
Mike and Melissa's Fun Run

My training for the Vancouver New Year's Run got slightly of track over the last 2 weeks. Fighting a stomach bug just couldn't get me excited going out in wet trails. Then I missed Dom's Go Home and all all my mid-week runs last week...

Tackling Mike and Melissa's Run after such a hiatus was a bit scary. Luckily the weather cooperated and I only had to fight my own fatigue, not the elements.

As I almost have come to expect (I'll be punished for this, I know) the morning dawned chilly but clear and dry. I joined up with Michelle and Cheryl at the start. Cheryl was still giddy from getting lost on the way to MM and just arriving in the nick of time. In fact, if you look at the starter photo you'll see her posing with her casserole dish for the potluck afterwards.

As Mike put it, we had the most fun and stayed out there the longest...As I see it, the missing midweek runs so strongly recommended by Carlos are catching up to me. Luckily, the three of us stayed together, didn't split over engaged discussion on how to interpret the course descriptions (have to go back and check those two left turns off Bridle we never found) and eventually made it back into familiar terrain and to Mike and Melissa's welcoming home.

The fast guys were already wondering if they should send out the search crew. I was hardly inside when Baldwin Lee thrust a cup of home made hot noodle soup into my hands. Hm. I am sure I reeked like garlic for 2 days afterwards ;-)

One wicked course...happily finished in 5:10h (no short cuts, maybe some add on's...)