Website Help

Help Topics

If you can't find the help you are looking for, or you have suggestions for improving the help, please contact us with your suggestions. Thank you!


How Do I Create a User Account?

It's simple, painless, and you only have to do this once!

  1. Find the "User Login" box on the top left sidebar of this website
  2. Click on Create new account.
  3. Fill out the form.  We recommend you use your real first and last names or a very familiar nickname as your Username so you don't forget it.  Please enter the email address you want to receive account confirmation at.  Note that fields marked with an * are required.  Click "create new account" once you are done.
  4. In a couple of minutes you will receive an email note.  It will confirm your Username, a password and provide further instructions. 
  5. Note:  Be sure to file this email note somewhere handy in case you forget your Username and password!

I Have a User Account. How do I log-in?

It's also simple and painless, but not necessarily obvious the first time:

  1. Find the "User Login" box on the top left sidebar.
  2. Fill in your Username and the password you received via email.
  3. Click "log in"
  4. Note:  Most browsers will allow you to remember your Username and Password

How Do I Edit My Account Profile?

  1. Log in with your Username and password
  2. Scroll down to your personal navigation block on the left sidebar (you will see your Username in orange.)
  3. Click on "My account".
  4. From the tabs on the top of the page, select "Edit"
  5. Fill in the form as desired (i.e. if you wish to change your password, do it in the appropriate field).
  6. In the "Block Configuration" box, please select "Navigation" with the check-box. Note, if you don't check "Navigation", you will not be able to see the commands that allow you to post to the website.
  7. In the "Subscription settings" box, we recommend you select "Autosubscribe"(check-mark).  This way you will get an email to let you know if someone responds to something you wrote.
  8. Click "submit" when you are done

I forgot my Username (or Password). What do I do?

Don't worry.  It happens to everyone!

  1. Go to"User Login" on the left side of this page
  2. Fill in the text field with either your Username or the email address you used to set up your User Account.  Fill out the "captcha" and click on "Email New Password". (Note: if the form doesn't accept any of your email addresses, chances are you don't have a User Account.  Please see "How do I Create a User Account" above.)
  3. An email note will be immediately sent to you.  Check your inbox for a note from CFA_info (at) cfasports (dot) com.  This email contains a special login link that can be used only once. It expires after one day and nothing will happen if it's not used. 
  4. Click on the login link. You will be directed back to a page on the Club Fat Ass website. Click on the "Reset your Password" tab.  This will take you to your profile page where you can reset your password.
  5. Note:  Be sure to record your Username and Password so you remember the next time.


Who Can Use and Contribute to this Website?

Anyone is welcome to use the Club Fat Ass "online clubhouse". Use of our facilities is free.

We want the site to be a great resource for you, and people like you, who are looking for information about running and related activities.

We also want the CFA "online clubhouse" to be a place where you, and people like you, feel comfortable. Our community is very welcoming and sharing. We value your race reviews, your photos, your comments on our adventure stories and your advice. We value your opinion and trust that you will respect those of others you meet at the "clubhouse".

Like most clubs, we do get the occasional bad apple coming through the door. In the online world, this frequently means spammers, people who might vandalize our clubhouse or otherwise be mean to our members and guests.

To minimize the impact of "bad apples" and to make it easy for you and other "good apples" to benefit from our community, we ask that you create a User Account and that you sign in when you want to contribute to the community.

What are the Different Types of Content?

So you're ready to contribute a report about a running adventure, or something similar.  You click on "Create Content" and now have to make a choice about what type of content you want to create.  Here's a clarification:


Which Website Features Can I Use?

The table below tells you which features different users can access:


Anonymous User
(not logged in)

Authorized User (logged in, NOT a CFA member) Authorized User (logged in, CFA member) CFA Event Host
Comment no
Create my own blog and blog posts no
Create stories / news items no no no yes
View member directory no no yes yes
Create a forum post
no yes yes yes
Participate in polls/surveys yes yes yes yes
Submit my content to the main page no no yes yes
Update my own event website N/A N/A yes yes
Upload images to the CFA Flickr group ( i.e. for shirt contest or event photos) open to anyone who is granted permission by the CFA Flickr group administrator.  It is not tied to CFA membership, but usually members of the Flickr group are also CFA members. Some family members/friends who take photos might be the exception.

How Can I Create Content?

As highlighted in the table above, there are permission levels depending on your member status.

Yuck! What's all of this gibberish in my post?

You have just spent the last half-hour crafting a brilliant and helpful story to share with friends, fellow FatAsses and folks out there in Internet land. 

You cut text from one website or another, maybe you got it from an email note or a Word document?  You pasted it all together on the CFA site, formatted it nicely, checked your spelling and pressed save.  Voila.

To your horror, your opus is full of weird formatting, weird text (e.g. <span>, <end if>) and other weird stuff. "Crappy website!," you holler in frustration.

You have stumbled across one of those technology things that we just have to work around.  You see, word processors, email programs and other computer programs that manage words and images have all kids of hidden codes.  When you paste information from these programs into a web editor such as ours, the hidden code comes along for the ride.  You can either make sure there is no hidden code in what you post to this website, or you can clean out the hidden code from your post on this website.

  1. Cut and Paste from Word.  If your original document is a Word document, best to use our editor's handy "Paste from Word" tool.  To do this, copy your content from the Word document.  Go to the post on our website where you would like to paste the text.  Place your cursor at the exact paste location.  Look for the Word icon (a folder with a blue "W" in the text editor toolbar above.  Click on the Word icon.  A "Paste from Word" window will will open up.  Paste your text here and press ok. 
  2. PreWash.  A hassle, but certainly the easiest way to get rid of hidden code in your posts on this site is to make sure it never gets into your posts on this site in the first place.  Hidden code is automatically stripped out by a simple text editor such as Wordpad.  You then paste to the CFA site
  3. After the fact.  Edit your post as you normally would.  There is two ways to strip additional formatting:
    - use the handy "Remove Format" tool in our text editor above.  Highlight the text where you'd like to remove formatting, look for the "remove format: tool in the text editor (note: it looks like an eraser).  Click on the "remove format" icon.  If you still see some funky code or formatting use the next option:
    - Below the editor, you will see "Switch to plain text editor".  This will take you below the hood to the HTML editor where you can strip out the invisible code.  Warning... requires some knowledge of HTML!

Image Uploading

Club Fat Ass uses the great features of the photo sharing website Flickr to display and share photos of our members, events and submissions to the Travelling Colour Contest.

How can I add photos to the Members In Action block (right side-bar), or to the Travelling Colours Contest?

If you would like to share your club-related photos via Flickr (and have your photos magically appear in various sections on our website) you need a Flickr account and to follow the instructions below. If you need help with Flickr please refer to their user guides or take their tour.

  1. Join Flickr or log into your existing Flickr account
  2. Use the neat Flickr uploader tool to upload multiple photos.
  3. Join the Club Fat Ass Flickr Group. (The join button is on the Flickr Group page on the right side a bit down the screen
  4. Add your photos to the Club Fat Ass group pool. You can use the Organizer tool on Flickr to do this in a batch.
  5. Tag your photos as below to appear in different areas on our website:
    • Members In Action. Add to the CFA group pool and tag with ClubFatAss. Please note that only member photos, shirt photos or photos of CFA events should be added.
    • Travelling Colours Contest. Add to the CFA group pool and tag with ClubFatAss, TravellingColoursContest and TravellingColoursContestYear (replace "year" with the current year, i.e. TravellingColoursContest2010)
    • Event Photos. Add to the CFA group pool and tag with ClubFatAss, ClubFatAssEvents ClubFatAssEventsYear (replace "year" with the current year), EventName and EventNameYear (replace "EventName" with the name of the event and "year" with the current year, i.e. FullMonty2010.
    • Bagger Challenge Photos.  Add to the CFA Flickr Pool and tag your photos: ClubFatAss ClubFatAssEvents ClubFatAssEvents2011 BaggerChallenge2011 BaggerChallenge (with a space separating each tag on the flickr template)

How can I add an image to a post (blog, results, story, weblink)?

If you just want to post a photo in your blog, results, or a story, you can still do this by using the image icon in the tool bar of our text editor (it's that little square icon with a meadow an a house with a red roof). Please note: to use the image icon in our text editor your image needs to be hosted somewhere on the web - this can be a photo-sharing site like Flickr or Picasa or your own website).


How Can I Include Photos in My Post Using Flickr?

Club Fat Ass uses the great features of the photo sharing website Flickr to display and share photos of our members, events and submissions to the Travelling Colour Contest.


How can I add photos to the Members In Action block (right side-bar), or to the Travelling Colours Contest?

If you would like to share your club-related photos via Flickr (and have your photos magically appear in various sections on our website) you need a Flickr account and to follow the instructions below. If you need help with Flickr please refer to their user guides or take their tour.

  1. Join Flickr or log into your existing Flickr account
  2. Use the neat Flickr uploader tool to upload multiple photos.
  3. Join the Club Fat Ass Flickr Group. (The join button is on the Flickr Group page on the right side a bit down the screen
  4. Add your photos to the Club Fat Ass group pool. You can use the Organizer tool on Flickr to do this in a batch.
  5. Tag your photos as below to appear in different areas on our website:

    • Members In Action. Add to the CFA group pool and tag with ClubFatAss. Please note that only member photos, shirt photos or photos of CFA events should be added.
    • Travelling Colours Contest. Add to the CFA group pool and tag with ClubFatAss, TravellingColoursContest and TravellingColoursContestYear (replace "year" with the current year, i.e. TravellingColoursContest2010)
    • Event Photos. Add to the CFA group pool and tag with ClubFatAss, ClubFatAssEvents ClubFatAssEventsYear (replace "year" with the current year), EventName and EventNameYear (replace "EventName" with the name of the event and "year" with the current year, i.e. FullMonty2010.

How can I add an image to a post (blog, results, story, weblink)?

If you just want to post a photo in your blog, results, or a story, you can still do this by using the image icon in the tool bar of our text editor (it's that little square icon with a green tree). Please note: to use the image icon in our text editor your image needs to be hosted somewhere on the web - this can be a photo-sharing site like Flickr or Picasa or your own website).

The following addition is already on the live site - added prompted by a member you had difficulties using the image icon:


How Can I Copy Content into My Post?

One would hope that cutting text from one place and pasting that text into another place (e.g. the CFA site) would be as simple as pie.  Unfortunately, it's not. 

What you cut from some software applications (Microsoft Word and Outlook come quickly to mind) comes with all sorts of invisible code that can make a mess of your contribution to the CFA site.  Here's how you can avoid problems:

  1. Select the content in Word, Outlook or scrape from a webpage (use the mouse or Ctrl+A to select all).
  2. Copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl+C or select "copy" from the edit menu).
  3. Place the cursor on the location in your CFA post where you want the copied text to begin.
  4. Press the "Paste from Word" icon (small blue W icon) on the little text editor above the post's body.
  5. A pop up window will appear. Paste your text into the window (Ctrl+V) and click "insert".

How Do I Create a Flash Event?

A Flash Event is a one-time event.  It is free.  It is open to anyone.  The only gotcha is that Club insurance does not cover Flash events, so you need to make extra sure you take good care of your guests.

Anyone who is authorized to use the Club Fat Ass "online clubhouse" can put on a Flash event.  All you need is a User Account.  (See How do I Create a User Account.)

It takes less than 5 minutes to create and share a Flash event:

  1. Log in
  2. Click on "Create Content".  (On the left side of the main page under your user name.)  You will go to the content page where you will be given several options
  3. Click on "Event"
  4. Title.  Give your event a title:  e.g. Flash - Funky Chicken 50K.  Be sure to preface your title with "Flash" so it shows up in the list of events as a Flash event
  5. Location.  The nearest town or suburb to the start
  6. Tag it with "Flash Event"
  7. Enter the event details.  We strongly recommend you use the recommended Flash Event format.  (See below.)  Be sure to include the disclaimer! 
  8. Press "Save"  (Better than "Preview" as you are less likely to lose your work)
  9. Your Flash Event will automatically appear in the CFA calendar and, if it's coming up soon, also under Upcoming Events in the right sidebar.  Admin will post it to the main page about 2 weeks prior to the Event.

Other hints and tips:

Flash Events are summarized on one web page.  Simply copy this format and use it to kick start your Flash Event:

What:  What's it all about?

When:  Date and time of the event.

Where:  Where is the start?  What route will you take?

Why:  Why are you doing this?

How:  How do I confirm I will join you?

Other:  Any other information that is relevant.

You are responsible for your own well being and safety and should be self sufficient. Please read the Release of All Claims. By participating in this event you agree to the terms of the Release of All Claims.

How Can I Download the Club Fat Ass Calendar into my Calendar?

This is a handy feature.  To do this:

Save the "calendar.ics" file to your desktop:


  1. Right click on the small red/white icon at the bottom of the "Upcoming Events" block on the top right corner of the main CFA website page.
  2. Select "Save link as..." and save it to your desktop.

In Microsoft Outlook:

  1. File -> Import and Export... -> select "import an iCalendar or vCalendar file" -> Browse to the location of the "calendar.ics" file (i.e. desktop) -> Finish the wizard.

In Google Calendar:

  1. Add -> Import Calendar -> Select the "calendar.ics" file location and name
  2. Choose the calendar you'd like to download to (if you have several) and finish the wizard

Social Media, Club Fat Ass and You

Got one of the first green or red Club t-shirts?  Then you might remember our first "online clubhouse"... a simple website cobbled-together in Frontpage back in the day before anyone knew what a URL was and only geeks had email addresses.   Social media, blogging or even commenting on a website was foreign to most of us.

All to say that Club Fat Ass has been an early adopter of new media as a way to provide value to you, our members and members-to-be.

With the explosion of social media and Club Fat Ass members using a variety of online communities, we thought it was time to provide a little road map to help you navigate the social media we use.

Check us out on the following social media sites and make sure to share, tag and bookmark to spread the word:


Before you even leave the CFA site l with Facebook and Twitter, you can very easily share any post directly from our website.  Look for the "ShareThis" link below any post.  Clicking on this gives you a choice of social networking sites to share with.


Facebook Page

Facebook Group

Facebook Events

The CFA FB page is updated with our upcoming events.  You can help the Event Host promote the event by:

Facebook Tagging

If you have event photos or videos on Facebook, please tag them with ClubFatAss and ClubFatAssEvents


You noticed this has come up a few times. While you can share from within FB, you can also very easily share any post directly from our website.  Look for the "ShareThis" link below any post.  Clicking on this gives you a choice of social networking sites to share with.


I won't make an attempt to explain Twitter to you here.  It's sort of like Facebook but way different...;-)  You can find a beginners primer here:

Club Fat Ass' tweets can be found and followed at Yours truly is the official CFA tweep and I attempt to tweet about upcoming events, contests, updated web pages, results as well as  subjects that might be of interest to you.

If you like to become part of the Twitter community and Club Fat Ass' tweets you can do the following:


Club Fat Ass uses Flickr's great photo sharing features to display photos in posts, in the Members in Action area in the right side column, for our Travelling Colours contest and in slideshows linked from results pages.

You can find extensive instructions how to post photos to our website using Flickr here.


Club Fat Ass's YouTube Channel is at:

Here is what you can do to stay tuned in to the channel and promote our events:


coming soon!

If you think Club Fat Ass should participate in other social networking sites, please email and we investigate