Results - Marathon Shuffle - 2009

Club Fat Ass Event: Marathon Shuffle 2009 - Starter Photo

 Starter Photo: 75 Starters

Report: Published: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 12:04 PM CDT Powell River Peak

Kevin Sigouin pounds marathon shuffle record

BLISTERING PACE: Kevin Sigouin dashes toward the Sutherland Avenue station before heading up Scout Mountain and the finish of the 29-kilometre Marathon Shuffle. Siguoin set a new record and captured the Tom Mills Marathon Shuffle trophy on April 25.

River city runner captures trophy held by Lower Mainland ultra-marathon runners

A Powell River runner shattered the previous record for the Marathon Shuffle by over an hour.

Kevin Sigouin set a blistering pace on the 29-kilometre route which traverses the Sunshine Coast Trail from Malaspina Road to the Shingle Mill and set a new record of two hours, 57 minutes and 13 seconds. Eighty people participated in 16th annual Marathon Shuffle which took place on April 25.

Sigouin and a few of his running mates from Avid Fitness were getting fed up with having the Tom Mills Marathon Shuffle trophy show up for a weekend in Powell River and then see it leave town again. Sigouin said he and others in the local running fraternity weren't happy about having a trophy for running the Sunshine Coast Trail claimed by out-of-towners every year. This year they decided to participate and train on the trail.

Last year, Vancouver runner John McGrath won the trophy along with another Vancouver runner, Angus McLellan. In 2007, McGrath, along with Ean Jackson, the dean of the Lower Mainland's extreme running fraternity, set the record of 3:59:20 that stood until this weekend.
McGrath did well this year, shaving off 20 minutes from his time last year, but much to everyone's surprise that was not enough to carry the day. He was momentarily disoriented on Scout Mountain and was passed by Powell River runner Chris Bratseth who claimed the bronze medal. Steve Beck, also from Powell River, came in 18 minutes ahead of Bratseth to earn the silver.

Three more Powell River men crushed the old record: Greg Tait, Alston Miller and Byron Fader also came in under four hours. Bill Price received a medal for oldest male participant and completed the shuffle in 6 hours, 15 minutes.

When the Marathon Shuffle was first initiated 16 years ago, it began as a hike featuring the beauty of a 29-kilometre-long section of the Sunshine Coast Trail from Malaspina Road to the Shingle Mill. The event remained a hike for a dozen years.

Local participants of the Marathon Shuffle preferred to take their time and hike the trail leisurely, but some began to hike it faster and faster year after year and it became an annual rite of spring, a reason for getting into shape for the peak hiking season ahead.

Tom Mills, a former elite cross-country runner with roots in Powell River, suggested he knew people who would love to run the trail and offered to sponsor a trophy for the fastest hiker or runner of the shuffle. Members of the Lower Mainland's Club Fat Ass have owned the trophy since it was initiated four years ago.

As it turned out, only McGrath of Club Fat Ass could travel to Powell River this year. Injuries and other circumstances prevented other members of the club from participating.

In the women's division, Val Smith set a new record of 4 hours, 10 minutes, repeating her win from last year. Silver medal winner went to newcomer Kuxy Doell at 4:39. Gail Swanson, the oldest female runner, took home the bronze for turning in a time of 5:12.

Runners and hikers enjoyed a cloudless day. Five stations provided donated fruit, cookies and drinks, so participants could travel with a pack and re-energize every hour or two.
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Results - Marathon Shuffle 29 km on SCT from Malaspina Road to Shingle Mill

First Name Last Name Age Event RUN Time    Top Five  
Kevin Sigouin 30-39 29km 2:57:13    1st male
Steve Beck 50-59 29km 3:18    2nd male
Chris Bratseth 30-39 29km 3:36    3rd male
John McGrath 30-39 29km 3:39    4th male
Greg Tait 40-49 29km 3:43

   5th male











Philip Waters 60-69 29km 4:09
Valda Smith 50-59 29km 4:10    1st female
John Wegner 30-39 29km 4:16
Tony Rice 40-49 29km 4:27
Kuxy Doell 40-49 29km 4:39    2nd female
Rob McWilliam 60-69 29km 4:39
Ian Fleming 40-48 29km 5:01
James Gordon 40-49 29km 5:01
Gail Swanson 60-69 29km 5:12    3rd female
Shannon Behan 30-39 29km 5:17    4th female
Sean Melrose 30-39 29km 5:25
Margaret Reckenberg 50-59 29km 5:31    5th female
Laura Sigouin 30-39 29km 5:37
Ron Sellers 60-69 29km 5:49
Real Sigouin 50-59 29km 5:49
Aaron Dovauo 30-39 29km 5:59
Trisha Thomas 40-49 29km 5:59
Karin Burnikell 30-39 29km 6:02
Christie Lepitre 30-39 29km 6:02
Alexander Combe 60-69 29km 6:04
Richard Tait 70 plus 29km 6:04
Eric McClinchey 60-69 29km 6:15
Bill Price 70 plus 29km 6:15
Sarah Barkowski 40-49 29km 6:49
Bob Perry 50-59 29km 6:49
Michelle Seguin 50-59 29km 6:49
Raymond Seguin 50-59 29km 6:49
Murray Dobbin 60-69 29km 7:09
Susan Hill 50-59 29km 7:09
Walter Kubany 60-69 29km 7:09
Mardi Lavertu 50-59 29km 7:09
Phil Kemp 60-69 29km 7:00
Jean Culos 50-59 29km 7:01
Wayne Culos 60-69 29km 7:01
Audrey Perun 40-49 29km 7:18
David Perun 50-59 29km 7:18
Penny Shillingford 50-59 29km 7:22
Tara Chernoff 30-39 29km 7:27
Emma Larocque 30-39 29km 7:27
Carol Sellers 60-69 29km 7:30
Shirley Zylstra 30-39 29km 7:30
Lita Biron 50-59 29km  7:35
Robert Devlin 20-29 29km DNS
Willie Perry 60-69 29km DNS
Sweeping on SCT from Malaspina to Wilde Rd: Scott Glaspey and Eagle Walz



Results - Half Marathon Shuffle 12 km on SCT from Wilde Road to Shingle Mill  
First Name Last Name Age Event RUN Time  Top Five  
Deon Human 50-59 12km 2:09    1st male
Jacques DuToit DNR 12km 2:21    2nd male
Stephanie Human 40-49 12km 2:24    1st female
Jan Del Mistro 50-59 12km 2:31    2nd female
Ray Hogan DNR 12km 2:32    3rd male
Danielle Marentette 30-39 12km 2:34    3rd female
Leila Lynch 40-49 12km 3:09    4th female
Terri Beck 50-59 12km 3:17    5th female
Lois Hunter 50-59 12km 3:57
Sheila Leachman 40-49 12km 3:57
Betty Norman 70 plus 12km 3:57
Barb Bottjer DNR 12km 4:47
Amanda Gaylard DNR 12km 4:47
Cheryl Stride DNR 12km 4:47
Nora Stride DNR 12km 4:47
Charlie Siegler under 19 12km 5:34    4th male
Christy Siegler 50-59 12km 5:34
Karl Siegler 60-69 12km 5:34    5th male
Pat McGowan DNR 12km DNR
Michael McMaster DNR 12km DNR
Sabine Simpson DNR 12km DNR
Lesley Thorsell DNR 12km DNR
Tanessa Wilkins DNR 12km DNR
* DNR denotes Did Not Register that information
Sweeping on SCT from Wilde Road to Sutherland:
Bruce MacDonald

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