Sibylle's Resolutions

You may have noticed Ean likes list and checks them twice...He ran (pun intended) his New Years Resolutions by me, to give them a reality check in regards to time commitment and injury prevention (or should I say injury recovery). His list is ready to go. It's huge. It's wishful thinking...but as his supporting, loving wife I believe he can do it and promise to kick him out of bed on a rainy race morning...just so he will reach his goals for 2006.

When he ran his list by me, he implied I do the same. Problem is, I am half as organized and committed when it comes to New Years Resolutions. I am realistic about the time commitments it takes to train and the logistics involved taking a day of just for a run. Notice, I use "run" opposed to "race"...My nickname is racing here ;-)

So, taking a realistic look ahead my first running resolution comes easy, as I already announced it to the world, registered and somewhat trained (one might argue).

  • Participate and finish the Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 Run. I already lined up childcare (thank you, Linda Leigh) and running buddies. Just need to keep the partying under control the night before.
  • Do an out of town run - ok this is not measurable. Go on a road trip to do an out-of-town run. I am thinking of the North Idaho Kick Ass 25 (miles) hosted by Keith Thompson in July.
  • Capilano Night Run x2
  • Weight Training twice a week
  • be more consistent with midweek training runs, aim for 2 runs mid week of about 60min length.
  • Improve my time on the Capilano Night Run course. Ok, you need to take my word for it, as I am sweeping during the actual event, so the time improvement can happen during a training run.
  • Be aid station captain again at the Cleveland Dam aid station during the KneeKnacker.
  • Participate in a trail maintenance day