2013-07-27 Keg at the Transition Area
Report: I had always thought of doing a triathlon in honour of Mary and initially there was not a lot of support for it but enough people were interested at the last minute to make it happen so a keg was chilled to appease the strong contingent of Vancouver Hash House Harriers in attendance and the Reverse Trail Triathlon was about to become reality! The intrepid adventurers massed onto my patio for a pre-race beer and then we were off and running on one of Marys favourite trails, the Varley Trail. We looped back on the other side of Lynn Creek and weaved our way through the masses of tourists and crossed the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge then up Baden Powell to the house and the transition area (aka the carport bike storage). Some FRBs (front running bastards) who ditched the group was already on the patio aid station drinking another beer. Since nobody but the event host knew where we were going it was a picturesque and leisurely group ride out to the swim section and the lovely and warm lake was a welcome respite from our sweaty ride. Plus the keg of beer that I had hauled in was quite appreciated! Everyone had a great swim and Sybille and I were the only ones brave enough to swim the full distance of the lake and back - plus a quick cliff jump diversion for me! We then said goodbye to our beautiful lake and biked back to the house for a delicious pot luck dinner and bbq. Many thanks to my amazing parents for salad and a tasty tasty bunt cake that was vulturized within minutes of its appearance! Everybody had a fantastic time and Mary would definitely have approved of this spectacular day in the backyard with good friends!!
Photos: Photos of this evening will be posted here after the event. If you have photos please add them to the CFA Flickr group and tag with MaryLeliveldsHappyTrailRun MaryLeliveldsHappyTrailTriathlon MaryLeliveldsHappyTrailRun2013 ClubFatAssEvents ClubFatAssEvents2013. [Photos by Doug are under Club Fat Ass Reverse Triathlon] They will automatically appear in the slideshow below:
Coming Soon
Participants List:
First Name | Last Name | Run/Bike/Swim/Bike | Points |
Doug | Keir | Reverse Triathlon with loop to Suspension Bridge and Swim accross Lake | 2+2** |
Sibylle | Tinsel | Reverse Triathlon with loop to Suspension Bridge and Swim accross Lake | 2 |
Catherine | Yoell | Reverse Triathlon with loop to Suspension Bridge | 2 |
Catherine | Reverse Triathlon with loop to Suspension Bridge | n/a | |
Nick | Reverse Triathlon with loop to Suspension Bridge | n/a | |
Bill | Reverse Triathlon with loop to Suspension Bridge | n/a | |
Rob | Ruff | Reverse Triathlon with loop to Pipeline Bridge | 1 |
Ean | Jackson | Reverse Triathlon with loop to Pipeline Bridge | 2 |
Tally | Keir | Potluck | n/a |
Doug | Keir | Potluck | n/a |
Kevin and kids | Harrison | Potluck | 1 |
* garbage points
** EH Points
2012-07-28 Starter Photo - 5 Starters + injured Doug
Report: A small crowd of 2 runners, 2 hikers, 1 cyclist and 1 injured warrior assembled at the start line to commemorate our friend Mary Leliveld. The evening was pleasant for a gentle trail outing and 4 of the participants finished the loop together chatting and having a good time. Doug meanwhile guarded the house and the couch, being sidelined by a nasty calf tear.
After the run we enjoyed a yummy potluck dinner. Tally had prepared a lovely lasagne and blueberries, Sibylle brought a chick pea curry and Wendy's pumpkin pies and apple strudels rounded the meal out.
Photos: Photos of this evening will be posted here after the event. If you have photos please add them to the CFA Flickr group and tag with MaryLeliveldsHappyTrailRun MaryLeliveldsHappyTrailRun2012 ClubFatAssEvents ClubFatAssEvents2012. They will automatically appear in the slideshow below:
Participants List:
First Name | Last Name | Points |
Doug | Keir | 2+2 |
Tally | Keir | 2 |
Gord | Keir | 2 |
Ean | Jackson | 2 |
Wendy | Montgomery | 2 |
Sibylle | Tinsel | 1 |
* garbage points
** EH Points
Report: The 2011 "running" of Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails Run was a vast improvement on the meagre numbers that ventured out in 2010. About 20 participants came out to sweat out either (and in some cases both!) a hike up to Lynn Peaks to see the memorial plaque for Mary or a causal run around some of Mary's favourite trails. My brother Andrew from Ottawa happened to be in town with his family so of course what better way to tire a twelve year old (James) out than a quick jaunt up a mountain! He is a natural runner and probably could have beat us all down Lynn Peak if we had let him... Our arrival was timed perfectly as we all made it back home just before the run started at 4 - although we were forced to relax a little longer while we waited for one late straggler and his dog. The run was short and sweet (even shorter for yours truly who managed to cut his run short and blame an overheated dog for it) so we could all get back to the house to feast on all the delectable items brought for the potluck dinner. Prizes were awarded for various achievements and an incredible version of the ABC song was rewarded with a lovely water bottle. Thanks to all who came out and we'll see you next year!
The evening is also a fundraiser for Mary Leliveld's Tri BC Bursary Fund and all single day membership fees in Club Fat Ass were donated to the fund. The total donated this year, both from the single day memberships and additional cash donations was $334.00. Thanks to everybody who participated and contributed. Please remember that anybody can donate to the fund all year round. Information about the fund is posted here.
Last year (2010) we awarded three athletes with $250 each: Connor Foreman (junior), Clarke Lindt and James Cook (age groupers). 2009 was Karen Forsman as only recipient.
Photos: Photos of this evening will be posted here after the event. If you have photos please add them to the CFA Flickr group and tag with MaryLeliveldsHappyTrailRun MaryLeliveldsHappyTrailRun2011 ClubFatAssEvents ClubFatAssEvents2011. They will automatically appear in the slideshow below:
Participants List:
First Name | Last Name | Points |
Owen | Davis | 1 |
Eric | Derbez | 2 |
KC | Emerson | 2 |
Ean | Jackson | 1+1* |
Wendy | Montgomery | 2 |
Sibylle | Tinsel | 1 |
Kelly | Wilcox | 2 |
Catherine | Yoell | 2 |
Elizabeth | Purkis | 1 |
Doug | Keir | 1+2** |
Baldwin | Lee | 1+1* |
Paulq | Burns | 1 |
Gord | Keir | 1 |
Tally | Keir | 1 |
Kevin | Harrison | 1 |
Steve | Deller | 1 |
Andrew | Keir | 1 |
James | Keir | 1 |
Tim | Keir | 1 |
Tracy | Keir | 1 |
* garbage points
** EH Points
It was a beautiful weekend for a hike up to Lynn Peak. Catherine joined Doug in the trek up to the view point where a plaque commorates Mary. For the run, as small group around Doug, Kevin, Rob and Baldwin set out on the loop of Rice Lake and Varley Trail, one of Mary's favorite neighborhood runs. Kathy and Marcia couldn't attend, but did a hike in Mary's memory in the Okanagan. Sibylle and Ean are sad to have missed the run this year, but thought of Mary during their weekend in Manning Park.
The evening is also a fundraiser for Mary Leliveld's Tri BC Bursary Fund and all single day membership fees in Club Fat Ass are donated to the fund. We collected $115. Thanks to everybody who participated and contributed. Please remember that anybody can donate to the fund all year round. Information about the fund is posted here.
Photos: Photos of this evening will be posted here after the event. If you have photos please add them to the CFA Flickr group and tag with MaryLeliveldsHappyTrailRun MaryLeliveldsHappyTrailRun2010 ClubFatAssEvents ClubFatAssEvents2010. They will automatically appear in the slideshow.
Participants List:
First Name | Last Name | Points |
Catherine | Yoell | 2 |
Kevin | Harrison | 2 |
Rob | Ruff | 2 |
Doug | Keir | 2+2 |
Baldwin | Lee | 1 |
Kathy | Reesor** | 0 |
Marcia | Urdang** | 0 |
KC | Emerson *** | 0 |
Eric | Derbez *** | 0 |
* EH Points
**Marcia and Kathy did an Okanagan "Mary" hike this weekend together
*** KC and Eric couldn't join but sent their thoughts
26 July 2009 - Participants in Mary Leliveld's Happy Trial Run
More photos of this evening are posted here. If you have photos please add them to the CFA Flickr group and tag with MaryLeliveldsHappyTrailRun, MaryLeliveldsHappyTrailRun2009, ClubFatAssEvents and ClubFatAss. They will automatically appear in the slideshow.
This was the 5th year that friends and family of Mary Leliveld gathered to remember Mary. Since Mary was an extremely active person, the day is centered around activities, Mary loved and cherished.
After an intense and unusual thunderstorm the night before, the day dawned hot and humid with temeratures pushing the upper 20's. Starting out, Doug, his partner Cat, Mary's sister Yvonne and her husband Kevin (visiting to particpate from Collingwood, ON) set out to hike Lynn Peak to visit the plaque in memory of Mary. After lunch they returned and met friends of Mary for a 10km run or walk on Mary's favorite Varley Trail and around Rice Lake. The chatting started well before the run and Doug had to push us to the start line. The pace of the run was thankfully slower than in previous years - I guess we are all getting older...
While the occasion for our get together is a rather sad one - Mary died way to early - we all were happy to reconnect and reminiscence.
The evening is also a fundraiser for Mary Leliveld's Tri BC Bursary Fund and all single day membership fees in Club Fat Ass are donated to the fund. We raised a total of $320. Thanks to everybody who participated and contributed.
Please remember that anybody can donate to the fund all year round. Information about the fund is posted here.
Happy Trails,
First Name | Last Name | Points | Event |
Steve | Deller | 1 | run |
Eric | Derbez | 2 | run |
KC | Emerson | 2 | run |
Kevin | Harrison | 1 | |
Ean | Jackson | 1 | run |
JJ | Jackson | 1 | |
EJ | Jackson | 1 | run |
Doug | Keir | 4 | run and hike |
Tally | Keir | 1 | |
Gordon | Keir | 1 | walk |
Rebecca | Marshall | 2 | run |
Laura | Schmidt | 1 | run |
Sibylle | Tinsel | 2 | run |
Catherine | Yoell | 2 | walk |
Kat | 1 | hike | |
Kevin | 1 | hike | |
Janet | 1 | walk | |
Yvonne | 1 | hike | |
Dave | 1 |
Couldn't be there but sent thoughts: William Jans, Laura Hall and Kate Dilworth, Angela, Chris Mager and Tracey Kerr and others
2 August 2007 - Participants in Mary Leliveld's Happy Trial Run
More photos of this evening are posted here.
It was a run and potluck dinner in memory of our friend Mary Leliveld. The weather could not have been better. The evening was hot and dry. Perfect for a 10km friendship run (or walk) on Mary's favorite trails in the Lynn Headwaters and Rice Lake area. The chatting started well before the run and Chris and Doug, our hosts had to push us to the start line. The pace of the run was thankfully slower than is previous years - I guess we are all getting older...
While the occasion for our get together is a rather sad one - Mary died way to early - we all were happy to reconnect and reminiscence.
The evening is also a fundraiser for Mary Leliveld's Tri BC Bursary Fund and all single day membership fees in Club Fat Ass are donated by Chris and CFA to the fund. We raised a total of $324. Thanks to everybody who participated and contributed.
Please remember that anybody can donate to the fund all year round. Information about the fund is posted here.
If you would like to add your thoughts, please do so via the comment function below. I also appreciate if you can take a couple of minutes and complete a brief post event survey here.
Happy Trails,
First Name | Last Name | Points |
Elke | Bauer | 2 |
Angela | Bleach | 2 |
Owen | Davis | 2 |
Eric | Derbez | 2 |
KC | Emerson | 2 |
Catherine | Harrison | 2 |
Ean | Jackson | 2 |
JJ | Jackson | 2 |
EJ | Jackson | 2 |
Doug | Keir | 2 |
Tally | Keir | 2 |
Gordon | Keir | 2 |
Baldwin | Lee | 2 |
Chris | Mager | 3 |
Rebecca | Marshall | 2 |
Suzanne | Rushton | 2 |
Sophia | Sagur | 2 |
Lara | Spence | 2 |
Sibylle | Tinsel | 2 |
Marcia | Urdang | 2 |
What a great evening it turned out to be. I sure had a great time and from what I heard from runner feedback everyone had a great time. The run, in its second year, is put on to celebrate a fellow athlete and trail runner Mary Leliveld, who passed in 2004. Mary’s energy and passion for life inspired us all.
The run began at 7pm at Mary and Doug’s (her partner) home on Underwood in Lynn Valley. This is a participation oriented event and not for those looking for competition, so the run went by at a leisurely pace and we took several breaks on route to enjoy the views and allow everyone to re-group. I went on a test run of the course with Doug a few days earlier to confirm my bearings for the day of, but of course I required additional assistance with directions day of, and thank to Patricia we were able to stay on course. We took a run over the suspension bridge and several participants, including Owen Davis made there best efforts to scare tourists and other fellow participants while on the bridge by shaking it violently.
Luckily everyone made it off the bridge safely and we all returned to Doug’s home for an after run pot luck dinner. Thanks to everyone for the excellent food, I needed to go for a run today just to burn off the calories consumed.
Thanks to Doug for graciously allowing us to share his home with us. Thanks to Sibylle and Club Fat Ass for supporting this event and donating all day of race registration fees to Mary’s Triathlon BC Fund.
Thanks to all the runners/walkers and others who graciously donated to Mary’s fund. The total amount raised was $478, comprised of $86 single day registration fees and $392 donations.
Thanks most of all to Mary for all the great memories. I hope to see you all next year and bring a friend.
Chris Mager
Last Name | First Name | City/Town | Country | Points |
Browne | Sarah | Vancouver | Canada | 1 |
Chambers | Kristine | Vancouver | Canada | 1 |
Davis | Owen | Vancouver | Canada | 2 |
De'Ath | Jayne | North Vancouver | Canada | 2 |
Deller | Steve | Vancouver | Canada | 2 |
Emerson | KC | Vancouver | Canada | 1 |
Gonzales | Marcos | Barcelona | Spain | 1 |
Hafsteinsdottir | Berglind | Vancouver | Canada | 2 |
Harrison | Catherine | Vancouver | Canada | 2 |
Harrison | Kevin | Vancouver | Canada | 2 |
Jans | William | Vancouver | Canada | 1 |
Jensen | Patricia | North Vancouver | Canada | 1 |
Katzman | Ran | Vancouver | Canada | 2 |
Keir | Doug | North Vancouver | Canada | 2 |
Keir | Gordon | North Vancouver | Canada | 1 |
Keir | Natalie | North Vancouver | Canada | 1 |
Lee | Baldwin | Burnaby | Canada | 2 |
Mager | Chris | Vancouver | Canada | 3 |
Marshall | Rebecca | Vancouver | Canada | 2 |
Moody | Lori | North Vancouver | Cabada | 2 |
Moorman | Gary | Vancouver | Canada | 2 |
Palmer | Geoffrey | Coquitlam | Canada | 2 |
Reesor | Kathy | Vancouver | Canada | 1 |
Ruff | Rob | Vancouver | Canada | 1 |
Tinsel | Sibylle | North Vancouver | Canada | 2 |
Townsend | Owen | North Vancouver | Canada | 1 |
Urdang | Marcia | Port Moody | Canada | 1 |
Wiens | Maureen | Vancouver | Canada | 2 |
Couldn't be there but contributed: | ||||
Mills | Tom | Richmond | Canada | |
John | Litherland | Vancouver | Canada | |
Ean | Jackson | Vancouver | Canada |
We are happy to announce that we raised a total of $1,935 for Mary Leliveld's Tri BC Fund from this event.
A big "Thank You!" to everyone who participated in the run, the party or who otherwise contributed to Mary's bursary fund.
# | Name | Home Town |
1 | Baldwin Lee | Burnaby |
2 | Angela Bleach | Vancouver |
3 | Barry Bryde | Langley |
4 | Jen Capell | Vancouver |
5 | Kristine Chambers | Vancouver |
6 | Benny Cifelli | Vancouver |
7 | Owen Davis | Vancouver |
8 | Steve Deller | Vancouver |
9 | Mike Diack | North Vancouver |
10 | Holly Freeland | Richmond |
11 | Laura Hall | Vancouver |
12 | Catherine Harrison | Vancouver |
13 | Kevin Harrison | Vancouver |
14 | William Jans | Vancouver |
15 | Patricia Jensen | North Vancouver |
16 | Derrick Johnstone | North Vancouver |
17 | David Keir | North Vancouver |
18 | Gord Keir | North Vancouver |
19 | Tyler Keir | North Vancouver |
20 | Chris Mager | Vancouver |
21 | Rebecca Marshall | Vancouver |
22 | Mike Neak | Surrey |
23 | Patrick O'Connell | Vancouver |
24 | Alana O'Connell | Vancouver |
25 | Kathy Reesor | Vancouver |
26 | Rob Ruff | Surrey |
27 | Lara Spence | Vancouver |
28 | Wil Tarnasky | North Vancouver |
29 | Kevin Thomson | Bowen Island |
30 | Sibylle Tinsel | North Vancouver |
31 | Rochelle Todosichuk | Vancouver |
32 | Andrew Tuovinen | Vancouver |
33 | Marcia Urdang | Port Moody |
34 | Sonia Usmiani | Bowen Island |
35 | Cheri Van Patten | Vancouver |
36 | Doug Keir | North Vancouver |
37 | Drew | |
Crew | ||
38 | Kate Dilworth | Vancouver |
39 | Ann Tranter | North Vancouver |
Couldn't be there, but contributed | ||
40 | John Litherland | Vancouver |
41 | Tom Mills | Richmond |
42 | Stanley Grant Rogowski | Vancouver |
43 | Judith Mahoney | West Seneca, NY, USA |
44 | Ean Jackson | North Vancouver |
45 | KC Emerson | Vancouver |
46 | Cindy Paddon | Vancouver |
47 | Paul Paddon | Vancouver |
48 | Ingrid Fedoroff | Vancouver |
I wanted to begin by thanking all of the participants, volunteers and everyone who could not participate in the run but celebrated Mary’s wonderful life with us in spirit today. I was told some of Mary’s friends were running in Ontario, as well, to honor Mary, thanks for your support.
Several of Mary’s friends and her partner, Doug Keir, upon her passing decided to host an event that celebrated Mary’s life and one of her passions, running. The logical choice for the run venue was on some of Mary’s favourite trails in Lynn Canyon Park, North Vancouver. Doug generously offered to host the run out of his home, little did he know the torrential downpour that was going to see all the participants come back to his home soaked to the bone and dripping wet. Sorry about the lack of a pre-start run photo, you can blame that one on me.
The run started in a steady downpour, but all spirits were high with the chance to celebrate Mary’s life on her favourite trails. The run went well, with only a couple of minor mishaps, most notably a participant who shall go unnamed who took an unscheduled pit stop, upon completing their task they looked up only to find the group was lost to them. The concept of the run was to stay together as a group so everyone could celebrate Mary’s life the way Mary would have wanted it, a little running and a whole lot of story telling and catching up with friends.
The post run potluck lunch was a big success; there was everything from chocolate Easter eggs to Chilli, thanks to all who contributed. It was wonderful to celebrate Mary’s life and spirit in her and Doug’s home. Looking at the many pictures of Mary and Doug’s adventures that adorn their home caused each of us to pause and remember our own memories of Mary. Today was a celebration, just the way Mary would have wanted it.
I want to again thank those of you who ran today, or otherwise supported the run emotionally, or financially with your contributions to Mary’s Fund. In all $1935.00 was raised to support the Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund which helps deserving athletes attend Triathlon events. Thanks to Sibylle Tinsel and Club Fat Ass for all their hard work to put on this successful event, and for donating 100% of their usual event revenues to Mary’s fund. Thanks as well go out to John Litherland and his company, Events Online as well, who donated their usual proceeds from online registration to Mary’s fund. My sincerest gratitude for being allowed to participate in such a wonderful celebration, and most importantly thanks to Mary Leliveld who’s inspiration allowed us to come together in this celebration of her life.
Happy Trails
Chris Mager