
Baldwin Lee's blog

Now all I have to do is train and run it....

I'm still in shock and awe even though it has been over 12 hours after the Lottery Night at NorthShoreAthletics for Knee Knacker.

I still can't get my head wrapped around the fact that I will be participating at Knee Knacker for the first time and I get the additional benefit of cross training with Curb Ivancic as preparation for KK!

Sweeping Diez Vista

The sweeper's function is to "sweep the trail" by collecting flagging, garbage and sometimes the participants during a race. We're there to make sure that no one gets lost and no gets left behind, to adminster first aid and encouragement if requested, (because there's nothing worse than having the sweeper pass you because you're not moving fast enough)

Yours Truly 50K, Malcolm Knapp UBC Research Forest

In many ways, the Yours Truly 50k is similar to Club Fat Ass events.

Baldwin's "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time..." for 2006

Well, I hopefully have the Longest Title award wrapped up.

First of all, the Big Three,

Apr 1/06 - American River 50 Mile Endurance Run, Sacramento (guess I'm going to miss the Burnaby Mountain CFA event)

July 8/06 - Knee Knacker (if I get in) or

July 29/06 White River 50 miler, WA (if I don't. I really hope I get in)

Nov/06 - Haney 2 Harrison 100K (I'm gonna need a bigger boat)

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