Mountain Highway Madness - Spring

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A Snow Year at the Spring MHM



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Who Will Be There?

How Much?


Event Registration - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

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Thank you for registering online and in advance.

This is a Club Fat Ass (CFA) event, so we adhere to CFA event management guidelines and privacy policy. Please complete the whole form. Your personal information is needed to make sure I spell your name right in the results and so I can contact you... or your next of kin! The other information helps me to plan any aid or post-event activities. Please help me to host a safer, better event by registering early and by notifying me if you can't make it. I'm constantly looking for ways to improve, so please share your thoughts or questions with me in the Suggestion Box below. After you click on "submit" below, your registration details will be confirmed.

Mike Kuiack - Your Club Fat Ass Event Host

Any Club member in good standing may participate in this event at no cost. If you're not currently a member, please choose a membership type

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this helps us to prepare better. Please note that the license at the Mosquito Creek Grill requires that finisher party attendees be 19+ years old.
Please let me know if you have any questions that aren't answered on the event web page. If anything isn't clear, there are any problems with the website, you have any suggestions as to how I might improve the event or you have any special needs, please tell me here.


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The Glory

Mountain Highway Madness is held twice a year in the late spring and early fall.  There's no trophy, t-shirt, ball cap or shiny car for the fastest or the last one left standing. Bragging rights are, however, available to those who are prepared to earn them:

Bragging Right


Platinum 4 or more round trips
Gold 3 round trips
Silver 2 round trips
Bronze 1 round trip
Raspberry an incomplete lap

2013 - Year 12 - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

17 March 2012 - 17 Starters
Event Report:

Woke to clear skies on Sunday morning, a glorious day for Year 12 of Mountain Highway Madness. Having participated in a few myself in recent years and having heard stories from old-timers, I knew that we lucked out, as past years have brought rain and snow and everything in between.

Scouting trail conditions the weekend prior, I knew that this would be one of those in-between years. It’s hard to predict what the path will be like for the spring editions, as some years it’s been clear sailing all the way to the top while other years you risked being swallowed up to your chest in snow as you approach the quarry. This year was likely to be bare halfway and then hard-packed snow the rest of the way.

Nostalgic for past snowdays though I arrived at the starting line with snowshoes in hand. As I was the only participant who brought them, I knew that I was either going to be the most prepared of the crew or that I’d end up pointlessly carrying two sticks for 15km of uphill and downhill – turned out to be the latter, although they did serve as a dry seat while I sat and  took vids of rveryone else charging down the mountain around 1km from the top.

We had 16 starters Sunday and a good mix of regulars and newbies. Including Gail, who was running in not only her first CFA event as a change-of-pace in the midst of  her Vancouver Marathon training but her first trail run ever. First but not her last, right Gail?

Pre-run talk turned for a moment to the results of Chuckanut 50k held the day before in Bellingham, as we had a few Chuckanut vets in attendance. While lacking the steepness and roots of Little Chinscraper, Old Mountain Highway as many of you know is a good weekend morning workout in its own right, a steady but runnable climb for 7.5km up to the quarry and then a nice downhill where you can air it out back to the cars.

CFA grand poobah and long-time MHM host Ean Jackson completed the ceremonial handoff to this year’s slightly younger but much less dashing event host and then we were off. Clearly some of the attendees had pent-up energy from the winter months to release, as they were off with a dash almost as if it was a road 10k.

Not so for Ean and me.  A perk of having 100+ ultras under one’s belt including many 100 milers like Ean does is that you’re overdue for a day when you run 1/300th of that distance.  You can count on Ean to always be a value-add however, as he made his down to Delaney’s to save seats for the post-event.

Perched at the 6km mark I was able to catch on tape just about everyone as they made they were down, including usual suspects like Dave Cressman leading the way, Chloe dressed in shorts as if it was summer MHM,  bagger extraordinaire Bill Maurer, a bunch of people nimbly scooting across the crusty snow.  One gent with a smile on his face had a photogenic lady at each arm – it may have been Ray, Lara and Gail but since my camera failed me then and my memory fails me now I’m not certain.

Lingering at the quarry for awhile in the sparkling snow, I chatted with Sibylle who was still in one piece at that point and with Sam who had arrived at the start a little while after we had left but whom we were glad to see.

Running down I encountered one man who was tearing it up midway up his 2nd loop, so speedy (and bearded) that I’m afraid I didn’t catch his identity.  It was a day for the ladies too, as the longest runners turned out to be Chloe at a full 2 laps and Lara at a lap and a half. Most everyone else called it a day after one 15km lap. A bit of a switch from past years and maybe an indication that some of us are getting older or less ambitious – or more sane?!

Back at Delaney’s, we were somewhat surprised to learn that there had been a few spills and unwanted thrills on the day. Some scrapes here, a torn MCL there. No trail runner-mountain biker rivalry on this day, as a couple of bikers chivalrously lent onjured Sibylle a bike to help with her descent. We wish her a speedy and full  recovery, as she has the Berlin Marathon to look forward to in just 6 months. On a brighter note, Andy and Sam were the recipients of free entries into Saturday’s inaugural Cap Crusher, part of the new Coast Mountain Trail Running Series launched by Gary Robbins and friends.

So another good edition of MHM in the books. Thanks to everyone for coming and see you in September for the Fall Mountain Highway Madness. I have posted 10 short video clips of many of you in action. e.

P.S. You can read about Sibylle's mishap here

Mike Kuiack
Host of the Mountain Highway Madness

PS If you participated in the run, please take a moment to fill out the Club's Post Event Survey. You can also leave your comments, impressions from the run and feedback via the comment link below (you need to be signed in for that) or in your CFA blog.

Photos. Coming soon is a slideshow of event photos. You can add yours to this Flickr slideshow by following these instructions.  Please tag all photos with SpringMHM2013 SpringMHM SpringMountainHighwayMadness ClubFatAssEvents ClubFatAssEvents2013 and add to the Flickr Club Fat Ass group pool.


First Name Last Name City Event Points Lap 1/Up/Down/Total Lap 2 /Up/Down/Total  Total Comments
Chloe Gendron Vancouver 30km - 2 loops 2 / /1:28 / /1:37 03:05  
Lara Spence vancouver 20km - custom 2        
Dave Cressman Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop   2+1* 45/33=1:18   1:18 * Garbage Point
Sam Chiu Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 1        
Gail Chung Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 2        
Andy Healey Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 1+1* 0:56/0:45=1:41   1:41 *Garbage Point
Mike Kuiack Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop  2+2** 1:20 / 0:40 =2:00    2:00 ** Event Host Points
Ray Levasseur Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 2 1:07/0 :52 =1:59    1:59  
Bill Maurer North Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 2 / / 01:41   1:41  
Paul Schrimpf Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 1        
Hashem Sharifi North Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 1        
David Weightman vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 0***       ***membership status
Paul  Kennedy   15km - 1 loop 1        
Jonathan  Wornell   15km  - 1 loop 0***       ***membership status
Sibylle Tinsel North Vancouver 11Km + 4km bike rescue ;-) 2 1:26/0:20=1:46    1:46   
Ean Jackson North Vancouver custom - .5km 2 00:03     0:03  
Laddie Hannam north vancouver 15km - Custom 1 02:00     2:00  
Sean Lavin Vancouver DNS -1        


2012 - Year 11 - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

18 March 2012 - 17 Starters

Sometimes I wonder if the folks I hang out with aren't all nuts.  This was especially true on Sunday morning as I made my way to the start of the 11th annual spring running of the Mountain Highway Madness. 

It was 7:00 am on a Sunday morning, you see.  Skies were dark and it was spitting rain when I left the comfort of my home with coffee in hand.  I was out late the evening before and had plans to take the kids on a long snowshoe hike in the afternoon, so the last thing I needed to do was run up and down old Mountain Highway in the rain.  I assumed most of the people who had signed up for the run would take one look at the weather and roll over in bed... Club points be damned.  

Boy, was I was wrong!  Compared to last year, a veritable throng of bright-eyed, bushy-tailed runners gathered at the start.  Funny, isn't it, how Fat Asses seem to be attracted to adverse running conditions?

For the first time in the history of the run, there was snow at the start line.  Any threat of rain had subsided and it snowed ever so lightly.  Mike Wardas, one of the handful of crazies who participated in the first Mountain Highway Madness 11 years ago, came prepared with snowshoes.  Kerry and Chris from Fort St. John, who know the true meaning of winter, came prepared for a run in Stanley Park.  Ever the optimist, Chris Benn wore shorts.  Marc took a week off from hosting Seymour Sundays to go for Silver and Des was jonesing for snow after several weeks of 30C+ weather in Laos.

Unaware that another half-dozen people or so were on their way, we started promptly at 7:30.  Dave Cressman bolted off the front with the fast boys while a large group shared stories at a more leisurely pace.  The snowpack was inconsistent until past the Van Tan Club, so Mike didn't put his snowshoes on until about 1/3 of the way up Mt. Fromme.  From that point on, however, Bigfoot Wardas was the man to follow as he did a great job of making it easier to place one's shoe in the deep snow.  

By the time we reached the turnaround point, the fast boys (most of whom planned at least 2, if not 3 laps) were 1/2 way back down the mountain.  Rabble-rouser Pace proposed a sweet custom course down Per Gynt trail, so for the benefit of our out-of-town guests, several of us dropped down the steep trail into the woods.  In places, the powdery snow was almost bottomless.  We hooted and hollered like powder hounds as we laughed and fell in snow above our waists.  Top grades for craziness go to Senors Lavin and Le Pine:  arms flailing and screaming at the tops of their lungs as they flew by their camarades, bouncing off trees as they went.

Again for the benefit of the newly-minted Fat Asses from Fort St. John, Glenn recommended a detour to the finish via Leopard/Crinkum Crankum trail.  This took us on some bike bridges and other dicey sections which pleased our guests immensely, but left those who kept on-course wondering what in the heck had happened to everyone.

As the hard-asses went back for another lap, the rest of us made an executive decision to forego the free beer and go for coffee and sticky buns at Delaney's in Lynn Valley instead.  Thanks to Trail Runner magazine, all out of town guests were honored with an annual magazine subscription.  Thanks to Dave Cressman of Distance Runware (who, by the way, completed 2 laps in time to make it for last call at the coffee shop), a lucky runner who gave it their best in an attempt to complete 3 or more laps was awarded a $25 gift certificate.  Congrats to Mike Wardas who is still givin'er 11 years later!

Congrats to everyone who came out and enjoyed the great snow year of 2012... it was a blast running with you.


Ean Jackson
Host of the Mountain Highway Madness

PS If you participated in the run, please take a moment to fill out the Club's Post Event Survey. You can also leave your comments, impressions from the run and feedback via the comment link below (you need to be signed in for that) or in your CFA blog.

Photos.  Here is a slideshow of event photos. You can add yours to this Flickr slideshow by following these instructions.  Please tag all photos with SpringMHM2012 SpringMHM SpringMountainHighwayMadness ClubFatAssEvents ClubFatAssEvents2012 and add to the Flickr Club Fat Ass group pool.

Results: preliminary - please email missing times

First Name Last Name City Event Points Loop 1 Up/Down/Total Loop 2 Up/Down Loop 3 Up/Down/Total Total
3 Laps
Michael Wardas N. Vancouver 45km - 3 loops 2 1:10/0:40/1:50 1:01/0:32/1:33 1:04/0:38/1:42 5:06
2 Laps
Dave  Cressman Vancouver 30km - 2 loops 2+1* 0:57/0:34/1:31 0:46/0:33/1:19   2:29
Marc Schmitz North Vancouver 30km - 2 loops 2 0:57/0:34/1:31 partial lap   2:58
1 Lap
Carlie Smith Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 2+1 ?     1:40
Mike Kuiack Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 1 1:02/0:38/1:10     1:40
desmond mott n.vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 2+1*       1:44
Maureen Forrestal Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 1 ?     1:45
Chris  Benn Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 1 ?     1:45
Bill Maurer North Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 1 ?     1:56
Simon Le Pine New Westminster 15Km - 1 loop 1 ?     ?
Laddie Hannam north vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 1 1:12/0:47/1:59     1:59
Sean Lavin Vancouver 30km - 2 loops 2 ?     2:01
Stacey Nievweija Tacoma 15Km - 1 loop 2 ?     2:01
Ean Jackson North Vancouver 15Km - 1 loop 2+2** 1:09/1:00/2:09     2:09
Glenn Pace North Van 15Km - 1 loop 2 1:09/1:00/2:09     2:09
kerry mann fort st. john 15Km - 1 loop 2 1:09/1:00/2:09     2:09
chris schippmann fort st. john 15Km - 1 loop 2 1:10/0:59/2:09     2:09


* Garbage Point
** EH Point

2011 - Year 10 - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

20 March 2011 - 12 Starters
It's been 10 years since Curb Ivanic, Mike Wardas, Derrick Johnstone, Ron Adams, Sean Finucane, Jim Swadling and I participated in the first Mountain Highway Madness.  How time flies!
The start of the second decade for this event saw 2 new CFA members, Stefan and Emily, out for the first time out with the Club. Curb and I were there to represent the old timers. Despite the knowledge that it was a snow year, several starters showed up at the start in shorts. Two brought their snowshoes. Many brought yaktraks or similar devices and at least one bright light wore gaiters with shin guards. While the sun shone on the treetops at 7:30 am, it was cool and dark at the run start, so we hopped on the spot to stay warm and shared small talk about how a glitch on the registration page saw most starters committing to 5 laps of the roughly 15K course.
Conditions for this 10th anniversary running were much as they were a decade ago: clear blue skies, temperatures around the freezing mark at the start and snow underfoot from about 1/2 way up to the turnaround. Special for 2011 was that last night saw a full moon come the closest to the earth in several decades and this particular Sunday was the first official day of spring. 'Lots to celebrate!
Curb, who looked scary fit and ready to set a course record, took off from the start.  The rest of us broke into pace groups. Given the recent cool, rainy weather, I was surprised to see that the snow didn't start being a significant obstacle to running much before the cut-off to Peer Gynt trail. Oddly enough, however, at this particular switchback, the snow went from being a couple of centimeters deep to almost mid-shin. 
A snowshoe trail went left and sharply uphill onto the Peer Gynt trail. It looked like only one person in running shoes had continued up Mountain Highway.  Glenn and I knew that at least 4 runners were ahead of us.  What to do? Should we stick to the course and rip our shins to pieces, or should we follow the snowshoe route where it appeared that the other runners had gone?
While steeper, the side trail proved to be the path of least resistance.  When we popped-out of the woods near the HMH turnaround, Glenn and I found sunshine and untracked snow up to our knees. We postholed our way to the "official" turnaround at the entrance to the stone quarry and carved our names in the snow as testament to our achievement.  
As we made our way back down, Glenn and I we were greeted with cries of, "Hey, how did you get up here!" from Curb, who we found diligently breaking trail on the true MHM course and marking it for those who followed with blood from his shins.  Busted! Looks like Glenn and I would be claiming a custom course today...
The descent, of course, was a lot quicker than the ascent. We met a couple of heavily armored mountain bikers who were pushing their bikes uphill, but apart from that, the sound of happy birds and rushing water was our only company. It wasn't even 9:30 when we arrived back at the start, but a warm sun and the prospect of a coffee and muffin appealed more than a second lap.  
Congrats to Stefan Albrecher who was the only person to suck it up and gut-out a second lap. Congrats and a big "thank you" for breaking trail to Curb who, incidentally, gets the Purple Heart award for hacking his shins all to pieces in the process. I'd like to also acknowledge all of the Fat Asses who stopped to picked up trash along our route: Thank you for helping to keep the trails pristine.
Until the fall running of Mountain Highway in September!

Ean Jackson
Host of the Mountain Highway Madness

PS If you participated in the run, please take a moment to fill out the Club's Post Event Survey. You can also leave your comments, impressions from the run and feedback via the comment link below (you need to be signed in for that) or in your CFA blog.

Photos.  Here is a slideshow of event photos. You can add yours to this Flickr slideshow by following these instructions.  Please tag all photos with SpringMHM2011 SpringMHM SpringMountainHighwayMadness ClubFatAssEvents ClubFatAssEvents2011 and add to the Flickr Club Fat Ass group pool.



First Name Last Name City Event 1st Loop 2nd Loop Points
Stefan Albrecher Vancouver 30km 1:09 up / 1:00 down   0:58 up / 0:45 down 1
Jay Jardine Vancouver 15km 1:50   1
Curb Ivanic Vancouver 15km 1:51   2
Desmond mott n.vancouver 15km 1:55   2+1*
Craig Slagel Vancouver 15km + 2:35   1
Jonathan Weresch Vancouver 15km + 2:35   1
John Machray North Vancouver 15km + 2:50   2
Wendy  Montgomery North Vancouver custom     1
Sibylle Tinsel North Vancouver 15km - 2:54   2+1*
Emily Bridger West Vancouver 15km - 3:00   1
Ean Jackson North Vancouver custom 1:47   2+2**
Glenn Pace North Van custom 1:47   1


* Garbage Point
** EH Point

2010 - Year 9 - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

21 March 2010 - Starter Photo
22 Starters

Report: This feels weird... it's like being a citizen journalist reporting on my own Club Fat Ass event.  I wasn't there, so I've tried to piece together the facts from participants after the fact.

First off, my apologies for not showing up at the start.  'Got the flu shot in October and managed to dodge the bullet until late this week, but really got whacked yesterday.  Accepted that I'd not be in any shape to run when I hit the sack on Saturday evening, but fully intending to welcome everyone and kick things off today.  Plans changed when I woke at 6:00am this morning when Sibylle kindly volunteered to emcee.  Thank you, Sibylle... and "Yes" I hereby do formally acknowledge that I assign my Event Host point in the Club Point Series to you!

Eyewitness reports tell me that several new Club members toed the line next to the water fountain at the base of Fromme Mountain.  Noal and Sarah from Seattle were aiming to take gold for Team USA.  Tom brought his flatlander brother David all the way from Regina for a taste of what real hill training is all about.  (Whaddya think, David?)  To shake up their family Sun Run training a bit, Janice and Nathan brought along Adreel and Ciaran.  Rachel was out to do a lap as a warm down after having completed a 12-hour run the day before.  Desmond, however, was not present.  He misread the agenda and showed up bright and early on Saturday morning.  Should he get his Club participation points?

It had rained most of the night, so the air was thick with mist at the start. No bears or cougars were sighted, but several runners remarked that the bird calls and rushing water created a symphonic backdrop to the silence of the forest.  Surprisingly, it was warm at the start and warm at the turnaround, but very cold in-between.  In contrast to 2009 where we wallowed in snow up to our waists, Mountain Highway was clear of snow until the 7th switchback.

At the Mosquito Creek afterwards (yes, I was there!) we shared adventure stories and cooked up a few plans for adventures-to-come.  Thanks to Kelly and Lucie of the Mosquito Creek Grill and the good folks at Kintec and Trail Runner Magazine, everyone present was treated to a free beer and a recognition prize for their efforts.

Just as we were wrapping-up, Team USA arrived to claim gold after completing three laps of the Mountain Highway Madness course.  They were instantly selected as poster children for the special 2010 gold edition Club Fat Ass t-shirt.  An impromptu photo shoot with our porker mascot was setup on the dance floor.  (Note:  Ken Legg and Tundra the Ultradog also earned "gold" status in this year's event.)

Congrats to all participants and I hope to join you for the fall running of the Mountain Highway Madness!

"Outta Action" Jackson
Host of the Mountain Highway Madness

PS If you participated in the run, please take a moment to fill out the Club's Post Event Survey. You can alsoleave your comments, impressions from the run and feedback via the comment link below (you need to be signed in for that) or in your CFA blog.

Photos.  Below is a slideshow of event photos. You can add yours to this Flickr slideshow by following these instructions.  Please tag all photos with SpringMHM2010 SpringMHM SpringMountainHighwayMadness ClubFatAssEvents ClubFatAssEvents2010 and add to the Flickr Club Fat Ass group pool.

Results. Preliminary results are posted below.  Please email us your times or corrections if necessary.

First Name Last Name Event Points 1st - up/down/total 2nd - up/down/total 3rd - up/down/total
Ken and Tundra the Ultra Dog legg 45km - 3 loops 2 1:01 / 43 = 1:44  55 / 40/ 1:35  1:15 / 44 /1:59/5:18
Sarah anderson 45km - 3 loops 2 01:40 ? ?
Noal Cattone 45km - 3 loops 2 01:40 ? ?
janice Bennett 45km - 3 loops 1 ? ? ?
Nathan Livingston 45km - 3 loops 1 ? ? ?
Jessica Glowacki 30km - 2 loops 2 56/36/1:32 60/ 39/ 3:11  
Ray Levasseur 30km - 2 loops 1+1*


Jonathan Weresch 30km - 2 loops 1 55/45/1:40 60/42 / 3:22  
Wayne Guest 15km - 1 loop 2 49:19/28:49/1:18:03    
Bill Dagg 15km - 1 loop 2 54/36/1:30    
David Froh 15km - 1 loop 2 01:37    
Tom Froh 15km - 1 loop 2 01:37    
desmond mott 15km - 1 loop 2+1* 58/43/1:41    
Reagan White 15km - 1 loop 1+1* 1:04/43/1:47    
Jess Dagg 15km - 1 loop 2+1* 1:15/45/2:00    
Michelle Allen 15km - 1 loop 1+1 1:15/45/2:00    
Arlene MacAulay custom - 12.5km 1 ?    
Killaine Sharman custom - 13km 2+1* 01:37    
Sibylle Tinsel custom 12km 2+1*+2** 01:37    
Rachel Tanya Fouladi custom - 11km  2+1* 01:50    
Ciaran  Healey custom   01:39    
Adreel Forsyth custom    01:39    
Craig Moore custom 2 01:30    
Ethelyn David custom 1 1:30    
John  Machray pub 1 n/a    
Dave Berg 0 -1 DNS    
Rob Smith 0 -1 DNS    
laddie hannam 0 -1 DNS    
Ean Jackson 0 0 DNS    
Micah Lang 0 -1 DNS    
cristy maltese 0 0 DNS    
Tracy Wakaluk 0 -1 DNS    
















































* Garbage Point
** EH Point

2009 - Year 8 - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

Club Fat Ass Event - Spring Mountain Highway Madness 2009 - Starter Photo

15 March 2009 - Starter Photo
12 Starters

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Or so it felt as we assembled under the Kintec tent at the start of the 8th annual Mountain Highway Madness.  Global warming?  What global warming?  Yes, Mother Nature threw another late-season curve ball and gave us the most snow in the history of this event.  

In summary, the event was a disaster for those hoping to set a course speed record or get in multiple loops.  For those who toed the line in the snow, however, our run turned out to be an unforgettably beautiful group run in the untracked powder. 

The Mountain Highway Madness course takes a summer access dirt road from a residential neighborhood to an old quarry on the side of Fromme Mountain on Vancouver's north shore.  There was a dusting of snow at the start, but as soon as we passed the first of several switchbacks, it was deep enough for me to use my snowshoes.  As we climbed the mountain, the snow got progressively deeper... and deeper... and deeper. 

Rob Ruff did an excellent job of breaking trail through the powdery snow which, near the turnaround, was almost knee-deep.  A reluctant sun peeked from behind the snow-laden pines from time to time.  Apart from our heavy breathing and a weird sound that we later determined was from trees rubbing together, it was totally silent. 

As has been the case in previous years, the runners beat the snowshoer both up to the turnaround and back to the start.  Since most of us ran as a group, we opted to go for a coffee in front of a fireplace rather than run another lap.  As we walked back to our cars, Laddie pointed out that it was 17C for one of the first spring Mountain Highway Madness runs. 

Thanks to Kintec and Trail Runner magazine for the prizes.  It was tougher than normal to award them.  I am pleased to announce that none of the starters of this year's event got lost.  I am also thankful that there were no "purple heart" awards handed out to recognize outstanding injuries incurred during the run.  Thanks to all who made the time to search in the snow for trash to pick up, I had some bonus points to award.  Special mention goes out to the 3 runners who wore shorts and persevered the snow without whining. 

I hope to see you all back in September for the fall version of Mountain Highway Madness so you can compare the experience and your split times with and without snow.

Ean Jackson
Host of the Mountain Highway Madness


PS If you participated in the run, please take a moment to fill out the Club's Post Event Survey. You can also leave your comments, impressions from the run and feedback via the comment link below (you need to be signed in for that) or in your CFA blog.

  Here are more photos. You can add yours to this slideshow by following these instructions.  Please tag all photos with SpringMHM2009 SpringMHM SpringMountainHighwayMadness and ClubFatAssEvents

Preliminary Results. Please check for missed times/names/distances and forward corrections to the EH via the comment form below or email.

First Name Last Name Event Points Up/Down/total
Rob Ruff 15km - 1 loop 2 1:20/0:40/2:00
Greg Barreca 15km - 1 loop 2 1:21/0:39/2:00
Jessica Glowacki 30km - 2 loops 2 1:21/0:39/2:00 
desmond mott 15km - 1 loop 3* 1:21/0:40/2:01
Chris Atkins 15km - 1 loop 2 1:21/0:44:42/2:05:42)
philip parker 15km - 1 loop 2 1:21/0:46/2:07
Ean Jackson 15km - 1 loop 4** 1:21/0:47/2:08 
Michael Syrjala 30km - 2 loops 2 1:21/0:47/2:08
Helen Tilley 15km - 1 loop 3* 1:21/0:47/2:08
Arthur Gee 15km - 1 loop    1:49/1:06/2:55
Laddie Hannam 15km - 1 loop 3* 1:15/0:53/2:08
Craig Moore custom - third switchback 2 0:23/0:19/0:42
Ryne Melcher custom - first switchback 2 0:12
Monty Watts Saturday ? 2 ?
Andy Nicol   -1 DNS
Mike Palichuk   -1 DNS


* Garbage Point
** EH Point

2008 - Year 7 - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

16 March 2008 - 25 Starters

As the rising sun cast it's warm glow over Fromme Mountain and the final minutes ticked down to the start of the spring running of Mountain Highway Madness, I paused to ponder one of life's great mysteries. This run has been on the 3rd Sunday in March at 7:30 in the morning for seven (7) years. The date and times are on the event website in at least 2 places. "How is it that 7 people didn't get the start time right?!"

No matter. Mountain Highway Madness is a fun Club Fat Ass run where nobody really cares how fast or far you run, so why should they care when you start?

Penny, Melissa and Mike were the first to show up. My understanding is that they were jogging around the start line wondering where everyone was at 7:30 on Saturday morning. The weather was fine and there was excellent company, so the fat ass pathfinders set off a day early. Read their reports on the course here.

At 7:00 on a Sunday morning, the streets of North Vancouver are usually deserted but the last paved section of Mountain Highway was buzzing with trail runners when I arrived. The start area looked like that of a "real" running race, as Danielle from Kintec had set up a tent and a bounteous spread of trail chow.

The starting field was quite diverse. At the one end, Ryne Melcher, Rea and Stephen Blyth, who had completed the Chuckanut 50K run the day before and who aimed to run at least 4 laps (60K) today. At the other end, 2 elementary school runners, a young Japanese language student who had never run in his life and myself, the shadow of a runner complete with torn calf and a couple of broken ribs from a skiing wipeout.

We set off promptly at 7:30. Four registered runners, keeners I knew planned to start, were nowhere to be seen. The pack quickly broke into 3 groups: fast, solid and raspberry (those who were out for less than a full 15K lap.)

The spring Mountain Highway Madness (there's also a fall version held in September) is always a bit of a lottery when it comes to conditions. Over the past 7 years we've experienced sunny, warm days with not a trace of snow. We've had snow on almost the entire course (I did it in snowshoes one year!) and we've had monsoon rains the whole day.

Today, the weather was clear and temperatures fresh. There were patches of snow even at the start. From about the 3rd switchback (3K), however, the snow was deep and crusty. Heavier runners postholed to their knees with every stride and there was precious little of a path to follow. Passing runners whinced at Ran Katzman's bloodied shins. Multi-time Mountain Highway Madness finisher Glen Pace called them, "the toughest conditions ever".

As I made my way back down, the 4 missing runners passed by me. "For some reason I thought the start was at 7:45," said Ron Adams. Graham Archer later came by to see how far he could get on his mountain bike while Rick Arikado showed up 3 hours after the start!

John Machray had a PW (personal worst) a week before his Coyote 2 Moon 100-miler, but claims to have passed a kidney stone. Desmond ran home. Instead of doing her second lap, Laddie went to the coffee shop and brought back some warm java for Danielle and something for the finisher draw securing a bonus point for Club spirit.

Many thanks to Kintec and Danielle for the great aid station and prizes, Laddie for her generosity and Kelly at the Mosquito Creek for the cool pint.  Thanks also to TrailRunner Magazine, who provided two annual TR subsriptions.  They just arrived in the mail - a day to late for the awards - and were given to our out-of-towners Lorie and Barry, as the farthest travelled and longest on the course.

Ean Jackson
Host of the Mountain Highway Madness

PS If you participated in the run (yesterday or today!), please take a moment to fill out the Club's Post Event Survey. You can also leave your comments, impressions from the run and feedback via the comment link below (you need to be signed in for that) or in your CFA blog.

Here are more photos. You can add yours to this slideshow by following these instructions.

Preliminary Results. Please check for missed times/names/distances and forward corrections to the EH via the comment form below or email.

First Name Last Name Home Town Event Points 1st lap: up/down/
2nd lap:
3rd Lap:
Ellie Greenwood Vancouver 45km 2 0:53/
Glenn Pace North Vancouver 45km 1 ? ? ?/?/?/
Lorie Alexander Vernon 45km 2 ?/?/2:24 ?/?/2:26 ?/?/2:32/7:22
Barry Hopkins Buena Vista Sask 45km 2 ?/?/2:24 ?/?/2:26 ?/?/2:32/7:22
Ran Katzman Vancouver 30km 3*** 58/
Ryan Conroy Vancouver 30km 1 ?/?/
Penny Jakobsen North Vancovuer 20km 2 2:29    
Melissa Pace North Vancouver 20km 1 2:29    
Michael Wardas N. Van 20km 2 2:29    
Paul Cubbon North Vancouver 15km   1:44    
desmond mott N. Vancouver 15km 2 1:44    
Rob Ruff Surrey 15km 2 1:45    
Rea blyth north vancouver 15km 1 1:48    
stephen blyth north vancouver 15km 1 1:48    
Ron Adams North Vancouver 15km 1 1:07/
Doug MacKay North Vancouver 15km 2 2:01    
Gord Thompson Coquitlam 15km 2 1:16/
Ryne Melcher North Vancouver 15km 3* 2:11    
laddie hannam north vancouver 15km 2*** 1:17/
John Machray North Vancouver 15km   2:40    
Ran Katzman Vancouver 30km 2 58/
Jojo Cheesepig North Vancouver 5km 1 0:44    
Ean Jackson North Vancouver 5km 4** 0:44    
EJ Powderhound North Vancouver 5km 1 0:44    
Masaki Umehara Japan 5km 1 0:44    
Rick Arikado North Vancouver 5km 1 ?    
Graham Archer   4km - bike 1 0:15    
Danielle MacLeod North Vancouver crew 1 crew    

* Garbage Point
** EH Point
*** Bonus Point for special kindness

2007 - Year 6 - Spring Mountain Highway Madness


2007 Spring Starter Photo: 20 Starters - 20 Finishers

What was unique and exciting about the 6th annual Spring version of the mountain Highway Madness? Most noticeable was the impact of the new, improved start of daylight savings time which had gone into effect a week earlier.  It was pitch black when we woke up and equally as dark as we made our way to the start of the run in the Lynn Valley area of North Vancouver.

The weather Gods had not been kind of late.  It had been raining heavily in the Vancouver area for at least a week.  I'm sure the promise of a pause in the monsoons motivated many participants in today's run, as elsewhere in the city it was dry and spring-like.  However, as early arrivals huddled with me in the car to stay warm and dry to the last possible minute, we concluded it would be another wet one in the mountains.

The sound of rushing water was everywhere.  Creeks were full to bursting and the waterfall that marks the start of Mountain Highway Madness drowned out the start line announcements.  There were still a large number of fallen trees on and next to old Mountain Highway from the harsh winter wind storms and the dirt road itself was gouged from the effects of the torrential monsoons.

Cheryl and Craig opted to get a lap in early and make it back in time for the starter photo, but rain was falling fairly hard so we started on time. (Sorry, guys!)  On the morning after St. Patrick's Day, Irish John looked in good spirits.  Find any leprechauns last night, John?  New Club Fat Ass members Marg and Felicia were surely wondering what they had got themselves into as everyone headed up the road and into the rain and fog.

The promised lull in the storm came roughly 10 minutes into the run when everyone was soaked.  It was so misty and humid, however, few runners noticed that the rain had stopped.

Wade and I had run the course a few weeks earlier and found the snowline at roughly 5K up the road.  The warmer weather and rains had cleared away almost a kilometer of snow, but left about the same before the turnaround point.

There were first a few patches of snow, but coming around a switchback, it was as if there was over a meter of cold mushy stuff in the path. Andy and some of the lead runners found themselves following in the footsteps of Cheryl and Craig.  Step in the wrong spot and you were in snow to above your knees!  Even for those runners who benefited from misery of those who passed before, it was slow going as they sank to mid-calf.

As if on cue, a brilliant spring sunshine broke through the clouds as we regrouped for brunch at the Mosquito Creek Grill.  Craig, Cheryl, Baldwin and Wade we still slogging it out as we toasted their good health and longevity on the trails with a cool, lager. Many thanks to North Shore Athletics and TrailRunner Magazine for the draw prizes and the MosquitoCreek Grill for the free pint.

Ean Jackson
Host of Mountain Highway Madness

To see more photos, please go here for a slideshow.

First Name Last Name Event P 1 Lap up/down/total
2nd Lap up/down/total 3rd Lap up/down/total
Glenn Pace 45km 2 0:53/0:36/1:29 0:53/0:38/1:31 1:01/0:40/4:42
Wade Repta 45km 2 ? ? ?
Cheryl Johnson 45km 2
1:59/0:59/7:13 early start
Craig Moore 45km 2 1:18/1:01/2:19 2:26/1:30/5:15 2:59/0:59/7:13 early start
Andy  Nicol 30km 1 ? ?  
Ellie Greenwood 30km 2 0:51/0:31/1:22 0:55/0:29/2:46  
Ran Katzman 30km 52/33/1.25 54/30/2:49  
Ryan Conroy 30km 1 0:56/0:38/1:34 0:59/0:41/3:14  
Amy MacArthur 30km 2 ?/?/1:36 ?/?/3:20  
Rob Ruff 30km 1 0:51/0:31 1:13/0:45/3:20  
John Machray 30km 2 1:16/0:46/2:02 1:15/1:00/4:17  
Baldwin Lee 30km 1 1:12/0:50/2:02 1:14/0:49/4:05 late start
Arlene MacAulay 15km 2 ?/?/1:35    
Bradley Jones 15km 1 ?/?/1:39    
Desmond Mott 15km 2 0:51/0:31/1:22    
John Mcgrath 15km 1 0:54/0:36/1:30    
Felicia Bochicchio 15km 1 1:08/0:45/1:53    
Laddie Hannam 15km 2 1:08/0:45/1:53    
Sibylle Tinsel 15km 2 1:16/0:46/2:02    
Marg Drewlo 15km 2 1:16/0:51/2:07    
Ean Jackson  0 2 EH   His excuse?  Ran Chuckanut 50km the day before...






























2006 - Year 5 - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

Mountain Highway Madness - 19 March 2006
(The Year of the Big Snow)

27 starters, 27 finishers

Saturday evening 8:00 pm. I get a call from my buddy Scott Riddell. Since neither he nor fellow ultrarunner Curb Ivanic could join us on Sunday morning, Scott tells me how they ran the Mountain Highway Madness course a day early. His message: "Be prepared for snow!" Too late to contact everyone in the event, I jog up the street to the local scoutmaster and borrow a trunkload of snowshoes.

Sunday morning 6:00 am. A frigging woodpecker starts pecking on my aluminum fireplace cap. I race downstairs for the slingshot, half forgetting that I'm supposed to be at the run start in about an hour. It's a gorgeous morning.

7:00 am. A bunch of runners have already assembled at the start. I pass along Scott's report and offer up snowshoes. No takers. We stash our aid next to a waterfall. It's a big field for a small run. After a 5 year absence from running, Joe Marchand is back. I notice a few folks I suspect were up all night at a St. Patrick's Day party. James Sinclair, a visitor from Southern Ontario, soaks up the atmosphere of the 'shore. We're off.

Within 5 minutes we see our first snow. By the time we reach the Van Tan Club 5 minutes later, there's accumulated snow and the first blown-down tree. I pause to put on my snowshoes. According to John's thermometer, it’s freezing...but it sure seems warm as we run up the mountain. Off with the jacket. With only a narrow path through the crusty snow, it's tough going. Everyone seems to be having fun, though. I've never run head to head against runners with my snowshoes and I'm getting my butt kicked.

8:45 am. The first runner, James from Ontario, comes hammering past us. Course record holder Geoff "Fluffy Bunny" Palmer is in hot pursuit. As we close in on the turnaround point, we are greeted by glorious blue skies and a warm sun. Dho...forgot the shades! No matter... it's back downhill through the forest and this time gravity is our friend. The good thing about the snow is that it covers the loose rock surface of old Mountain Highway, so the runners open it up. I pass a few of my pals then clip an ankle and go ass-over-teakettle into the snow. Fortunately, there were no witnesses as that might have cost me a round of beers!

9:45 am. I can't believe it...some people are back for a second lap! Back at the Van Tan Club, I take off the snowshoes. 'Feels weird to run in runners. I'm the last in on the first loop.

12:00 noon. We get together at the Mosquito Creek Grill for lunch, a free beer and a lot of laughs as we exchange stories. Amazingly, given the conditions, 5 people completed the course 3 times giving them another "ultra" to notch in their fuel belts. Equally amazing, there were no seriously wounded: Elke had a bit of bra burn, Craig wacked his leg straddling a blown-down tree and I lost some skin on my bare legs during my snowshoe wipeout. No prizes for trash pickup as there was thankfully no trash to be seen. Baldwin got slightly lost when he followed tracks through the stone quarry and up into the piney woods and the poor bugger was also victim of a theft. 'Seems some chickadee or squirrel swiped his peanut butter and jam sandwich!

Congrats to everyone who participated in this, the year of the big snow, at Mountain Highway Madness. See you in the fall.

Ean Jackson
Host of the Mountain Highway Madness


Click on the photo grid to see full-sized photos

This shows photos in a set called 2006 Spring Mountain Highway Madness.






Preliminary Results


Gold - 3 laps - 45K

First Name Last Name Club
Lap 1 up/down/
Lap 2
Mark Lesack 2        
Bill Dagg 2 51/35/
57/38/1:35 1:05/36/1:41 4:41
Glenn Pace 2 56:35/32:15/
Louise McCor
1 59/43/1:42 60/52/1:52 1:01/41/1:42 5:17
Dave Smith 1 59/43/1:42 60/52/1:52 1:01/41/1:42 5:17

Silver - 2 laps - 30K

First Name Last Name Club
Lap 1
Lap 2
Geoffrey Palmer 2 ?/?/1:23 ?/?/1/25 2:48
J.P. Obbagy 1 53:24/33:33/
RobRuff159/41/1:40 1:17/51/2:08 3:48
Baldwin Lee 2 1:10/44/1:54 1:15/41/1:56 3:50
Elke Bauer 2     4:00
Cheryl Johnson 2     4:30

Bronze - 1 lap - 15K

First Name Last Name Club
Up Down Time
James Sinclair 1     1:23
DavidCrerar1  1:35
Bradley Jones 1     1:38:02
Berglind Hafsteinsdottir 2 1:04 39 1:43
Laddie Hannam 2 1:09 40 1:49
Craig Moore 2     2:12
Rhonda Schuller 2     2:12
Mike Palethorpe 1     ?
Desmond Mott 2 54:00 34:20 1:28:20
Patricia Jensen 1     1:29
John Machray 2     ?
Cynnimon Rain 1     ?
Jo Hauser 1     1:39
Joseph Marchand 2      
Ean Jackson 3     2:15


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Results | Background | Thanks! | FAQ | Contact

Mountain Highway Madness Fun

Hi Ean,
Just to let you know, I did do the 2 laps after all and my total time was 4:30. What a fabulous day. Aside from the snow and the great company, one of the highlights for me was being lapped by Mark at the Quarry on my second and his third lap. I just turned around and he was there. Unbelievable! And he stopped to chat so he wasn't just racing. I thought Glen Pace & Bill Dagg were going to lap me too but I just barely held them off. Bill's last downhill was 35 minutes, pretty fast. Big congatulations to all who did 3 laps today.....amazing in all that snow.
Glad you started a conversation with the group that had started out at Propect Point that morning. That's a feat a person should know about.
Great event. Thank you & Sibylle for always showing up in so many ways (even when injured). Pete is so right. We owe you big time!

2005 - Year 4 - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

20 March 05 - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

Heinous. "Adj. Grossly wicked or reprehensible; abominable", according to

There was considerable talk about the weather that greeted starters of the Mountain Highway Madness trail run this morning. After a winter of unseasonably sunny, warm days we were treated to some liquid sunshine. Heinous is how I'd describe our weather. The 7th Mountain Highway Madness will go down in the record books as being the event when most of the field poked their heads through the blinds, then returned to the comfort of their warm, dry bed.

For the 19 runners and 1 mountain biker who did participate, however, the run will go down in the training log as a "character builder".

According to Michelle Fredette, there were bands of sunlight and blue skies overhead when she left the False Creek area of Vancouver. Not so in the North Shore mountains! As if on cue as we congregated near the start line fountain, the skies above Mountain Highway opened up and the monsoons arrived. My typical long-winded welcome and pre-run briefing was abbreviated to, "Prize for the person who comes closest to guessing their first lap time. Free beer and some draw prizes at the Mosquito Creek Grill afterwards. Go!"

Sidelined with an injury, I brought my mountain bike along with the hope of being the first to log a bike time on the 15K up and down course. I confess that I was en route for Starbucks before the guilt overcame me.

It was a slow and lonely ride up. On a normal Sunday morning at 8:30 am, Mountain Highway is busy with mountain bikers seeking a hangover cure or nudists en route to the VanTan Club. Today, I had not even a doggie-walker to exchange greetings with. Low-hanging clouds blanketed the trail. Rain and condensation from my breath fogged the lenses of my glasses. I was less than 1/2 way up the mountain when elite Montrail Team runners Dom Repta and Andy Nicol appeared flying downhill through the haze.

Amazingly enough, everyone who I crossed had a smile on their face and appeared to be enjoying themselves. "Any snow at the turnaround?” I asked. "You bet," replied Jenn Winiarski. Great. I thought of Jim Mandelli, who, a week after pushing his bike over 50 miles thought the snow at the Susinita 100-miler in Alaska, would be completing his first lap of the Mountain Highway Madness about now.

The turnaround point in this run is a rock quarry. When I arrived, the road surface was relatively clear of ice and snow, but big, fat flakes were falling. I was soaked to the bone and very cold, so after taking a few photos, my only thought was to get into some dry clothes and to drink some warm beer. As I sped downhill, 10 runners were making their way back uphill for a second lap.

In spite of the weather, Dom Repta set a new course record of 2:13 for 2 laps. (Close on his heels, Andy Nicol also broke the course record with 2:15.)

Many thanks to Kelly and Lucie Nielson for buying us a beer and to Trail Runner Magazine and Hammer gel for the draw prizes. Happy trails...and hope to see you at the next Mountain Highway Madness in September!

Ean Jackson
Host of the Mountain Highway Madness


Up Down Time Name
? ? 1:10:00 Michelle Fredette
48:20 30:00 1:18:20 Mary Shaughnessy
50:00 28:53 1:18:53 Curb Ivanic
57 34 1:31 Laddie Hannam
? ? 1:31:30 Cheryl Picot
    1:52 Ean Jackson (on bike)

Lap 1
Lap 2
Time Name
? / ? / 1:06 ? / ? / 1:07:30 2:13:30! Dom Repta
40 / 26 / 1:06 43 / 26 / 1:09 2:15 Andy Nicol
42 / 30 / 1:12 45 / 28 /1:13 2:25 Bill Dagg
42 / 30 / 1:12 45 / 28 / 1:13 2:25 Ellie Greenwood
42 / 30:33 / 1:12:32 43:53 / 28:44 / 1:12:37 2.25 Chris Benn
45 / 30 / 1:15 50 / 31 / 1:21 2:36 Jim Mandelli
? / ? / 1:21 ? / ? / 1:19 2:40 Danilo Caron
? / ? / 1:21 ? / ? / 1:29 2:50 Jordan Marr
? ? 3:04 Rob MacDonald
58 / 50 / 1:48 1:15 / 56 / 2:11 3:59 Craig Moore
? / ? / 1:49 ? / ? / 2:11? 4:00 Jenn Winiarski
? / ? / 1:49 ? / ? / 2:11? 4:00 Mary Betts
? ? ? Rob Ruff


Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Time Name
? ? ? ? Geoffrey Palmer

Total starters: 20
Total finishers: 20

2004 - Year 3 - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Time Name Date
45:43 / 31:17
? / ?
? / ?
3:52 Andy Nicol 21 Mar 04
45:43 / 31:17
? / ?
? / ?
3:52 Dom Repta 21 Mar 04
48:49 / 34:11
42 / 53
? / ?
4:40 Glenn Pacé 21 Mar 04
48:49 / 34:11
42 / 53
? / ?
4:40 Ean Jackson 21 Mar 04

Silver - 2 Laps

46:00 / 33:00
51:00 / 34:00
2:44 Bill Dagg 21 Mar 04
48:49 / 34:11
42 / 53
2:58 Barry Chilibeck 21 Mar 04
45:44 / 26:16
58 / 53
3:03 Gary Robbins 21 Mar 04
50:00 / 27
2:30 3:47 Mark Fearman 21 Mar 04

Bronze - 1 Lap

Up Down Time Name Date
49:54 26:06 1:16 Michelle Fredette 21 Mar 04
51:54 35:00 1:26:54 Doug Mackay 21 Mar 04
53:00 37:00 1:30 Laddie Hannam 21 Mar 04

2003 - Year 2B - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

18 May 03

The thought in running this event twice in 03 was not to make up for 02, but rather to take advantage of a hole in the ultrarunning calendar caused by the cancellation of a popular ultramarathon. 

Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Time Name
42:00 / 31:56
43:48 / 30:59
44:13 / 30:24
3:43:23 Wendy Montgomery

45:30 / 35:22

43:21 / 31:23
42:10 / 34:45
3:45:00 Jim Swadling

45:00 / 35:00

? / ?
? / ?
3:45:00 Andy Nicol

45:00 / 35:00

? / ?
? / ?
4:15:00 Scott Riddell
51:00 / 39:00 1:30:00 54:00/ 46:00 1:40:00 58:00 / 49:00


Dave Smith
51:00 / 39:00 1:30:00 54:00 / 46:00 1:40:00 58:00 /49:00


Louise McCorquodale
? / ?
? / ?
? / ?
? Kendell Dickinson

Lap 1
Lap 2
Time Name
49:05 / 51:12
39:20 / 34:21
2:54:57 Rob MacDonald

Up Down Time Name
38:30 21:50 1:00:20 Brian Bjornson
39:29 26:03 1:05:32 Dave Cressman
55:00 40:00 1:35:00 Sean Finucane

2003 - Year 2A - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

20 April 03

We skipped a year because the weather was very lousy around this time in 02.   

Lap 1
Lap 2
Time Name
45:00 / 43:00
23:00 / 26:00
2:17:00 Brian Bjornson
42:00 / 43:48
31:56 / 30:59
2:22:23 Wendy Montgomery
46:05 / 51:07
29:03 / 32:03
2:38:18 Dom Repta
43:00 / 58:15
25:00 / 32:03
2:38:18 Andy Nichol
46:05 / 51:07
29:03 / 32:03
2:38:18 Ean Jackson

2001 - Year 1 - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

7 April 01

This first running of the mountain Highway Madness started as a group run with 6 people.  It was quite cold and there was a lot of powder snow at the top and not a track to be seen.  As we neared the top, Jim Swadling came bounding out of nowhere.  He joined us and became the 7th finisher of 6 stasrters!

Ean Jackson
Host of Mountain Highway Madness

 Lap 1 (up/down/total)

Lap 2
Time Name
58:41 / 50:34 1:44:08 45:27 / 39:10 1:29:44 3:13:52

Michael Wardas
Curb Ivanic
Derrick Johnstone
Ean Jackson 

Up Down Time Name
58:41 45:27 1:44:08 Ron Adams
Sean Finucane
Jim Swadling

All Time Record Book

This is a record of everyone who has ever participated in Mountain Highway Madness listed by medal category and time. Thinking about doing MHM and wondering how you might rank? Done MHM in the past and wonder how your time stacks up against others who came before you? Interested in knowing if you're getting older or getting better? Check out the stats!

Platinum - 4 or more Laps

Lap 1Lap 2 Lap 3
Lap 4
Name Date

52 / 38

54 / 38
55 / 40
65 / 45

Geoff Palmer

11 Sep 04

Gold - 3 Laps

Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Time Name Date
42:00 / 31:56
43:48 / 30:59
44:13 / 30:24
3:43:23! Wendy Montgomery 18 May 03

45:30 / 35:22

43:21 / 31:23
42:10 / 34:45
3:45:00! Jim Swadling 18 May 03

45:00 / 35:00

? / ?
? / ?
3:45:00! Andy Nicol 18 May 03
45:43 / 31:17
? / ?
? / ?
3:52 Andy Nicol 21 Mar 04
45:43 / 31:17
? / ?
? / ?
3:52 Dom Repta 21 Mar 04

45:00 / 35:00

? / ?
? / ?
4:15:00 Scott Riddell 18 May 03
46:08 / 32:32 1:18:40 47:53 / 33:05 1:20:58 61:37 / 34:22


Scott Riddell 13 Sep 03
46:08 / 32:32 1:18:40 47:53 / 33:05 1:20:58 61:37 / 34:22


Ean Jackson 13 Sep 03
52 / 38
54 /38
55 / 40


Allison Knowles 11 Sep 04
48:49 / 34:11
42 / 53
? / ?
4:40 Glenn Pacé 21 Mar 04
48:49 / 34:11
42 / 53
? / ?
4:40 Ean Jackson 21 Mar 04
51:00 / 39:00 1:30:00 54:00/ 46:00 1:40:00 58:00 / 49:00


Dave Smith 18 May 03
51:00 / 39:00 1:30:00 54:00 / 46:00 1:40:00 58:00 /49:00


Louise McCorquodale 18 May 03
? / ?
? / ?
? / ?
? Kendell Dickinson 18 May 03

Silver - 2 Laps

Lap 1
Lap 2
Time Name Date
45:00 / 43:00
23:00 / 26:00
2:17:00! Brian Bjornson 20 April 03
42:00 / 43:48
31:56 / 30:59
2:22:23! Wendy Montgomery 20 April 03
46 / 27
47 / 29
2:29 Colin Freeland 11 Sep 04
45:00 / 46:00
30:49 / 31:00


Patricia Jensen 13 Sep 03
46:05 / 51:07
29:03 / 32:03
2:38:18 Dom Repta 20 April 03
43:00 / 58:15
25:00 / 32:03
2:38:18 Andy Nichol 20 April 03
46:05 / 51:07
29:03 / 32:03
2:38:18 Ean Jackson 20 April 03
43:00 / 52:00
30:00 / 34:15


Colin Freeland 13 Sep 03
46:08 / 47:53
32:32 / 33:05


Michael Wardas 13 Sep 03
46:00 / 33:00
51:00 / 34:00
2:44 Bill Dagg 21 Mar 04
46:08 / 47:53
32:32 / 33:05


Rick Arikado 13 Sep 03
48:41 / 31:41
50:36 / 36:45
2:47 Rob Ruff 11 Sep 04
49:05 / 51:12
39:20 / 34:21
2:54:57 Rob MacDonald 18 May 03
48:49 / 34:11
42 / 53
2:58 Barry Chilibeck 21 Mar 04
45:44 / 26:16
58 / 53
3:03 Gary Robbins 21 Mar 04
58:41 / 50:34 1:44:08 45:27 / 39:10 1:29:44 3:13:52 Michael Wardas
Curb Ivanic
Derrick Johnstone
Ean Jackson
7 April 01
53 / 37
60 /4 5/
3:15 Ken Hardinge-Rooney 11 Sep 04
52:30 / 35:10
64 / 53:16
3:24:56 Doug MacKay 11 Sep 04
50:00 / 27
2:30 3:47 Mark Fearman 21 Mar 04

Bronze - 1 Lap

Up Down Time Name Date
38:30 21:50 1:00:20! Brian Bjornson 18 May 03
39:29 26:03 1:05:32 Dave Cressman 18 May 03
43:00 25:00 1:08:00! Patricia Jensen 20 April 03
49:54 26:06 1:16 Michelle Fredette 21 Mar 04
53 32 1:25 Jessica Anderson 11 Sep 04
53 33 1:26 Berglind Hafsteinsdottir 11 Sep 04
53 33 1:26 Laddie Hannan 11 Sep 04
51:54 35:00 1:26:54 Doug Mackay 21 Mar 04
53 35 1:28 Maria Zerjav 11 Sep 04
53 36 1:29 Melissa Pacé 11 Sep 04
53:00 37:00 1:30 Laddie Hannam 21 Mar 04
55:00 40:00 1:35:00 Sean Finucane 18 May 03
58:41 45:27 1:44:08 Ron Adams
Sean Finucane
Jim Swadling
7 April 01
78 47 2:05 Pat Barry 11 Sep 04
78 47 2:05 Sibylle Tinsel 11 Sep 04


  • the first 'official' MHM in 2001 was a group run that started with 6 people. Jim Swadling came bounding out of the snowy woods in the middle of nowhere on the 'up' run and completed the lap. (That's why there were 6 starters and 7 finishers)
  • ? - the person lost or didn't record the particular split time
  • ! - current course record (male and female)


The following people are registered for this event:

1) Ean Jackson (15km)
2) Ryland Haggis (15km)
3) Sibylle Tinsel (15km)
4) Bill Maurer (15km)
5) Dave Cressman (30km)
6) Sean Lavin (30km)
7) Chloe Gendron (30km)
8) Gail Chung (15km)
9) Mike Kuiack (15km)
10) Ray Levasseur (15km)
11) lara spence (30km)
12) Paul Schrimpf (15km)
13) Andy Healey (15km)
14) Sam Chiu (15km)
15) Hashem Sharifi (15km)
16) laddie hannam (15km)
17) david weightman (15km)


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Spring Mountain Highway Madness
Sunday 17 March 2013

6:00? Get up. Check the weather. Print off this agenda so you can be sure to find the start.
07:00 Arrive at the end of Mountain Highway, North Vancouver. Find a parking spot. Allow 15 minutes to get to start. Check-in.
07:20 Welcome and final briefing
07:25 Photo?
07:30 Start
08:30 First lap finisher
09:30 Second lap finisher? (and so on...)
10:00  and later Coffee at Delaneys at Lynn Valley Centre

How to get to the start?

From Highway #1 in North Vancouver, take the Lynn Valley Road exit heading north toward the mountains. At the lights just past the big mall, turn left onto Mountain Highway. Follow it to where it ends.

Note: This is a residential area that is heavily used by weekend warriors. Permits are required on the streets close to the start and many others nearby have 2-hour parking restrictions, so expect to walk a few blocks to the run start. Plan to get there at least 15 minutes early so you make the official start. Don't park in a permit area unless you really want a ticket as the parking folks are aggressive.

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Here's a trail run you really have to try hard to get lost on!

Old Mountain Highway is wide. The surface is a bit rocky, but not in the least technical. There's a constant grade, but the entire course is runable for most runners in decent shape. There's very rarely any vehicular traffic and the mountain bikers are friendly if you don't taunt them as you run by. The air is fresh and and there are lots of grouse (thump! thump! thump!) and woodpeckers (tap! tap! tap!) to keep you company. If you see a bear or coyote, clap your hands. They will either run back into the woods or eat you.

Start at the concrete water tap next to the waterfall, just past where the pavement of Mountain Highway ends and the dirt of Old Mountain Highway begins. You are timing yourself, so be sure to start your watch.

Run up the dirt road until it starts to flatten out and you can look across a wide valley to Grouse Mountain. You will reach a stone quarry on your right. The official 1/2 way point for timing purposes is the big boulder that is partially buried in the dirt opposite the entrance to the quarry. (Someone has sprayed '7 km' on the rock.) If you don't care about the seconds, take your split time at the entrance to the quarry. Be sure to note your split time somewhere if you want to go down in history.

Turn around and run back to the fountain. Take your time when you touch the fountain and be sure to write it down on the timing sheet. Repeat until you can't anymore.

What to Bring?

  • Bring your own food. There is a water tap at the start, but be prepared in case it is out of service.
  • Bring your own official timing system (a watch will do, even if the second hand doesn't work.) There will be a pen and paper to record your split times.
  • Bring a change of clothes for afterward.


For those left standing, a post event celebration will be held at Delaney's Coffee Shop. Delaney's is about 5 minutes away in the Lynn Valley Mall at Mountain Highway and Lynn Valley Road. Next to the library.

Other Notes

A lap is 15 kilometers return (approximately 7.5 km up and the same down unless you inexplicably get lost).

If you want to go down in the records, please record your split times (time to top, time back to start) on the sheet provided at the lunch rocks.

This event is not sponsored, sanctioned, permitted or anything else that would qualify it as an official event.

Expect rain, some mud, snow probable in the spring, some old friends and maybe some new.


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Here's a trail run you really have to try hard to get lost on!

Old Mountain Highway is wide. The surface is a bit rocky, but not in the least technical. There's a constant grade, but the entire course is runable for most runners in decent shape. There's very rarely any vehicular traffic and the mountain bikers are friendly if you don't taunt them as you run by. The air is fresh and and there are lots of grouse (thump! thump! thump!) and woodpeckers (tap! tap! tap!) to keep you company. If you see a bear or coyote, clap your hands. They will either run back into the woods or eat you.

Start at the concrete water tap next to the waterfall, just past where the pavement of Mountain Highway ends and the dirt of Old Mountain Highway begins. You are timing yourself, so be sure to start your watch.

Run up the dirt road until it starts to flatten out and you can look across a wide valley to Grouse Mountain. You will reach a stone quarry on your right. The official 1/2 way point for timing purposes is the big boulder that is partially buried in the dirt opposite the entrance to the quarry. If you don't care about the seconds, take your split time at the entrance to the quarry. Be sure to note your split time somewhere if you want to go down in history.

Turn around and run back to the fountain. Take your time when you touch the fountain and be sure to write it down on the timing sheet. Repeat until you can't anymore.


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Trail runners, especially ultrarunners, have long recognized Old Mountain Highway in North Vancouver, British Columbia, as a great place to train.

The inaugural Mountain Highway Madness was hosted on 7 April 2001 by Ean Jackson as a training exercise for the Diez Vista 50k trail run. There were 6 starters, and 7 finishers. Given almost all of Old Mountain Highway was covered in snow in April 2002, the event was cancelled. On Easter Sunday (20 April) and again on 18 May 2003 records fell in almost every category. A little more structure was subsequently added to the event in the form of this website and more formal record keeping.  In a fancy ceremony after 12 years and 24 Mountain Highway Madnesses, Ean Jackson handed the Event Host baton to Mike Kuiack on 17 March 2013. 

Mountain Highway Madness is held twice a year. The dates were chosen to make this even a great final training run for those participating in the Diez Vista and Frosty 50 kilometer trail races.

The Glory

There's no trophy, t-shirt, ball cap or shiny car for the fastest or the last one left standing. Bragging rights are, however, available to those who are prepared to earn them:

Bragging Right


Platinum 4 or more round trips
Gold 3 or more round trips
Silver 2 or more round trips
Bronze 1 round trip
Raspberry an incomplete lap



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My hope was to make this event totally self-supporting. In other words, do all of the organization myself and also participate. Wishful thinking! It's all about teamwork. Preparation for this loosely-organized event is ongoing throughout the year and a lot of people chip in to make it successful. Please join me in recognizing the following people and businesses:

Trail Runner -

Thank you for the gift subscriptions to your popular magazine as draw prize. Also for offering members of Club Fat Ass a special discounted subscription price

If you'd like to support Mountain Highway Madness in some way, we'd love to have you onboard. At the very least, we can promise you a place on this Thank You page!

Please contact me with your thoughts on how you'd like to participate

Mike Kuicak
Host of the Mountain Highway Madness


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Q: I've never done a trail run before. Is this a good place to start?
A: It's a toughie, but if you can run a 1/2 marathon on the road and are comfortable carrying your own food and water, you should be good for at least a bronze. (Each lap is about 15 kilometers.)
Q: Do I need to print off course instructions and bring them with me?
A: You should know how to get to the start, but once on Old Mountain Highway, it is hard to get lost.
Q: What if I get lost?
A: You shouldn't get lost! Stay on the road. If you do feel you are lost, ask a mountain biker or just turn around and follow the same road you came up on back down to the gate.
Q: What if I have to heed the call of nature.
A: There is an outhouse at the bike drop-off loop near the start. If you have to go near the top of the mountain, be discreet, do your business at least 10 meters from the trail and bury anything solid at least 10 cm deep. Whatever you do, don't pee in someone's front yard! (It happens. And the locals are not happy. That's why there are now parking restrictions.)
Q: What should I bring on race day?
A: Please check the agenda for thoughts
Q: I am supposed to be self-sufficient because there is no aid provided. Can I get a friend to come out and give me food and drink along the route?
A: Absolutely! In fact, it would be nice if your friend were to help everyone. See aid stations and crew for some thoughts on what they might be able to do to help.
Q: Where can I park? Where can I change?
A: Parking is an issue. A lot of mountain bikers and many runners park here at all hours and tick off the homeowners. This has prompted parking restrictions, so if you don't want a ticket, plan to park a few blocks from the start and heed the signs. Anticipate walking 15 minutes or jogging 10 minutes from where you park to the start. Whatever you do, please don't strip down to the buff or heed the call of nature in front of someone's home. It is considered bad form and the primary reason why parking is an issue.

Contact - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

I welcome your comments, criticisms, feedback and questions.

Please be sure to read the the Agenda and FAQ section of this website first, as this is where I've tried to answer the most frequently asked questions.

Mike Kuiack - Your CFA Event Host
if you have filled out your profile page this field will fill in automatically
please provide a valid email address, so I can follow-up with you

Post Event Survey - Spring Mountain Highway Madness

Please take a moment to share your thoughts about the Club Fat Ass event you recently participated in. Your feedback will help your Event Host to refine their event next year.

This is an anonymous, confidential survey (as long as you are not logged in to the website) so please feel free to offer constructive criticism about any aspect of the event in the comment box.

Extremely UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedSatisfiedExtremely SatisfiedN/A
Date (day of week, time of year, conflicts with other events)
Time (start time)
Start area (location, parking, washrooms, shelter)
Finish area (location, parking, washrooms, shelter)
The course itself (terrain, difficulty)
The course description (accuracy, complexity, measurement) Level of competition (too little, too much)
Post-event activities
Results (were they accurate, distributed promptly)
Event website (was it easy to find information, complete)
Overall event (value, challenge, course, atmosphere)
select all applicable
Please type answer in space provided above. Remember this survey is anonymous. If you would like a personal response to your feedback you can either add your email address here or contact us via the contact form on the website.
This survey is anonymous as long as you are not logged in. If you would like a personal response, please insert your email address.