
Brandywine Falls BC
This Sunday April 10th we will meet At Brandywine Falls at 8:00 AM, then Carpool back to Brohm Lake Parking lot. There are two parking lots we will take the second one coming from Brandywine Falls, it is a bit smaller, if you are coming from Squamish it is exactly two km from Alice Lake turn off going north.
The distance is ~30 km taking you through the beautiful Cheakamus Canyon.
Please let me know if you are coming
Saturday of course is Diez Vista and I wish everyone good Luck,But this is no excuse for not showing up for the run on Sunday.  If you want to say hi to me I will be at aid station four.
PS, If you need to arrange a carpool the best way I can think of is by going to the comment button below, you can contct each other without me. the middleman.

Entry: There is no fee and you don't need to be a member of Club Fat Ass to participate in a Flash event, however whining is not allowed. No registration is required but please indicate your participation via the comment form below. You are responsible for your own well being and safety and should be self sufficient.

PARTICIPATE AT YOUR OWN RISK: YOU ARE WAIVING LEGAL ACTION: By participating in this event you agree to be wholly responsible for your own well-being and agree not to sue anyone associated with this event or Club Fat Ass or any person in relation to this activity. By participating in this event you agree to the terms of the Release of All


News Flash for Tenderfoot Boogie training run

We will now meet at Retta Lake turnoff, 2.5 km south of Brandywine Falls.The same turnoff as forPinecrest Estate and Black Tusk Village.

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