2006 Media Spirit Challenge at Wendy's Get Your Fat Ass Off The Couch


Media Spirit Award Presentation


Contest - Media Spirit Award 2006Congratulations to the North Shore News for winning the Club Fat Ass Media Spirit Award.  The  inaugural competition was held at Wendy's "Get Your Fat Ass Off the Couch" runs on 21 October 2006.

Meghan Jones and Hector Diakow were running for the Capilano Courier newspaper.  Mike Wakefield and Jordan Back, a previous top finisher in the event, represented the North Shore News.

It was a very tough call for the judges.  The Capilano Courier and North Shore News both were both represented by the same number of enthusiastic runners.  Since Meghan and Hector were new runners and boasted a total of 6 hours sleep prior to the run, they were inching ahead, even though Jordan had bonus points for having broken a rib on the trail in anContest - Media Spirit Award 2006 earlier running of "Wendy's" and still came back for more.

Contest - Media Spirit Award 2006Hector showed up at the finisher party, which gave the Courier additional spirit points.  However, Mike Wakefield got double spirit points for the pile of trash he picked up during the run and the bouquet of fall leaves he presented to his host, Wendy Montgommery, after the run.  The judges called it a tie coming into the finish.

The tie-breaker came in the form of Mick Maguire who, although unable to run for the North Shore News team, came out to set upContest - Media Spirit Award 2006 an aid station for the benefit of all runners.  Now *that's* media spirit!  Mick cinched the award and the Porker Plaque trophy for the North Shore News. 

On behalf of the Club Fat Ass Steering Committee, Wendy Montgommery and the Club Fat Ass members, congratulations to all participants and we hope to see you all out at the next Club Fat Ass Media Challenge!