
Post Event Survey - Mardigras Capilano Canyon Night Run

Please take a moment to share your thoughts about the Club Fat Ass event you recently participated in. Your feedback will help your Event Host to refine their event next year.

This is an anonymous, confidential survey (as long as you are not logged in to the website) so please feel free to offer constructive criticism about any aspect of the event in the comment box.

Extremely UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedSatisfiedExtremely SatisfiedN/A
Date (day of week, time of year, conflicts with other events)
Time (start time)
Start area (location, parking, washrooms, shelter)
Finish area (location, parking, washrooms, shelter)
The course itself (terrain, difficulty)
The course description (accuracy, complexity, measurement)
Level of competition (too little, too much)
Post-event activities
Results (were they accurate, distributed promptly)
Event website (was it easy to find information, complete)
Overall event (value, challenge, course, atmosphere)
Because of pool renovations the pool party was canceled this year. Some of you expressed that you enjoyed the changed format, with the party starting earlier. The downsize was, that you could shower/warm up after the run. In the future, would you prefer to keep this format or would you rather drive to the pool before the party?
select all applicable
Please type answer in space provided above. Remember this survey is anonymous. If you would like a personal response to your feedback you can either add your email address here or contact us via the contact form on the website.
This survey is anonymous as long as you are not logged in. If you would like a personal response, please insert your email address.