This is the 9th year of our popular photo contest. Rules are posted here.
Clicking on a photo (they will be posted below as they come in) will get you to an awesome photo sharing site called Flickr. If you have a Flickr account (free) you can add Club Fat Ass to your contact list, join the CFA group pool, comment on the photos, mark them as favourites and much more. Make sure to submit contest photos to the Flickr CFA group pool and tag them with TravellingColoursContest2013 TravellingColoursContest and whatever else you see fit. This way you are in control of your photo and you keep the copyright.
The winner of the 2013 Travelling Colours Contest will receive a prize (TBD
The latest submissions to the 2013 Travelling Colours Contest will be posted in the slideshow below (coming soon) as they come in.