How Can I Include Photos in My Post Using Flickr?

Club Fat Ass uses the great features of the photo sharing website Flickr to display and share photos of our members, events and submissions to the Travelling Colour Contest.


How can I add photos to the Members In Action block (right side-bar), or to the Travelling Colours Contest?

If you would like to share your club-related photos via Flickr (and have your photos magically appear in various sections on our website) you need a Flickr account and to follow the instructions below. If you need help with Flickr please refer to their user guides or take their tour.

  1. Join Flickr or log into your existing Flickr account
  2. Use the neat Flickr uploader tool to upload multiple photos.
  3. Join the Club Fat Ass Flickr Group. (The join button is on the Flickr Group page on the right side a bit down the screen
  4. Add your photos to the Club Fat Ass group pool. You can use the Organizer tool on Flickr to do this in a batch.
  5. Tag your photos as below to appear in different areas on our website:

    • Members In Action. Add to the CFA group pool and tag with ClubFatAss. Please note that only member photos, shirt photos or photos of CFA events should be added.
    • Travelling Colours Contest. Add to the CFA group pool and tag with ClubFatAss, TravellingColoursContest and TravellingColoursContestYear (replace "year" with the current year, i.e. TravellingColoursContest2010)
    • Event Photos. Add to the CFA group pool and tag with ClubFatAss, ClubFatAssEvents ClubFatAssEventsYear (replace "year" with the current year), EventName and EventNameYear (replace "EventName" with the name of the event and "year" with the current year, i.e. FullMonty2010.

How can I add an image to a post (blog, results, story, weblink)?

If you just want to post a photo in your blog, results, or a story, you can still do this by using the image icon in the tool bar of our text editor (it's that little square icon with a green tree). Please note: to use the image icon in our text editor your image needs to be hosted somewhere on the web - this can be a photo-sharing site like Flickr or Picasa or your own website).

The following addition is already on the live site - added prompted by a member you had difficulties using the image icon: