Reagan's 2013 Fitness Resolutions


Goals for 2013 Running/Bagging Events: 

* Finish in Top 10 in club point series, participating in at least 8 club events
* Finish in Top 20 in bagger challenge point standings, bag at least 8 peaks
* Build on 2011 and 2012 ultra participation by completing 3 ultras in 2013 - Chuckanut, Diez Vista, and Tenderfoot Boogie (or equivalent)

Apart from the running/hiking, I aim to:

* contribute to a team effort to update the ActivePorker iPhone app for 2013, including a showcase for the Bagger Challenge

* Host my event, Sweet Go Deep, again

* generally achieve better heath in 2013 compared to 2012 by sleeping more, eating better, keeping stress in check. 

* continue bike commuting daily, a habit started in 2011 that is now part of my daily culture, rain, snow, or shine.

* provide volunteer and/or pacing support for at least one trail race

* start my graduate studies successfully in July and run the trails of Ithaca, NY and Kingston, ON at least once that same month!