Go Home Via The Hanes Valley

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This is a Club Fat Ass (CFA) event, so we adhere to CFA event management guidelines and privacy policy. Please complete the whole form. Your personal information is needed to make sure I spell your name right in the results and so I can contact you... or your next of kin! The other information helps me to plan any aid or post-event activities. Please help me to host a safer, better event by registering early and by notifying me if you can't make it. I'm constantly looking for ways to improve, so please share your thoughts or questions with me in the Suggestion Box below. After you click on "Yes, I agree" below, your registration details will be confirmed.

Desmond Mott - Your Club Fat Ass Event Host

Any Club member in good standing may participate in this event at no cost. If you're not currently a member, please choose a membership type

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Please let me know if you have any questions that aren't answered on the event web page. If anything isn't clear, there are any problems with the website, you have any suggestions as to how I might improve the event or you have any special needs, please tell me here.



Saturday 31 August 2013


Arrive Lynn Headwaters Regional Park

8:20am Final briefing and photo
8:30am Start
10:00am First 14km finisher
11:30am First 18km finisher at the Grouse Chalet
12:45pm First 30km finisher back at the Headwaters
2:00 pm Finisher Get Together at the Mosquito Creek Bar and Grill

How to get to the start?

  • The start is at Lynn Headwaters Park in North Vancouver. From Highway #1 take the Lynn Vally exit and follow Lynn Valley Road North. You will pass Lynn Valley Mall and the library on your right. Keep going straight past a large intersection. At a small convenient store on your left the main road turns left. Stay straight into Lynn Valley Headwaters Park. Drive to the end of the road. Park.

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What to Bring?

  • bring your own food and plenty of fluids to last the day. There is a water tap at the start, but be prepared in case it is out of service. There is also water at the Grouse Chalet for the 18km or 36km option. Drinking from the creeks is not recommended.
  • bring extra clothes in case the weather changes or you have to slow down.
  • bring emergency back country gear and a headlamp/flashlight. If you do not know what that means, better wait another year.
  • bring your own official timing system (a watch will do, even if the second hand doesn't work.) There will be a pen and paper at the start/finish.
  • Don't forget a change of clothes for afterwards.



  • A post event celebration will be held at the Mosquito Creek Grill. The Mosquito Creek is about 20min from the finish in the Westview Plaza at Westview and Highway #1. Their telephone number is 604-983-3083.
  • Come and celebrate your accomplishment together with other runners, crew and friends. Please be sure to note how many people you plan to bring with you on your registration form so we can be sure to accommodate them

Other Notes


You can find results for Go Home's big brother, the "Go Deep or Go Home" here.

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2013 Results - Go Home (not) Via The Hanes Valley

31 August 2013 - 11 Starters

Report.   A beautiful morning for a trail run and/or peak bagging session. In the crisp and clear morning air, our happy group set out at 8:30am sharp to tackle the Hanes Valley and peaks beyond.
We all made it safe and sound back home. 11 runners showed up to do varying distances , 7 were going through the Hanes Valley and 4 only to Norvan Falls. The 7 going through were a collection of veterans and first timers. Seeing that Ean was in that group, you knew that detours were to be involved. Ean convinced Jim, Jason and Carlie to bag Crown Mt and a few lesser peaks on their way to their finish at the pub at Grouse. Chris, Kate and Katie opted to bypass Crown and head straight to their finish at Grouse with Chris continuing down Mountain Highway back to the start for the full 30km.  Brian and Rochelle (out of towners from Kelowna) decided to go a little further than Norvan Falls and hooked up with some bandit Fat Assers ( Monty, Phil, Ann and bandit leader Gottfried) doing an unofficial Hanes Valley run. Thanks for showing Brian and Rochelle the way. Kudos to Brian and Rochelle who completed the full course in about 7 hours.  I am sure they were happy to see their car, given that they set out to do a little 14km loop...

This is the 3rd year that I have been injured and have not made it through the valley. Fingers crossed for next year as it is one of the best runs in the lower mainland. Thanks to Sibylle for keeping me company on the way back and for all that you do for the club. Thanks to all who came out and hope to see you next year and maybe a few others as well.

Post Event Survey. Please fill out the brief post event survey here. Your event host appreciates your feedback.  You can also add your impressions of the day via the comments below or through your CFA blog.

Photos. Photos of the run are posted below. Please add your's to the CFA Flickr group tagged with GoHome2013 GoHome ClubFatassEvents2013 ClubFatassEvents. They will automatically be added to slideshow below (try this link if the slideshow doesn't work, Flickr seems to have hick-ups right now: http://www.flickr.com//search/groups/show/?q=GoHome2013&m=pool&w=91654961%40N00)




First Name Last Name City Age Event Points Time
Jason Cagampan Vancouver 30-39 custom 2 10:15
Carlie Smith Vancouver 30-39 custom 2 10:15
Jim Swadling North Vancouver 60-69 custom 2 10:15
Ean Jackson North Vancouver 19 or younger custom 2+1* 10:15
Chris Benn Vancouver 50-59 30km 2 3:??
brian boyce vancouver 30-39 30km 2 7:00
Rochelle Lamoureux Kelowna 30-39 30km 1 7:00
Kate Fremlin North Vancouver 20-29 18km 2 4:00
Katie Longworth North Vancouver 30-39 18km 2 4:00
des mott north vancouver 50-59 14km 2+2** 2:09
Sibylle Tinsel North Vancouver 50-59 14km
+ 11km warm-up
2 2:09
+ 1:20 warm-up



* Bonus Point for garbage collection
** Event Host Point


2012 Results - Go Home (not) Via The Hanes Valley

August 2012 - 9 Starters

Report.   The day dawned chilly, but clear... A perfect August weekend for a little run up the Hanes Valley.  9 people made it to the start line at the Lynn Headwaters park.  After a bit of chit chat and greeting the brave newbies who trusted my word that there would be somebody to run with we set out up Lynn Valley.  Amazingly enough, we all proceeded  at matching paces and by the time Des and I turned around, everybody was still together.  Ean and Paul made it to Norvan Falls, Banafsheh took Susan up to Grouse, with Susan continuing on the long course.  Andy, Andrew and Marc ended up on a scenic detour half way up to Lynn Lake, luckily realizing their mistake.  Andrew and Marc completed on the full loop up Grouse and down mountain highway, while Andy had to take the Gondola and a cab back to the car.  
Sibylle picked up a knapsack strap off the trail and unless one of the group claims it as a lost and found item, she'll get a garbage point.

Thanks to TrailRunner Magazine, two of the group went home with an annual subscription.  Nobody took advantage of the free beer at Mosquito Creek Pub today, the weather just called for more adventures ;-)

Post Event Survey. Please fill out the brief post event survey here. Your event host appreciates your feedback.  You can also add your impressions of the day via the comments below or through your CFA blog.

Photos. Photos of the run are posted below. Please add your's to the CFA Flickr group tagged with GoHome2012 GoHome ClubFatassEvents2012 ClubFatassEvents. They will automatically be added to slideshow below.


First Name Last Name City Age Event Points Time
Susan Kamachi Vancouver 40-49 30km 2 05:15
Marc Schmitz North Vancouver 30-39 30km + detour 2+1*  6:39
Andrew Seaton North Vancouver 40-49 30km + detour 2+1*  6:39
Banafsheh Sokhansanj North Vancouver 40-49 18km 1 4:05 
Andy Healy Vancouver 40-49 18km + detour 2 5:04
Paul Cyr VANCOUVER 30-39 14km 1 02:03
Ean Jackson     14km 1 02:03
Sibylle Tinsel North Vancouver 40-49 custom 2+1 20min
desmond mott n.vancouver 50-59 custom 2+2** 20min
Reagan White Vancouver 30-39 0 -1 DNS


* Bonus Point for garbage collection
** Event Host Point


2011 Results - Go Home (not) Via The Hanes Valley

August 2011 - 7 Starters

Report.    Coming soon

Post Event Survey. Please fill out the brief post event survey here. Your event hosts appreciate your feedback.  You can also add your impressions of the day via the comments below or through your CFA blog.

Photos. Photos of the run are posted below. Please add your's to the CFA Flickr group tagged with GoHome2011 GoHome ClubFatassEvents2011 ClubFatassEvents. They will automatically be added to slideshow below.


Results.  Times and distances will be posted as soon as everybody is back.

First Name Last Name Event Points Time
Des Mott 23km 2+1*+2** 4:23
John Pickles 23km 2 4:50
Paul Martin 23km 2 4:23
Adrian Powell 23km 2 4:25
Sibylle Tinsel 4.2km 2+1* 28min
Ean Jackson 3.8km 1+1* 34min
Eugene Ellenbogen 3.8km 1 34min













* Bonus Point for garbage collection
** Event Host Point


2010 Results - Go Home Via The Hanes Valley

 22 August 2010 - 24 Starters

Report.    Thanks everyone for coming out to the third running of Go Home via the Hanes.


26 runners showed up for various distances. The weather cooperated and we had a sunny but cool morning for the start. Pulling in  in to the parking lot at 8.10, a large group of people were already raring to go. My first reaction was that i was late for the start, but a quick check of my watch confirmed that I was 20 minutes early.

As i did a a quick scan of the people who had gathered, I was happy to see that they were really well prepared with each of them wearing a backpack. Not recognizing many of the faces, I worried that I didn't have enough sign up waivers for new members. As it turned out it was the Discovery Hiking Group, who were planning to hike the Hanes Valley.

3 new members of the Club Fat Ass thought this was our group and started out with them. After about 5 minutes they realized that this was going to be a really long day and as they started inquiring about fat asses and getting some strange looks and stares, they realized that they were with the wrong crowd and jogged back to the parking lot to hook up with the true fat asses.

Navid and Tim raced off towards Norvan Falls. On the way back Navid somehow  stirred up a wasp nest. As he escaped unharmed, it seemed that every one else were soon attacked by the hordes of angry wasps with people receiving from a couple to several stings .  Thankfully  nobody had any allergic reactions to the bites.

Reagan and Rachel avoided the wasps by going a little ways past Norvan Falls and taking a longer time getting back to the wasp nest area and by then the rangers had put a warning sign up.

The best way to avoid the wasp nest was to head in to the Hanes Valley, which 14 runners did with varying agendas. Ean, Liza, Heather, and Craig had plans for a bit of bagging at the top of valley and it seemed that all had succeeded in their plan. Bill and Kelly opted out at Grouse for 18 Km or so. Phil wasn't quite fast enough to keep up with the lead group, but too fast for the slower, so he ran most of the way by himself. Jackie and Christine hooked up with Lindy and Sarah and convinced them to run down Mountain Highway to complete the full 30 km (actually closer to 28). I convinced Tracy and Jay to come along with me on a new route planned for next year. We turned off Mountain Highway and connected with the Secret Seven Trail to Crinkum Crankum and then a right on Cedar Tree Trail, which brought us almost to the gate at the bottom of Mountain Highway and thus avoiding most of the switchbacks on Mountain Highway. The new trail was easy to follow so it will definitely be on the agenda for next year. Jay's GPS registered about 26 km on this route, which is a couple kms less than Mountain Highway and a lot more enjoyable. It was great to have the opportunity to have some new people through the Hanes who had not been there before. My favorite run in the Lower Mainland. It gives you the sense of really being out in the wild, but you are only one mountain ridge away from the big city.

It was great to see a lot of people out hiking and running. When we got to the Chalet at Grouse and left Bill and Kelly to take the gondola down, we met Kevin, Valley, and a few friends who were running just ahead of us through the valley. I think Kevin might be training to take back his WCT record that Garry Robins broke a month ago. Thanks again for coming out , thanks to Trail Runner Magazine and Mosquito Creek Grill for their continuing support of our club. I hope to see you all out there again.

Post Event Survey. Please fill out the brief post event survey here. Your event hosts appreciate your feedback.  You can also add your impressions of the day via the comments below or through your CFA blog.

Photos. Photos of the run are posted below. Please add your's to the CFA Flickr group tagged with GoHome2010 GoHome ClubFatassEvents2010 ClubFatassEvents. They will automatically be added to the link above.



First Name Last Name Distance Time Points Distance
Desmond  Mott   30km   4:32        2+2**+1* 30km
Philip Waters 30km 05:15 1 30km
Christine  Chore 30km  05:00 1 30km
Jackie  Muir 30km 05:00 1 30km
Jay Jardine 30km 04:32 2 30km
Tracy Wakaluk 30km 04:32 1 30km
Bill Dagg 18km 03:08 2+!* 18km
Sarah Liljefors 18km 05:00 1 18km
Lindy Yeates 18km 05:00 2 18km
Kelly Wilcox 18km 03:15 1 18km
Reagan White custom 3:48 1 point trash 2+1 14km
Jess Dagg 14km 2:13  1 point trash 2+1 14km
Pamela Keck  14km   1:38 1 14km
Maureen Wiens 14km 02:13 2 14km
Kelly Corday 14km 01:53 2 14km
Daniel Goddard 14km 01:38 1 14km
Carol Johnson 14km 01:38 2 14km
Tim Wiens 14km 01:19 2 14km
Navid Rahematu 14km  01:16 1 14km
Craig Moore 30km 9:45    2+1 30km + peak baggage
Ean Jackson custom 08:15 1+1* 30km + peak baggage
Heather Urquhart 30km 06:50 2 20km including peak baggage
Liza Flemming 30km  6:50 2 20km including peak baggage
Rachel Fouladi custom 03:48 2+1 custom
Dave Berg custom   -1 DNS






































* Bonus Point for garbage collection
** Event Host Point


2009 Results - Go Home Via The Hanes Valley

22 August 2009 - Starter Photo - 23 Starters

Report.    Well, the second running of the Hanes Valley went off without any problems. I had been a bit worried 3 days before the event as only 5 people had signed up, but my pleading for more eventually worked and 20 started with 2 no shows.

Six runners opted for the 14 km out and back to Norvan Falls. Fourteen of us continued on our way in to the Hanes. As Rob, Dave and myself proceded to the creek crossing, we ran in to some hikers who told us they had heard what sounded like a large rock slide coming from the direction of Hanes Valley. I was a little concerned, because Wendy had set out earlier and should have been in the Hanes by this time. It turned out that the rock slide was closer to the third debris chute.

As we got the Lynne Creek Crossing, Bill and new comer Steve had caught up with us. It took us about an hour to get to this point. Clouds were starting to descend into the valley as we were heading towards the boulder field  passing bright orange fungi on the way. When we got to the Helipad 20 minutes later, the clouds were hiding the cul, to where we were heading.  As we were starting to climb up the boulder field, those of us who had been here before felt the route had been somewhat changed with a more direct route straght up compared to a more zig zag route previously.

We saw 3 runners up ahead atop the boulder field: Jeff and Kelsey Trigg and a friend, but no sign of Wendy. The clouds were still low when we reached the cul, so no views. So we headed towards Grouse. When we got to the trail junction for Goat Mountain, Dave went off to bag Goat Peak.

Once at Grouse, Rob left us completing his 18 km route. With a short stop for bear watching and water, Steve, Bill and I headed down Mountain Highway. I am not  fond of Mountain Hightway, so I suggested that we try some different routes down.

Just after the rock quarry, there is a small trail (Per Gynt). This cuts off one of the switch backs. Bill was lagging a bit behind, when we came back on to Mountain Highway. It turned out that he had a leg injury that wouldn't allow him to run down hill. I gave him some drugs and left him to fend for himself.

Steve and I made our way down trying to find different trails to cut off Mountain Highway as much as possible. We succeeded and finished our run in 4.20. Some of these trails will be used at next years event.

Rea, Steve and Derrick followed Mountain Highway all the way down and finished in 4.55. Gottfried and Phill made their way down with some diversions in 5.30. Sybille, Heather and Craig did a custom route down Grouse via the gondola and a trail parallelling Nancy Green Way back to the big yellow beacon.

I didn't lose anyone on the course, which is always a good thing. Twelve of us turned out to the Mosquito Creek Grill for food, refreshments and prizes.

Thanks to everyone who showed up and to Mosquito Creek Grill, Kintec, Trail Runner Magazine for their support. I look forward to see you all back with some minor changes on the course next year. Please don't wait to the last minute to sign up.

Post Event Survey. Please fill out the brief post event survey here. Your event hosts appreciate your feedback.  You can also add your impressions of the day via the comments below or through your CFA blog.

Photos. Photos of the run will be posted here. Please add your's to the CFA Flickr group tagged with GoHome2009 GoHome and ClubFatassEvents. They will automatically be added to the link above.



First Name Last Name Event Points Time
Stephen Parslow 30km 2 4:20
Des Mott 30km 2+1*+2**  4:20
Rea  Blyth 30km 1 4:55
Stephen  Blyth 30km 1 +1* 4:55
Derrick Johnstone 30km 2+1* 4:56
Gottfried Grosser 30km 1 5:30
philip waters 30km 2 5:30
Sibylle Tinsel Custom  22km 2+1* 5:15
Heather Urquhart Custom  22km 2+1* 5:15
Craig Moore Custom 22km 2+1*  5:15
Bill Dagg 18km 2+1* 3:10
Rob Jones 18km 2 3:10
Wendy Montgomery 18km 2 3:26
Andrew Crompton 14km 2 1:42
Rob Ruff 14km 2+1* 1:43
Ean Jackson 14km 2 1:45
Karl Jensen 14km 2 1:45
Baldwin  Lee 14km 1 1:45
Greg Barreca 14km 2 1:49
Ellie Greenwood 14km 1 2:06
Christine Rybak 14km 1 2:06
Jackie Muir 14km 1 2:06
Dave Berg 24km 2 4:00
john mcgrath Pub 0 N/A
Kathryn Webb 14km 0 DNS


























* Bonus Point for garbage collection
** Event Host Point

Because of a scheduling conflict a small group of Fools ran this event a week early on Saturday, 15 August .  We are looking forward to hearing about their run.  After refuelling at the pub, John and Gilles even managed to run the Capilano Canyon Night Run later that day. Here is their starter photo:

Starter Photo: Go Home Via The Hanes Valley - The Fools Run on Saturday 15 August 2009


2008 Results - Go Home Via The Hanes Valley

23 August 2008: 13 Starters

The fourth annual Go Home, this year as Go Home Via The Hanes Valley, is wrapped up and preliminary results are posted below.

Report. Well the first running of the Go Home via the Haines Valley is complete. The weather was near perfect for the run. There were 9 runners who showed up for the 8:30 start time and 2 others who were late starters .

The nine of us started out at a nice easy pace towards Norvan Falls, Of the nine, 3 were only going to the Falls. When we arrived at the bridge crossing Norvan creek Ean couldn't resist the peer pressure and the chance for a back country run. Even though he was not prepared for the back country we took pity on him and allowed him to come along.

As soon as you cross over the bridge you can see that this part of trail is much less used by hikers. We soon arrived at the Lynn creek crossing. The crossing was an easy affair. The large log that spans the creek allowed us to keep our feet dry.

About 20 minutes along the trail we came across a huge washout. What was once a 3 meter small gully is now a 15 meter gully with lots of rocks and tree stumps. This must have happened during one of the big storms over the past winter. Soon after we came to the helipad and our first good view of the big scree slope and the col. We spent a few minutes here refueling and taking photos. A few minutes along the trail and we came to our first big boulders . Many of these were newly fallen as they were nice and clean with no dirt or moss on them. Again this must of come down in one of the storms.

I was leading up the scree slope with my head down as I got about a 3 rd of the way up I lifted my head and realized there was a black bear not 20 feet above me. I said a few choice words in surprise and told the others to watch out for the bear. We all stopped to look and try and take photos but our cameras didn't have zooms. We soon noticed an even smaller bear. Turns out it was a mother and cub. Both were very small. I can't imagine the cub lasting the winter.

As we made our way to the top of the slope, we heard heckling from above. Turns out Graham and Ryne from KINTEC had set up a small aid station for us with gels, bars and some much needed water. Thanks a lot guys it was very much appreciated. We hung around for 10 minutes or so enjoying the view but the bugs were bad and we still had some more climbing to do so we headed on up towards the pass.

Ryne, Graham and Ean decided to go right at the pass instead of left and go for a jaunt up to Crown Mountain. Chris, Tim, Colin, Andy, Paul and myself headed towards Grouse Chalet and the road home.

Never think that once you get to the col that your climbing is over. I find the section from the pass to the turn off for Goat Mountain the toughest part.There are slippery steep sections with chains to help you up and it just keeps going. We made it to Grouse in about 3:20.

Tim headed down via the gondola. The rest of us filled up with more water and started down Mountain Highway. Colin and Andy blasted down and took a few shortcuts by cutting down some of the bike trails thus avoiding the relentless down on Mountain Highway. I think I might change the course next year and add those in to the run. We have all been up and down Mountain Highway enough times. Paul, Chris and I were not too far behind and finished in 4:43. Without the breaks we could of easily made it in just over 4 hours. Weather held and actually got better in the end, it was a great run.

I hope I didn't scare to many off with my dire warnings, but this run can be difficult in bad weather. Hope to see more of you out next year.

Thanks to KINTEC for the aid station and the draw prizes, KINSEYS, TRAIL RUNNER MAGAZINE for their draw prizes. Also a big thanks to MOSQUITO CREEK BAR AND GRILL for the free beer and good food and service .

Please add your impressions of the day via the comments below or through your CFA blog.

Photos. Photos of the run are posted here. Please add your's to the CFA Flickr group tagged with GoHome2008 GoHome and ClubFatassEvents. They will automatically be added to the link above.

Post Event Survey. Please fill out the brief post event survey here. Your event hosts appreciate your feedback.


Points First Name Last Name Event Time
2 Tim Wiens 18km 3:21
2 Andy Nicol 30km - custom 4:24
2 Colin Freeland 30km - custom 4:24
4* ** Des Mott 30km 4:43
1 Paul Cubbon 30km 4:43
2 Chris Benn 30km 4:43
1 Amy MacArthur 30km 6:50
1 Andrew Laing 30km 6:50
1 Pamela Keck 14km 2:05
2 Maureen Wiens 14km 3:00
1 Ean Jackson custom 6:03
1 Ryne Melcher custom/crew ?
1 Graham Archer custom/crew ?
-1 Ryan Conroy 0 DNS
-1 Dom Repta 0 DNS

* Bonus Point for garbage collection
** Event Host Point

2007 Go Home - Results

Thanks to the 30 or so runners who came out for a tough 20 km ( rumour has it it might be a little less). We all started the day in dry conditions but that was short lived, as we got to the high point of the run, the rain started. There where a few missed turns (even though the runners had directions) and a couple of tumbles. Chris being the most serious, a scraped knee which drew some blood. Tim and Micheal set a fast pace which a few of us kept up with for a while, but they dropped us (me anyway) on the downhill on Neds. I now take it a little easier on the downhills and definitely don't look at my watch when I'am going down steep trails . I've learnt my lesson after a bad face plant a few months ago . Bill was next to the finish a few minutes behind Tim and Micheal followed soon by Ran. Laddie and Carrie end up with the draw prizes and most of us enjoyed our free beer courtesy of Mosquito Creek Grill . Next year Cheryl will take over this event in this time slot,and I'll will put on the Hanes Valley Crossover run in late August. Hope to see you all there . Des

Please take a moment and complete the post event survey here.

Please upload photos of this run to your Flickr account, add to the Club Fat Ass photo pool and tag with GoHome2007 GoHome ClubFatAss and ClubFatAssEvents






Micheal Spagnut

20 km



Tim Wiens

20 km



Bill Dagg

20 km



Ran Katzman

20 km



Chris Benn

20 km



Desmond Mott

20 km



Greg Puchniak

20 km



Penny Jakobsen

20 km



Daniel Probst

20 km



Karl Jensen

20 km



Melissa Pace

20 km



Glenn Pace

20 km



Laddie Hannam

20 km



Kim Taylor

20 km



Al Harman

20 km



Marla Allen

20 km



Carrie Walsh

20 km



Carolyn King

20 km



Neil Ambrose

20 km



Cheryl Johnson

20 km



John Machray

20 km



Chad Hyson

20 km



Arlene Macaulay

20 km

Good time


Ryan Conroy




Sibylle Tinsel




Barb Crone

14 km



Shauna Puchniak

14 km



Dom Repta

No show



Ann Taylor

No show



Carolyn Goluza

No show



2006 - Year 2

  Go Home - 2006 Starters

18 November 2006 - Starter Photo

They did not Go Home...

More photos are posted here

First Name Last Name City/Town Points Time
Dom Repta Vancouver 3 2:15
Bill Dagg Vancouver 1 2:22
Ran Katzman Vancouver 1 2:22
Daniel Probst Bellingham 2 2:22
Desmond Mott North Vancouver 2 2:32
Sarah Browne Vancouver 1 2:58
Ean Jackson North Vancouver 1 2:58
Doug Keir North Vancouver 2 2:58
Wade Repta Vancouver  1 3:01
Gilles Barbeau Vancouver 1 3:08
Lorraine Suomi North Vancouver 2 3:10
Karl Jensen North Vancouver 2 3:10:01
Laddie Hannam North Vancouver 1 3:13
Baldwin Lee Burnaby 2 custom 3:14
Gary  Moorman Vancouver 1 ?
Nicholas Swianiewicz Vancouver 2 ?
Alana Arnold Hope ? DNS

2005 - Year 1

19 November 2005

31 Starters
31 Finishers

More event photos in our Photo Gallery and the Club Fat Ass Flickr Photo Gallery. For results, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

Event Report
(by Ean Jackson)

The Go Deep or Go Home 80/20 trail run is held in Deep Cove, BC in late August. It’s a tough 20K loop on technical trails that offers distances up to 80K. While many of Canada’s top trail runners have attempted the course, none have ever completed the loop 4 times.

The Go Home 20K is a fall classic and sister run to the Go Deep or Go Home. Starting at the civilized hour of 9:00, it’s a good workout on the same loop, and a challenge that trail runners of any ability can complete before lunch.

Today, host Dom Repta lived up to the challenge: He stayed home!

Poor Dom. Actually, he was stuck in Washington, DC. In spite of time he’d invested preparing the Go Home 20, he feared he would let his running guests down. There was a flurry of emergency calls and emails. Dho! Lightning struck twice: He could send email, but due to a computer glitch, he couldn’t receive!

As it turned out, a comparatively large group of runners for a Club Fat Ass event showed up in the parking lot of Panorama Park in Deep Cove. Kaioma, brother Wade’s dog, was the only one who may have noticed Dom wasn’t there!

Given that it was an election day, we took a vote and opted to have the finisher party at the start. Gary “Birthday Boy” Robbins from Squamish was awarded an annual subscription to Trail Runner magazine. (It was Dom's birthday, too, by the way.) After a very brief trail briefing, we were off.

The start area was a thick with fog, but looking up toward Mount Seymour, we could see the snow-capped peak draped in sunshine. It was cool, but since the course starts with a long, undulating ascent, it didn’t take long before the layers started coming off. By the time we reached the Deep Cove lookout, Troy Angrignon had removed his jacket and gloves. By the time we got to Old Buck, Sue Nicholson had stripped down to her jog bra. Goodness knows what was going on up ahead with the lead pack!

As with many Club Fat Ass events, a handful of runners figured they could figure out the way without a course description. They all logged a few bonus miles. Bill Dagg and Mike won purple heart awards for twisting an ankle and wrenching an arm, respectively. Patricia Jensen pointed out that a particular intersection near the mushroom parking lot was a “Y” and not a “T” as described in the course instructions. According to Club Fat Ass tradition, the Event Host buys a beer for the first person to indicate an error in their course description. Would this be considered a nit, or is Dommer buying?

No mystical patches of magic mushrooms were discovered. There were no bear sightings on the course. Warm sunshine and spectacular views of Deep Cove welcomed finishers who seemed to arrive in groups of 3s and 4s. A tailgate party spontaneous happened in the parking lot.

Many thanks to Cheryl Johnson who offered her windshield as a place to put the results list, Aimee Dunn who passed around a big Tupperware container of home baked cookies and muffins and Dom Repta who organized the event.

Please contact Sibylle if you have corrections/additions to the results below:

First Name Last Name City/Town Event Time Points
Tim Wiens Vancouver 20k 2:12:45 2
Magnus Johansson Vancouver 20k 2:13 2
Chris Benn Vancouver 20k 2:13:42 2
Jim Swadling North Van 20k 2:13:42 2
Patricia Jensen North Van 20k 2:14:47 2
Desmond Mott North Van 20k 2:24 2
Bill Dagg Vancouver 20k 2:28 2
Louise Oram Vancouver 20k 2:28:06 1
Ron Adams North Van 20k 2:35 1
John Foy North Van 20k 2:35 1
Derrick Johnstone North Van 20k 2:35 2
Dan Havens Whistler 20k 2:37 1
Mark Fearman Pemberton 20k 2:37 1
Gary Robbins Squamish 20k 2:37 2
Tom Jarecki Delta 20k 2:37 2
Aimee Dunn North Van 20k 2:37 2
Rob Ruff Surrey 20k 2:45 1
Corey Doell Langley 20k 2:47 1
Sue Nicholson North Van 20k 2:49 1
Wade Repta Vancouver 20k 2:49 1
Baldwin Lee Burnaby 20k 3:25:46 2
Gilles Barbeau Vancouver 20k 3:34:55 2
Christopher Oram Vancouver 20k 3:42 1
Carolyn King Maple Ridge 20k 4:00 1
Craig Moore North Van 20k 4:00 2
Cheryl Johnson Pitt Meadows 20k 4:01 1
Patricia Barry Vancouver 20k 4:18 2
Michele Sherstan North Van 20k 4:18 2
Michael Grimley Vancouver custom 2:57 1
Troy Angrignon Vancouver custom 1:24 1
Ean Jackson North Van custom 1:24 2


In the fall of 2004 Dom Repta introduced the Go Deep or Go Home 80/20 to fill the a void for ultrarunners looking for a challenge late in the year. Everybody had so much fun, that although the Go Deep or go Home is now held in August, Dom decided to keep a 20km option for the fall.  In 2007 Desmond Mott took over as Event Host for the Go Home. In 2008 Des changed the original course to it's current version through the Hanes Valley.

The Go Home by way of the Hanes Valley is held entirely on trails in the spectacular North Shore mountains above Vancouver, Canada.  The shorter course follows a fairly easy trail and does not have significant climbs or decents.  The longer courses are extremely difficult and technical and should only be attempted by experienced back country runners with the proper equipment.

In keeping with Club Fat Ass guidelines, we aim to tread lightly and leave no trace of the event on the trail or the environment. The course will not be marked with surveyor tape. Directions won't be painted on rocks. There will be no flour used at intersections or along the trail that could wash off or alert the hazardous materials squad. Written course directions that note existing signage and key landmarks are posted on the course page and should be printed out for the event day.

The Differences

This event follows the guidelines provided by Club Fat Ass for safe and successful, informal endurance sports "parties":

  • It is free for Club members
  • It is hosted by a Club member
  • It is small and informal. Guests should come prepared for the weather and the terrain and not expect aid or course marking. They should expect to follow detailed written course instructions
  • It is environmentally friendly. We aim to leave our route in better shape than it was before we passed though.
  • It is as much about the camaraderie as the competition.

Detailed questions and clarifications specific to this event are provided in the Go Home FAQ.

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Our hope is to make this event totally self-supporting. In other words, do all of the organization beforehand and also participate in it. This would be an impossible dream without a lot of behind the scenes help. Many thanks to:

Kintec Footlabs
Thank you for the awesome recognition prizes.  

TrailRunner: Thank you for the 2 gift subscriptions to your popular magazine as draw prize. Also for offering members of Club Fat Ass a special discounted subscription price

KINeSYS: Thanks for the assortment of body and sun care products to keep all participants protected from the elements.

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Q: I've never done a trail run before. Is this a good place to start?
A: It's a toughie, but if you can run a 1/2 marathon on the road and are comfortable carrying your own food and water, you should be good.
Q: Do I need to print off course instructions and bring them with me?
A: Yes. Otherwise, we guarantee you will get lost!
Q: What if I get lost?
A: You shouldn't get lost! Follow the route directions. If you do feel you are lost, ask a mountain biker or backtrack to the last place you saw a runner.
Q: What if I have to heed the call of nature.
A: There is a public washroom at the start/finish in Panorama Park. If you have to go on the trail, be discreet, do your business at least 10 meters from the trail and bury anything solid at least 10 cm deep.
Q: What should I bring on race day?
A: Please check the agenda for thoughts
Q: I am supposed to be self-sufficient because there is no aid provided. Can I get a friend to come out and give me food and drink along the route?
A: Absolutely! In fact, it would be nice if your friend were to help everyone. See aid stations and crew for some thoughts on what they might be able to do.
Q: Where can I park? Where can I change?
A: Parking is an issue.

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Please print out the course description and put them into a zip-lock baggie for the event (scroll down for a printer friendly version).

The terrain for the loinger courses is remote and extremely technical.

Course Description 

  • 23.8.2008; 8:30 - Start
  • Cross over the bridge spanning Lynn Creek. There will be a kiosk with a sign asking you to sign in and sign out . Don’t bother as I will have your name and phone #.
  • Take the wide trail to your LEFT (Lynn Loop Trail) going through the barrier and keeping the creek on your left.
  • In about 2 km there will be a trail junction . Keep LEFT and follow the Cedars Mills Trail.
  • Another 2.3 km further on you will come to a open rocky area called the 3 rd Debris Chute
  • There will be a metal container on your right (a North Shore Rescue cache)
  • Go RIGHT, away from the creek for about 30 meters and there will be a trail junction with a post and a small map. Turn LEFT into the forest.
  • You are now on the Headwaters Trail. Follow this trail for another 2 km or so and you will reach Norvan Creek. Norvan Falls is to your RIGHT via a small trail about 100 meters up. Be careful around the cliffs near the falls. If this is as far as your going, trace your steps back to the parking lot, for a 12 km run.
  • For those going farther in to the Hanes Valley:
  • When you reach Norvan Creek head LEFT to a metal bridge crossing the creek. Take note of the sign warning that this is a back country route. Do not proceed if you are not prepared and carry backcountry gear, emergency gear and enough food and fluids.
  • After crossing the bridge follow the small trail and trail markers which in about 1 km or so will lead you to another trail junction. There will be another post with a map. Turn LEFT towards Lynn Creek.
  • The creek crossing can be tricky at certain times of the year. There should be no problem in August, but do be careful.
  • When you get to the creek. You will see some trail markers directly across from you on a tree. This is where you want to get to.
  • There should be a large log-jam right in front of you and just beyond that a large log spanning the creek. This is one way of crossing. Just be careful as a fall from the log will hurt.
  • Another way is to follow the flagging that will take you further down the creek to a small island in the middle of the creek. Here the creek is a little more shallow and you might be able to wade across or jump from rock to rock. Rocks can be slippery. If you do cross here, once across, follow the markers back to the tree that you first saw as you came down the trail.
  • There is only one trail that I am aware of on this side of the creek
  • Follow the trail markers for about 2.5 km heading away from Lynn creek. You should soon hear another creek on your left, this is Hanes Creek. The trail crosses a few creeks on the way. The trail is mildly undulating.
  • You will soon come to an open area where there is a helicopter landing pad. There will also be a post with a small map on it. From here you can see the col that you are heading to. It will be the small dip on the ridge to the west. Keep this reference point.
  • Continue on the trail and back into the trees for a few 100 meters. You will soon pop back out into the open and onto some big rocks. You will see a big scree slope in front of you.
  • From this point you must be very careful not to fall as some of these rocks are loose and the further up you get they get smaller and could become ankle twisters. Also if you’re following behind someone watch for falling rocks.
  • The trail is usually marked with small rock cairns and flagging tape. This route changes somewhat every year. Just keep heading towards your LEFT and up, aiming for that dip in the ridge
  • From the helipad it’s about 1.5 km to the col that you are heading for.
  • Be sure to take a look back from where you came from. It’s a fabulous view.
  • As you get higher up the scree, the rocks get smaller and the slope steeper.
  • At the col, turn LEFT at the trail junction
  • From here, follow the trail markers towards Grouse Mountain. Your climb is not over yet. From here you will be doing some side hilling and some mini rock scrambling.
  • In about 1 km you will come to a post at a junction for Little Goat Mountain and Grouse Mountain . Follow the trail to Grouse Mountain, which is about 1.7 km away.
  • A few hundred meters on you will come to another junction. Keep left. This is the alpine trail which will soon have a trail junction heading off to the left, towards Thunderbird Ridge. Do not take this trail. Keep going straight.
  • You will soon come to a pipeline at about eye level. Duck and head downhill.
  • You will then come to a large snag tree by a kiosk with a notice board. Follow the wide trail around the west side of Grouse Mountain. Go past the grizzly enclosure, the Lumberjack show and head to the chalet.
  • This is the end for those of you who did a car shuttle .This would be about 18 km or so.
  • For the full course runners, fill up water at Grouse Chalet if needed.
  • Leaving the Chalet, follow the paved trail RIGHT towards the south of the Helipad. Pass under the GREEN chairlift and follow the wide trail across the CUT. Follow the trail down 6 switchbacks and under the BLUE chairlift.
  • You will now be on Mountain Highway. Follow this all the way down to the junction with the Baden Powell Trail. Just before you get there you will come to a metal barrier across the road and some jiffy johns. Keep going for another 200 meters where the junction is. There is a water fountain here as well
  • Turn left onto the Baden Powell. You are now 1 km from the finish. Follow the trail as it winds it’s way towards a large set of stairs. When you reach the road turn LEFT and back to Lynn Headwaters park.
  • Well done for about 32 km

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Confirmation Page - Go Home via the Hanes Valley

The following people are registered for this event:

1) des mott (14 km)
2) Jim Swadling (30 km)
3) Kate Fremlin (30 km)
4) Rochelle Lamoureux (14 km)
5) Sibylle Tinsel (14 km)
6) Katie Longworth (18 km)
7) Ean Jackson (custom)
8) Carlie Smith (30 km)
9) Jason Cagampan (30 km)
10) Chris Benn (18 km)
11) brian boyce (14 km)

Contact - Go Home Via The Hanes Valley

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I welcome your comments, criticisms, feedback and questions.

Please be sure to read the the Agenda and FAQ section of this website first, as this is where I've tried to answer the most frequently asked questions.

Des Mott - Your CFA Event Host
if you have filled out your profile page this field will fill in automatically
please provide a valid email address, so I can follow-up with you
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Post Event Survey - Go Home Via The Hanes Valley

Please take a moment to share your thoughts about the Club Fat Ass event you recently participated in. Your feedback will help your Event Host to refine their event next year.

This is an anonymous, confidential survey (as long as you are not logged in to the website) so please feel free to offer constructive criticism about any aspect of the event in the comment box.

Extremely UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedSatisfiedExtremely Satisfied
Date (day of week, time of year, conflicts with other events)
Time (start time)
Start area (location, parking, washrooms, shelter)
Finish area (location, parking, washrooms, shelter)
The course itself (terrain, difficulty)
The course description (accuracy, complexity, measurement)
Level of competition (too little, too much)
Post-event activities
Results (were they accurate, distributed promptly)
Event website (was it easy to find information, complete)
Overall event (value, challenge, course, atmosphere)
select all applicable
Please type answer in space provided above. Remember this survey is anonymous. If you would like a personal response to your feedback you can either add your email address here or contact us via the contact form on the website.
This survey is anonymous as long as you are not logged in. If you would like a personal response, please insert your email address.