Which Website Features Can I Use?

The table below tells you which features different users can access:


Anonymous User
(not logged in)

Authorized User (logged in, NOT a CFA member) Authorized User (logged in, CFA member) CFA Event Host
Comment no
Create my own blog and blog posts no
Create stories / news items no no no yes
View member directory no no yes yes
Create a forum post
no yes yes yes
Participate in polls/surveys yes yes yes yes
Submit my content to the main page no no yes yes
Update my own event website N/A N/A yes yes
Upload images to the CFA Flickr group ( i.e. for shirt contest or event photos) open to anyone who is granted permission by the CFA Flickr group administrator.  It is not tied to CFA membership, but usually members of the Flickr group are also CFA members. Some family members/friends who take photos might be the exception.