2011 Results - Go Home (not) Via The Hanes Valley

August 2011 - 7 Starters

Report.    Coming soon

Post Event Survey. Please fill out the brief post event survey here. Your event hosts appreciate your feedback.  You can also add your impressions of the day via the comments below or through your CFA blog.

Photos. Photos of the run are posted below. Please add your's to the CFA Flickr group tagged with GoHome2011 GoHome ClubFatassEvents2011 ClubFatassEvents. They will automatically be added to slideshow below.


Results.  Times and distances will be posted as soon as everybody is back.

First Name Last Name Event Points Time
Des Mott 23km 2+1*+2** 4:23
John Pickles 23km 2 4:50
Paul Martin 23km 2 4:23
Adrian Powell 23km 2 4:25
Sibylle Tinsel 4.2km 2+1* 28min
Ean Jackson 3.8km 1+1* 34min
Eugene Ellenbogen 3.8km 1 34min













* Bonus Point for garbage collection
** Event Host Point