Peak Ranking

The pages listed here highlight the ways we have ranked peaks in the Bagger Challenge.  All use a simple scale of 1-5.  Click on the rating criteria for details.

Accessibility for Children

This score ranks how accessible this peak is for children.  Clearly, this classification is very subjective, as children come in ages ranging from infants to almost being of the age of majority and can have a very wide range of experience and abilities.

1- poor.  Not recommended for children

2- minimal.  Suited only to older children with lots of experience

3- good.  Manageable by children with experienced adult supervision

4- excellent.  Great route for children.

5- outstanding.  Perfect route for children.

Accessibility for Dogs

This score ranks how accessible this peak is for dogs. 

1- poor.  Dogs are not allowed on the route.  (e.g. park or other bylaws posted)

2- minimal.  Poor access to water.  Steep terrain.

3- good.  Manageable by most dogs

4- excellent.  Great route for dogs.

5- outstanding.  Perfect route for dogs.

Peak Difficulty

This score ranks the peak in terms of relative difficulty.

1- very easy.  Suitable for young children.

2- easy.

3-average difficulty.

4- difficult. 

5- very difficult.  Experts only.


Peak Route Scenery

This score ranks the scenery on the route to the peak.

1- poor.  Minimal variety in scenery.  Moonscape

2- minimal.  Little variety

3- good.  Some variety

4- excellent.  Above average variety.

5- outstanding.  Exceptional variety of flora, fauna and natural beauty

Peak Runability

This score ranks the peak in terms of how much running is involved.  Assume the runner is a middle-of-the-pack trail runner.

1- mostly runnable.  80-100% of the route can be run

2- 60-80% of the route can be run

3- 40-60% of the route can be run

4- 20-40% of the route can be run 

5- minimal running.  0-20% of the route can be run

Peak View

This score ranks the view from the peak on a clear day.

1- poor.  Little or no view. Tight tree cover. Flat summit.

2- minimal.  Some views through the trees.

3- good.  partially obstructed views.

4- excellent.  minor obstructions.

5- outstanding.  Unobstructed, 360-degree view