2009 - Year 7 - XTC Results

13 June 2009 - 18 Starters/18 Finishers


What a perfect day for a run in the woods with some friends!
Yes, the sun shone against a backdrop of cloudless skies for the 7th running of the Vancouver Skyline Cross-Country Trail Challenge (XTC)...not just for the start, but for the whole day. Could it be that Pano and I battled hypothermia for 50K and ended up in the hot tub for almost 1/2 hour before our teeth stopped chattering on this same 2nd Saturday in June a couple of years ago?  
Everyone was in great spirits as we counted down to the start at Griffin Gym in North Vancouver... start of the 25K up and 50K events. Several folks immediately jumped in my car and we rushed toward the Cypress Mountain start of the 25K "down" event. "Stop!", came the cry, "Garage sale!!" So, we stopped to check it out. As the 4 of us headed back to the car with a 1-liter beer mug (25-cents) and a kite ($2), I swore I saw the golden piggy wink at me. "Hey guys... our new mascot!" And so it came to be that Club Fat Ass acquired the golden porker ($4)!
Our run started out great and got even better as we made our way down a fairly wide section of the Trans-Canada Trail. By 9:00, it was already toasty warm. Given almost 3 weeks of sunshine, it was surprising to see patches of mud on the trail. No bear skat, though, which is a good thing this time of year!
The Skyline Trail section of the XTC follows a ramrod straight telephone line across the side of Cypress Mountain. The trail itself is anything but ramrod straight, however, as it zigs and zags into the forest and dips down into about a dozen canyons. Each canyon has a waterfall and a refreshingly cool breeze. One of these days I am going to go for a dip in Brother's Creek...
Claudia, Pat and Sibylle said they saw an eagle and heard a grouse in this "Canyon Crawl" section.  Steve and Christina apparently saw a grouse.  Our little group stopped often to stuff our faces with salmonberries. I think that's what we were doing when Penny crossed us. All smiles and looking great, Penny said she was feeling the heat. 
Paul and Jason, out for his first ultra, were next followed relatively closely by the other "up" and ultra runners. After being sidelined more often than not for the past year-and-half, it was great to slap hands with passing running buddies again.
We stopped briefly to pay our respects to Grandpa Capilano then had a long drink of icy cold water at the Cleveland Dam fountain.  Unfortunately, there were no garage sales on Nancy Greene Way today. The parking lot at Grouse was full of 'grinders and out-of-town folks eager to see the lumberjack show, though. It was a bit chaotic as we made our way toward the power line trail.
Ever run in California in the summer? I was reminded of runs near Lake Tahoe on this year's XTC. Hot and dusty trails, with fresh air filtered by a million pine needles as it blew through the trees and into our lungs. Gotta love it!
I figured better safe (from reinjury) than sorry, and cut off Rick Arikado's beloved dogleg section of the course. Gave my 11-year old son a high 5 for gutting out a new course record in the under-12 age group, then hauled dirt into my back yard as the ultramarathoners enjoyed their afternoons on the trial.
The weather held, making for an epic afternoon on the patio of the Mosquito Creek Grill.  Lot of great stories. Cool beer. Tasty yam fries. Thanks to Kintec, prizes for all.
Thanks to all participants for making this a special day!
Ean "Back in Action" Jackson
Host, XTC

PS  Have any post race comment?  Please post them below.


Photos: A slideshow of photos can be found here (coming soon). Photos added to the Flickr CFA group and tagged with XTC2009 XTC and ClubFatAssEvents will automatically be added to this slideshow.

Report: Coming soon

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First Name  Last Name Event Points Time
Paul Cubbon 50K 2 6:09
Jason Oliver 50K 2 6:13
desmond   mott   50K 3* 6:17
scott donatelli         50K 2 7:17
Jessica Glowacki 50K 2 7:37
Dave  Smith 50K 2 7:37
Gord Thompson 50K 2 7:42
Gilles Barbeau 25K - Up 1 4:23
Craig Moore 25K - Up 3* 4:23
Claudia Bullington 25K - Up 3* 5:25
Sibylle Tinsel 25K - Up 3* 5:25
Patricia Barry 25K - Up 2 5:27
Steve Deller 25K - Down 1 4:00
Christina Pow 25K - Down 1 4:00
Rick Arikado Roll Your Own 1 5:01
Penny Jakobsen Roll Your Own 2 5:02
Ean Jackson down without dogleg 4** 2:54
Erik J down without dogleg   2:54
*garbage P                    
** EH point
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