Michele's Rehab Resolutions 2009

A string of injuries (priformis, hamstring, SI joint, IT pain, hip socket pain/restriction , a mild groin pull . . . ) and a diagnosis of breast cancer have kept me from really attacking my running goals this past year. Seems I can beat cancer, but not the various leg maladies I’m still sporting. Could it be the fact that I continued to run, walk, ski throughout all my injuries and treatments? Hmm. Or that I was not always religious or exacting in the performance of my constantly evolving repertoire of physiotherapy exercises?? (“They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said ‘no, no, no . . .”).

So, this year is all about sucking up the fact that I may not run for quite awhile and committing myself totally to doing whatever I can do to get my running legs back, with as little whining as possible, including

• rehab exercises every day

• pilates 2 x week

• cardio at the gym 5 x week

• weight training 2-3 x week at gym (once I get permish . . .)

• walk/snowshoe outside ½ hour or more a day (as my sports doc allows . . .)

• volunteer at KK and at least one other event

If things go well and I am back running before the end of 2009, I hope to run

• Capilano Canyon Midsummer Run

• Sunshine in September

• Go Deep

• Pure Satisfaction

My blue sky list would include a fall marathon and the 2010 FA50, but honestly (and realistically), being able to run through the trees again before the year is out is my ultimate goal.