Well, I hopefully have the Longest Title award wrapped up.
First of all, the Big Three,
Apr 1/06 - American River 50 Mile Endurance Run, Sacramento (guess I'm going to miss the Burnaby Mountain CFA event)
July 8/06 - Knee Knacker (if I get in) or
July 29/06 White River 50 miler, WA (if I don't. I really hope I get in)
Nov/06 - Haney 2 Harrison 100K (I'm gonna need a bigger boat)
Personal stuff
A sub 4:00 marathon and I'll have two cracks at it: Penticton (May) and Portland (October) (why only sub 4:00? Well, thereby hangs a tale...)
60 days (of continuous) Bikrams Yoga Challenge (Yes, it's the hot one)
As many CFA events as I can manage and justify it as training: FA 50, Mardi Gras Night run, Mtn Highway Madness, etc.
and finally...
Put less noodles in my chicken noodle soup cooker, as it absorbs valuable sodium and use 2 cloves of garlic rather than 2 bulbs.